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Skimo Co

Pomoca Cutting Patterns

$64.95 From $39.95

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Pre-schoolers tend to possess better arts and crafts skills than the average adult and would make light work of cutting a perfectly rounded tip or tail on a climbing skin. Unfortunately for most of us, we don’t always have a state-of-the-art pre-schooler available to do our arts and crafts which is why Pomoca is offering cutting patterns for climbing skins. Seeking those perfectly contoured edges that glide well, don’t peel back, and prevent snow buildup? Center the pattern on the climbing skin, trace around it with a sharpie, and voila, you have a perfect line to follow. The Pomoca Cutting Pattern is the easiest way to build beautiful skins. Works on both tips and tails. Race and touring patterns available.

  • Several width options are printed on the pattern, which allows precise centering.
  • Instead of eyeballing it, use the included rivet marker for accurate rivet placement.
  • Multifit touring kit includes patterns for Click Lock tips, Fat Lock tips, and tail straps.
  • Must be 18 or older to operate, if you are any younger then you likely don’t need it.

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