Skimo Co

9/25/2024 Subscriptions for the Backcountry

Whether replenishing race skins worn out from a season of hard racing, guaranteeing a supply of wax in the perpetual battle against friction, or ensuring you're adequately supplied with your favorite energy gels & hydration, some items require frequent buying to ensure you are sufficiently supplied and able to perform your best. With this in mind, we are pleased to introduce Skimo Co. subscriptions, which allow you to save time, effort, and, of course, money on items you constantly need n+1.

To subscribe, simply click the "subscribe" link under eligible items. In this window, you can choose the quantity of product and frequency at which you'd like to receive it. Then, add it to the cart, and enjoy being adequately stocked on your needed items while saving money. Rest assured, if the item(s) you selected goes on sale, the sale price will be automatically applied if it is lower, ensuring you get the best price possible. Please note sale and subscription discounts cannot be combined.

When you no longer need a specific item, need to change the frequency, or want to change an item entirely, managing your subscription is easy and intuitive, and it can be done via your account. Because no one enjoys unexpected surprises, we will send out an email reminder a week before the date your subscribed item is set to ship, allowing you to easily cancel or modify it if necessary.

If you don't see the subscription feature on a product you'd like or have any questions about subscriptions, please let us know!


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