Skimo Co
Carlos G

Carlos G




6' 2"


190 lbs

Shoe Size

US 12.00

Skier Type

Type III+ - Expert

Ski Frequency:

25 - 50 days / year


My Skiing

Having fun all around skinning in the resort and out of bounds as well as an occasional race. I would love to race the Grand Traverse and eventually try to finish the Pierra Mienta and other European Grand Courses.

My Gear

Movement Race Pro 85 177 cm (ATK Haute Route)
Fischer Transalp Race 161 (ATK Trofeo with brake)
Scarpa Alien 1.0
Scarpa F1 Lt

Recent Posts

While these skis were enjoyable to use, their aeroshape construction resulted in a significant weakness in the tail. Unfortunately, the ski broke after a typical fall on a groomed run when the tail caught an edge. Despite being under warranty, Fischer denied my claim, offering only a 50% discount on a replacement. The eluded to "incidental damage caused by use" which I find completely unacceptable. These skis are specifically marketed for ski mountaineering, an activity that inherently carries a higher ris...

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