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Joseph S

Joseph S







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Jonny come lately on this post... I have the Radical Pro and Hoji free and tour boots. I create a foam donut that's thicker on one side than the other, and leaves a little padding in the center that fits perfectly in the indented circle where those nasty protruding cuff hinges are so the metal has a buffer. I carefully remove the patch covering the cuff bolt, then place the foam donut on the removed patch. Then place the patch back on with the thicker part of the padding tword the heel side and it works pre...
I bought a pair of the Rad Pros from SkiMo and have had them out 10 times getting the boot fit right. They ski well and easily handle the tough conditions and lift ski alright too. Compared to my Hoji Free boots they are a tad more upright, less forward lean, but seem to ski nearly as stiff. I had to adjust my skiing a bit for slower tip response time, but they rip! I got them for my wider foot, I’m a tweener, with neuromas so I had to modify the boot, add a board to take up slack. The one real disappoin...
Agreed with the above. I’m 6’4 210# Aggressive skiing old man. I was able to easily power 186cm 124 waist Volkl BMT with Kingpins yesterday in boot deep PNW soft snow, I had my doubts but the shined. Best worst snow I’ve skied in years! I’ve skied them on my 88 waist skis as well. They are not Downhill boots, but the do the job.
Thanks for the insight Gabriel, Luckily I have a degree in inexact science!
Thanks so much Teddy. Yep the Chicago rivets are the way to go! I can always get the longer version and grind them to customize the fit. But, It looks like it will be over a 1/4 inch for sure. So if the 1/4 inch shows some thread is that ok?

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