The Tecnica Zero G Tour Pro could easily be overlooked due to its typical ski-boot-like appearance. It sports a four-buckle overlap design, rockered Vibram rubber sole, and ski/walk mechanism on the spine. Just a checklist beef boot with nothing to see here, right?
Wrong! The Tour Pro is elegantly simple and refined to such a degree that this boot will become the elusive one-boot quiver for many aggressive backcountry skiers. Four supportive buckles, one Light Lock Power Strap, and a Double Blocking ski/walk latch provide a true 130 flex. A 55-degree range of motion and relatively free cuff movement give it walkability to rival lighter boots. Tecnica also managed to get the weight of the Zero G Tour Pro so low that we don’t know whether to categorize this as a Beef Boot or a Touring Boot.
Tecnica didn’t set out to change the touring game with gimmickry, but the Zero G Tour Pro has been masterfully refined to a higher level.
Extra-light magnesium buckles keep it locked down without weight penalty.
Grilamid shell with a carbon cuff delivers uncompromising ski performance.
Double Blocking ski/walk latch means no play in your mech.
Vibram sole offers secure footing when boot packing and scrambling.
Dynafit-certified inserts provide confident tech-binding operation.
Update 2020/21: Zero G Pro Tour boot received a color change with the same great design in an eye-catching black and red shell.
Update 2022/23: Along with a graphics update and a cam lock on the power strap, the liner has been upgraded with better ankle articulation and denser CAS material in the heel which offers improved hold for longer. This added 42 grams to the final product which was previously 1374g.
I'll start off by saying I really love this boot. This is my beefier touring boot with the F1 XT as my lighter option. It fills the space between the F1 XTs and an alpine boot really well. Compared to an alpine boot, the cuff feels a bit shorter and thus softer, but that works well for the softer conditions I normally ski them. The range of motion, especially forward, isn't near as much as the kilo boots. With that in mind, I pair it with a binding that has some good riser options, not just a race flap. Aside from that, transitions are 4 steps each boot if using the power strap, which I do. That sounds like a lot but happens plenty fast for a non-race boot. This model is slightly narrower in the forefoot and shorter over the instep area than the new ones. If that's you, don't hesitate. These are amazing boots for prioritizing the downhill while still getting in a ton of vert.
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I couldn't get enough forward lean on these boots. I added the Hoji spoiler and it is perfect! My boot guy used a rivet.
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i have plum binding which requier 3mm space between the boot and the pins. I need this boot in size 313 and my maximum range on a plate is 313 :D do you think I can live with that or i need to redrill the binding. My skis are blizzard zero-g 95.
Robert- Plum bindings all use a gap of 4mm for proper release and use. If you will be at 3mm at the end of the track for 313mm boot sole length then you will need to remount the binding.
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Do you know if the forward lean has been changed on this boot compared to previous version?
This has been my backcountry boot for two seasons. It’s a nice boot but I’m not sure I would go this heavy in a touring boot again. These weigh over 1500g in 28.5. For the type of skiing I do in the backcountry it’s just not necessary.
The boot doesn’t fit my foot very well. My foot is 273x106 and I went with 28.5. It required punching for width and they're a bit too long even for touring. Other 99 last boots don’t feel so narrow to me (my resort boots are Hawx Ultra 130 S in 27.5 and fit great).
I’ve had some minor durability issues. The springs on the lower buckles have broken and flop around when open. The zeppas have a tendency to slide around in the shell and one has cracked.
I removed the power straps (40g each) and the toe buckles (30g each). The power straps are easy to drill out and I don’t miss them at all. I regret removing the toe buckles though. They are very difficult to remove. The rivets are sturdy and the shell plastic is very soft. I ended up with four jagged 10mm holes in my shells. In retrospect I’d rather have the marginally useful extra 30 grams.
I’m still using the stock liner and it has held up well but I’m starting to look for a replacement.
Not a high-volume version specifically, in the sense of making a LV and HV version of the same boot. However, the new version of the Zero G Pro Tour which is coming out next year, does fit a bit higher volume than the current one. It is still not a super wide boot, but it gains some room over the instep and a little width.
I'm currently in a Scarpa F1 from 2019, size 25.5. I need an upgrade and I hear good things about this boot -- what size would you recommend for these? 25.5 or 26.5? Also, I've typically tended to Scarpas as other brands seemed too tight for my forefoot/toes. Typically my pinky gets squished. To these run as wide as Scarpas?
Philippe, The ZG Pro Tour are a good step up in skiing performance from your F1. Width wise, they are narrower, but can be punched out. Sizing, you can fill out our boot fitter and include your exact foot length, and we can help. If your Scarpa fit good for length, the Maestrale could be a good upgrade too.
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Hi, I am in this boot, pretty happy but also worn out from inbounds skiing. So replacement is due. I need quite a bit of padding (between liner and cuff) to make the cuff tilt work for my bow legged limbs. Is there something else in the downhill performance class that has the cuffs tilted a bit more outward? thanks Dan
Hi Dan! Glad to hear you've been enjoying the boot. Unfortunately there are not many touring boots that have cant or allow for it due to the mechanics of the cuffs. As you found, there are a few strategies to do so however. Send us an email at to further discuss boot options and ideas to find the best fit. Thanks!
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Question from
Matt Wills
The main cuff rivets on my pair of Zero G have developed a ton of play. Unfortunately it looks like these are not serviceable (part of the weight savings I guess). Is this is a known issue with these boots?
Hi Matt! Sorry to hear about the boot struggles. This is not a widespread issue with this boot. Send us an email at and we can further discuss. Thanks!
Answer from
Bruce A
Hmm - my boots developed lots of play after about 25 days. Tecnica warrantied, and sent new rivets, but no one seems to have a suitable press. Everything I read on various forums is that this IS a widespread issue. Supposedly the plastic gets ovalized. Until I drill out the rivets this summer, I won't know for sure. Might go with screw pivots from Mach1 if they fit.
Jacob, The toe of any boot does not lend itself for punching. 2 to 3mm is about the best you can hope for. Plastic tends to want to go back to its original shape. So if you get more, it will probably go back some. Also, it is the type of punch most likely to break the shell, so caution is necessary.
Answer from
Bruce A
I punched the big toe on one of mine about 3mm. Stayed put. Grilamid is very easy to punch.
I bought these this year after learning that Scarpa Gea RS boots aren’t the best fit for lower volume feet. I did one tour with the stock liners and had some issues so I threw in a pair of Intuition ProTour MV liners with a footbed for my arch and have not had any issues with comfort since. Living in the PNW without a sled my walks tend to be quite long and while there are boots that are lighter and walk better I have been able to easily walk upwards of 14 miles in a day with these. They ski downhill very well and I feel confident in variable snow. The buckles are a bit finicky but have become more intuitive the more I use them. I have camped with them a couple of times and while they’re not the easiest boots to slip into they’re really not too bad at all.
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Jkagan (used product regularly)
I have a low volume flat foot and these fit incredibly feel, almost perfect out of the box. They ski very well - stiff enough for big lines with high confidence. The walk mode is as expected for a beef boot - very good although less flex than lighter, looser boots without the four buckles.
I drank the kool-aid and got a pair, but these weren't it for me. Relatively hard to get on, quite upright (even in the forward position), the ski/walk lever sticks out a ton, and the walk mode has a surprising amount of resistance -- I'd even go so far as to say they're one of the worst walking beef-touring boots
They can be made very stiff, though, and can ski any ski.
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Qun Gu
My foot shape is thin, moderately wide (fit 100 last boots snugly and comfortably), but has moderately high instep. I've tried one pair of this boot. The instep area got pressed uncomfortably without buckled up but felt slight better in the skiing posture. I want to ask how workable/adjustable of the instep area of these boots. My current main boots are a pair of 2016 Tecnica Cochise 90 with 100mm last. The instep was a bit too low for me initially. A boot fitter solved in instep problem for me. But, the 2016 Cochise had 100mm last instead of the 99 last today.
Hey Qun Gu, in general, there's not all that much we can do in order to make more room vertically in most boots. We can heat mold the liners and get some initial height in the boot, or with the Zero G Tour Pro boot in particular grind down the boot board some. Another boot you could check out that has a fair amount more height for your instep would be the Lange XT3 Tour Pro boot , which still walks, and skis very similar.
Answer from
Qun G
I have a pair of AllTrack Pro 120 LT GW Alpine Touring Ski Boot 2020, which is of similar weight of the Lange XT3 Tour. I have no instep pressure problem at all with the AllTrack Pro. My only grip is that I got a bit more room above my feet in the fore foot area than I like.
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Were there any changes to the shell design from '22 to the '23? The '22s fit my feet right out of the box, no adjustments necessary, but the '23s, (had to buy a new pair after they were stolen), are murdering me. I'm trying to figure out if just replacing the liner with the old stock version would solve my issues or if they'll need to be punched.
Hi Erik, It'd depend to some degree on how you'd like the boot to fit (comfort vs. performance). To get into the details fill out our Boot Fitter and we can further discuss the fits. Thanks!
I was curious about the fit of this boot. I ski the Cochise 130 in a 26.5 with minimal work. Toes are lightly pressed against the front unless shins are touching the front. That said, if I was to do longer tours in the Cochise, I would likely need to punch the forefoot. Does the Zero G Tour Pro fit similarly to the Cochise? What are your thoughts on sizing? I was thinking 27.5. Thanks for your time! Pete
Hi Peter! In general, the fit is fairly similar between the two boots, favoring lower-volume feet. To dive into the details fill out our Boot Fitter and we can further discuss the fits. Thanks!
I agree with much of these reviews, and resonated with Weavin's. I have both the old yeller version of this boot and the TLT6s too. I did get some great tips on getting into them, especially when fitted with a much more supportive and warmer aftermarket inner from master boot fitter Marc Stewart at Windham (ZipFit GF Tour). Even on cold days those tips help address the challenge of getting in/out of this style of overlap boot. I only loosen the top buckles, and if I'm doing a single lap day, they start out this way. No instep loosening required, so no less fiddly than the TLT5 and TLT6, especially if you include the hassle of pulling the plastic tongue in/out (I tend to leave it in, or leave it behind, with expected results). The Technica is a very simple, surefire boot. I have pushed it out a bit at my wide, flat forefoot, with some room needed for tailor bunion but this is a standard type of mod. I noticed my guide in Jackson Adam Fabriakant of Exum gets a new pair of these about every 9-12 months, due to heavy use, and he would know...
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Question from
Cpn Stokes
Do these boots allow for cant adjustment? I see the discs at the pivot point on the ankle where you normally make cant adjustment but it looks too shallow to accept an allen wrench. ?
Mine came with a small item I think is intended to be placed between the top of the inner boot with Velcro and the outer boot. I assumed this was to provide more forward cant but have never used them.
Merry Christmas, thomc! Indeed, that piece does help adjust the forward lean which can be important for some folks. I interpreted Cpn's question to mean left/right cant which is a somewhat common adjustment on alpine boots but not touring, sadly.
Hey Erik, you'd have to drill out the rivets that hold the strap on, which shouldn't be too bad. When reinstalling the desired powerstrap, using Chicago Rivets would be an easy solution. If you have more specific questions regarding this, please feel free to reach out to!
Answer from
Dan M
Mine slip to the point of uselessness as well. Seems like you could just buy these and use the existing strap?
Answer from
Arthur D
On this theme, has anyone figured out a good way from keeping the entire power strap from slipping up and off the cuff? Seems like some sort of guide or hook or notch could or should be riveted on?