Skimo Co

Pomoca Protective Sheet

No Longer Available

If you don't like peeling apart climbing skins that are stuck glue to glue, get a length of sheathing from Pomoca. The Protective Sheet has a three dimensional pattern that makes peeling skins a piece of cake. The sheet is 135mm wide and can be used double sided. Pomoca recommends using the sheathing for long term storage, e.g. over the summer, to preserve your glue.

Also known as "keeper" or "cheat" sheets, the protective backing is sold per meter. For a pair of skins you'll need 2 meters for double-sided storage or 4 meters for single-sided. Works with any brand of skins.

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$189.95 From $159.95

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Model: Per Meter UPC: 4030871078972

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