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Skimo Co

ARVA Neo+ Avalanche Beacon


The ARVA Neo beacon has been the Gold Standard for us at Skimo Co. In our independent testing, it performed the best in terms of range and accuracy when it was introduced. ARVA designers could have easily rested on their laurels as the Neo is still a top performer. However, when the lives of real people are at stake, the French are not satisfied with “good enough.”

Incorporating new technological advancements, ARVA has evolved their star-beacon into the Neo+. The Plus has an even longer listed search-strip of 70+ meters, which ARVA measures conservatively relative to other brands. To ensure rescuer-safety the Neo+ has a motion sensor that switches the beacon back to SEND mode if the wearer stops moving. This means that you can be found if the hang-fire above suddenly slides on you while digging.

ARVA also took the opportunity to improve the ergonomics of the original Neo. A new harness allows the beacon to be carried in search mode, providing a safer means of handling once you have located the victim. This feature aids in keeping the beacon close to the user’s body in the event of a secondary slide. ARVA did away with the “lock and key” style on/off switch, and instead went to a fixed-switch that is permanently attached to the beacon.

The original Neo beacon was a great example of “simplicity is safety” when it comes to avalanche beacons. The Neo+ improves upon the original model while maintaining the simplicity that makes it so effective. With a spec sheet like this, you are sure to find this beacon in use by smart backcountry users for seasons to come.

  • Digital processor and 3 antennas provide 70+ meters of search strip ability.
  • Group-check function lets you quickly see that all beacons in your group are functioning.
  • Interference-management technology aids accurate searching by minimizing the effects of other electronics.
  • Motion sensor flips back to send-mode if you become still.
  • U-turn alarm keeps searches heading in the right direction.
  • Multi-burial flagging works simply and effectively.
  • Still the largest range and most accurate approaches.
  • Includes chest harness (135g) and 3 alkaline AAA batteries (35g).

Update 2020/21: The Neo+ was replaced with the Neo Pro.

convert to ounces
250g w/ 3 AAA batteries
Antennas 3 digital
Transmit Range 70m
Search Range 70m
Number of Victims 4+
Battery Life 250 hours transmit, 40 hours search
Specs Verified Yes
Skimo Co Says
Usage Saving Lives
Notes Secure, confidence-inspiring send/search switch
Bottom Line Easy to use and phenomenal search range
Compare to other Beacons

Questions & Reviews

Centerfold (used product regularly)
I haven't been a fan of this beacon. On one hand, I love the distance it can reach. But after much use, I still can't figure out how much battery life I have. Design should be simple to use. And users tend to blame themselves but in my mind, if I can't figure it out then it is a design flaw. The holster doesn't sit well after so much fiddling. It improved a lot once I started putting it in my pocket (clipped in of course). Also quite a bit bulkier than other products available.
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