Take twenty seconds to put a coat of Contour Liquid Wax on one skin and feel the difference compared to the untreated skin. The easiest and most effective way to add glide to your skins while preventing icing. Squeeze some liquid wax through the applicator sponge while rubbing it with the grain. The special formula impregnates the skin fibers, coating them with glide-y goodness. Scarcely affects the climb-ability. Made by Contour so you know it’s mohair friendly. 100 milliliters (3.4 fl oz).
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Questions & Reviews
Hello is this Bio or much toxic?
Hi Tom. We are out of this for the season and I'm having a hard time finding an ingredients list. However, if you are looking for an eco-friendly skin wax check out the mountainFLOW Eco Skin Wax found here.
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What is the difference between the contour mohair spray and liquid skin wax? how should i be choosing between the two?
Thanks for reaching out, Chris. In our experience, the Mohair spray helps to alleviate icing issues but only subtly helps with glide. The Liquid wax also prevents icing and has a more noticeable increase in glide. If you just need to prevent icing, go with the Mohair spray. If you want to prevent icing and increase glide, go with the liquid wax.
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Is this wax fluorinated? Thanks.
David, This is a skin wax and is a waterproof treatment. Not a fluorinated ski wax.
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