Skimo Co

Showing results for "wailer"

DPS Pagoda Tour 100 Ski
DPS's ventures into the far ends of the randonnee galaxy began when founder Stephan Drake found himself chasing winter in the Chilean mountains, looking for a ski that would perform as well on re-frozen Portillo crud as it shredded in the Colorado blower that he knew from his college days. It wasn't long before Drake and co. were churning out uber-wide, uber-rockered, uber-playful ..
$1694.95 $1179.95
DPS Pagoda Tour 112 Ski
Behold, the DPS empire has moved to the Far East with the Pagoda line, but the banana shapes of their previous Jamaican-reggae skis have stuck around for the trip. Longtime Skimo Co shoppers will remember our remarks on the last iteration of the Wailer 112: "the rockered profile perfectly integrated with the buttery sidecut makes skiing too easy," we concluded. "As such, we don't r..
$1694.95 $1239.96
DPS Pagoda Tour 106 Ski
If you find yourself skinning up the approach to a popular powder-lapping spot with the hopes of scoring a few pre-dawn turns before the masses track things out, you'd be forgiven for thinking that the folks you pass in the skintrack were on their way to a day of heli-served runs at Thompson Pass, or riding lifts at Niseko. Uber-wide, rockered powder ski designs have taken over the..
$1694.95 $1279.95

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