Tracking the Wild Coomba
The life of Doug Coombs, the legendary steep-skiing pioneer, is told through the eyes of Robert Cocuzzo in this epic biography. Complete with words like fall line, beacon, Napoleon complex, and a breakdown of avalanche science, this book is sure to intrigue anyone interested in learning about the life of one of the greats.
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Questions & Reviews
I was gifted this book in my in early 20's and read it cover-to-cover numerous times. Robert Cocuzzo knocks it out of the park interviewing the people that were closest to Coombs giving readers an intimate and beautifully vulnerable look at the life of a skiing legend. Solid read, this would make a great stocking stuffer for the holidays.
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Great read! Growing up the frozen waterfall poster of Coombs was in my local gear shop and I always thought he was so cool. Fast forward to spending time in the Tetons and learning to backcountry ski it was a treat to pick up this quick read to learn more about Doug Coombs. Definitely worth picking up a copy to learn more about an amazing skier!
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