Skimo Co

Backcountry Ski Books, Guides & Maps

We all stand on the shoulders of those before us. Learn from pioneers and experienced travelers so you avoid costly mistakes and maximize your enjoyment. This is our growing library of books and maps related to backcountry skiing and ski mountaineering.

Molly Absolon has done just about everything that's cool in life. She’s one of those people you aspire to be when you grow up. Luckily for us, she wasn’t just enjoying the outdoors for herself: she is an avid environmental educator, a retired NOLS instructor, and author. Basic Illustrated Alpine Ski Touring covers all the ski touring basics and can be an excellent refresher for vet..
Climbing and Skiing Colorado’s Mountains is a detailed guide book about Colorado written by native Ben Conners and transplant Brian Miller. The impressively detailed list highlights 50 of Colorado’s legendary ski descents. It also includes info on suggested gear, detailed pictures, local beta, and topographical maps throughout the book. Whether you are from Colorado or from a diffe..
It's no surprise that when Christopher Van Tilburg, MD, decided to write a book about skiing in his home state he went above and beyond to create his finest work yet. With 95 highly detailed, skied (and boarded, if you're into that), and researched routes extending throughout Oregon, Southern Washington, and Northern California, this book is sure to give you enough terrain options ..
The complete guide to the construction, placement, and anatomy of a climbing anchor. Loaded with pictures and diagrams of good examples, bad examples, neat tricks, and all sorts of info to make you an expert on climbing anchors. Just add experience! Update 2019/20: 2nd Edition - Terminology distinction between "anchor" and "placement" or "piece" - Comparision Lists - C..
Written by Mark Houston and Kathy Cosley, both of which are UIAGM/IFMGA licensed guides, this book covers everything from the basic alpine environment to proper hazard assessment tools. Learn more about how to make educated decisions and operate safely in the mountains...
Don't head to the glacier without it. The Crevasse Rescue Pocket Guide is something all climbers, hikers, mountaineers, mountain goats, skiers, and anyone that travels on snow should have memorized...

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