About Skimo Co
As our name suggests, ski mountaineering is both our passion and our occupation. Like many skiers, we’ve found there’s a better way to slide on snow than coughing up the cash for an inbounds lift ticket, only to miss the challenge and subsequent joy of forging your own way through the mountains. As committed backcountry skiers, our team has made a home in the Wasatch Range amid a lively ski touring and ski mountaineering scene. We value the community as much as the terrain. We rise before dawn to adventure together before work, and we spend our free time doing what we love best-- exploring the mountains of the West, and far beyond.
When we’re out, we’re doing much more than gliding up the skin track and savoring our turns. We’re testing, tinkering, experimenting, and discussing the gear we’re putting to use. It’s the gear we stock in our shop, so of course we have to make sure it's up to par. Nearly every day, all winter and spring, we pursue the art and science of choosing and using the best gear out there. Even if it means that we stock just one tiny part from a one-man manufacturer, or if we are the sole U.S. importer for a European brand, we do what it takes to carry the gear that will serve you best.
Back in the shop, we put our knowledge to good use, chatting in person and online with anyone looking to share questions, select a setup, or swap stories. We sell gear we personally put our faith in, and specialize in mounting tech bindings and fitting alpine touring boots. In fact, we’ve been internationally recognized as a Dynafit Competence Center and a Plum Center. It’s a true feather in our caps and we’re proud to share our knowledge and service with everyone who comes our way.
So stop on in, whether you’re a neighbor or a like-minded soul visiting us online. We might sell you on the latest lightweight gear, or maybe we’ll just swap stories or recommend a new zone to check out. Whether you’re a customer or are just passing through, if you love earning your own turns and exploring the mountains, we know we can call you friend. From our crew to yours, happy skiing!!

Skimo Co - Retail Store
2477 Ft Union Blvd
Salt Lake City, UT 84121
(801) 942-9084
Map Hours