1/25/2021 Write Reviews, Earn Store Credit
Do you find product reviews helpful? We sure do, and many of our customers would agree as well! There’s just one problem - most folks don’t take the time to write a nice, detailed review since it does them little good after their purchase.
The reviews you do see are from benevolent souls who wish to assist others by sharing their opinion and experiences. While that’s surely admirable, we like to encourage the rest of our customers to jot down their thoughts for all to see. Let’s be honest, you’re probably already chatting about your awesome new skis on the skintrack!
So to grease the wheels, we offer store credit for your valuable time! It helps us, it helps other skiers, and in the end, we hope it will help you.
Simply write a review and you will earn $2 in store credit (deposited weekly). If the review is for a ski or a boot, you'll see $4 appear instead. In other words, reviewing your set up from the knees down (skis, boots, bindings, skins, sock, and poles) can earn you a free Skimo Neck Gaiter. There’s no such thing as too many buffs!
As you can probably guess, you'll need an account to have the credit deposited, so make sure to register before clocking in. We also suggest you fill out your skier profile, so you don't have to repeat yourself by listing your foot size and accomplishments with every review of skin wax.
That leaves us with one last major caveat: we reserve the right to delete your reviews if we suspect they are anything less than genuine. If you are thinking of buying a new pair of Movement Alps Tracks skis by generically reviewing 500 different products, rest assured we'll notice. But if you leave 500 high quality, in-depth reviews, well, we hope you’ll review your new skis too.
There you have it. It's not enough to make a living for sure, but we think it's a nice gesture to thank you for your efforts that benefit others. We also hope it’s enough to incent people to help you out as well. Whether you hate it, love it, broke it, or just can’t live without it - we want to hear about it!
Happy reviewing!
This article was originally published on 9/2/2013 and was last updated on 1/25/2021.Comments

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