The Slot Couloir is the classic line for Washington locals. It's accessible enough for a dawn patrol (or dusk patrol) and has plenty more options nearby for full day couloir hunting. Called the ‘Slot’ because of its position amongst steep cliff walls, the couloir is a great entry into the realm of ski mountaineering. The line tops out at just over 40 degrees on the initial entrance into the couloir, but quickly eases up in pitch after you drop in. The line is just over 1,200’ in length, a true gem considering it’s so quick to access!
The Slot faces north/northwest and stays well sheltered from the sun. The top of the Slot can be quite exposed to the winds coming out of the N/NW, so the entrance can sometimes become wind buffed. Once you are past the entrance, though, the snow often stays well protected.
The Slot has big mountain feel, even though you're only a few hours from the parking lot. The Slot can get crowded on weekends because of its popularity, so either aim for a weekday or get there early! There are some great couloirs nearby to link up with, such as the Snot, Crooked, and Circus.
You can lap the Slot by returning up from Thunder Creek basin and booting back up to the top of Snoqualmie Mountain, or simply grab some hot laps of pow in Thunder Creek itself. The upper slopes of Thunder Creek can be avalanche prone and develop cornices, so keep your eyes open.
Park at the Alpental Parking Lot, but be aware of their parking policies. They have been changing recently to require you to either be a parking pass holder or park in specific lots. Begin skiining on the on the climber's left hand side of the Phantom slide path. You will start in a meadow and begin climbing up and to climber's left of Alpental Falls. Climb through the trees, switching back and forth, but remain on climber's left of the slide path. There are a few sections where the skin track may get steep and icy, especially later in the day after numerous other skiers have been through. Aim for the col at 5,800' at the top of Thunder Creek Basin. From this point climb NE along the ridgeline up towards the summit of Snoqualmie Mountain. The entrance to the slot is just before the summit. You will notice it as the low point beneath the summit. The entrance lies at approximately 6,150'.
The crux of the Slot Couloir is the entrance. Early in the season, the entrance ramp can be steep and icy. It starts out around 45 degrees, but quickly mellows out once the couloir doglegs to skier's left. Once you dogleg to skier's left, the couloir opens up more and mellows out in pitch. Enjoy the amazing position and steep rock faces above you, as you ski down towards Thunder Creek Basin.
The key with Slot Couloir is getting it early in the day. Many locals have learned about the Slot, so it's no secret anymore. Plan on weekdays or get there early on a weekend. There are so many other amazing couloirs on Snoqualmie Mountain to link up with the Slot as well! Make a full day of the area and take some laps on nearby lines.