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Skimo Co

Dynafit Tongues & Spoilers

From $19.95

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Tongues and spoilers-- there's a joke in there somewhere, but we're going to do the mature thing and hold off on making it. New tongues for your old boots, or just replace the ones that fell out of your pack. All are sold in pairs.

Hoji Spoiler Set - Sized set of replacement spoilers for Hoji boots. May come in black or grey.

TLT6 Hard Tongue - Stiff tongues to beef up your TLT6 boots. Sized per shell size. 23.5 size is green not black but otherwise the same.

TLT6 Spoiler Set - The rear spoiler that houses the forward lean chip in the cuff of your TLT6. Every two shell sizes of the TLT6 share a spoiler.

Neo Spoiler Set - A set of spoilers for your Dynafit Neo, One or Vulcan boots. Two shell sizes per spoiler size, with the max size listed.

Vulcan MS Tongues - A set of tongues for your Dynafit Vulcans. One size per shell.

Vulcan/Mercury Spoiler Set - Sized set of replacement spoilers for Vulcan and Mercury boots. Does not include metal window.

TLT8 Spoiler Set - The rear spoiler that locks the ski/walk latch in ski mode. Make sure you get the appropriate size for your boot.

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Questions & Reviews

Question from Johannes
Is there a spoiler set for the Hoji Pro Tour 20/21 model. How much is the increase in forward lean? thanks
Answer from Jeff
Johannes, these are not that kind of spoiler.
This is what you are looking for Hoji
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Question from Sam Wagner
Hey, yall. I am looking for tongues for a 27.5 Vulcan MS. Will you have those in stock soon? Thanks!
Answer from Gabriel I
Hi Sam, unfortunately tongues for the Neo/Vulcan aren't available anymore. What we've got in stock currently is the last of them.
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Question from Joseph S
Thanks so much Teddy. Yep the Chicago rivets are the way to go! I can always get the longer version and grind them to customize the fit. But, It looks like it will be over a 1/4 inch for sure. So if the 1/4 inch shows some thread is that ok?
Answer from Gabriel I
Hi Joseph, some thread should be okay. The rivet top does not need to be fully screwed into the bottom piece, but I'd ensure there's a healthy portion of thread engaged -- at least half, though it's an inexact science.
Answer from Joseph S
Thanks for the insight Gabriel,
Luckily I have a degree in inexact science!
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Question from Joseph S
I'm replacing the Dynafit Hoji 130 tongue part. How is the tongue attached? Is there a screw insert or is it done with some heavy duty rivet press? If the it's the latter, I may have to get creative, again...
Answer from Teddy Young
Hey Joseph, the Dynafit logo you see at the tongue hinge point is actually the head of a large rivet, which is at the bottom of the Hoji Free 130 Tongue Set product image on this page. You'd need a heavy duty rivet press to install that rivet, but you may be able to use Chicago Rivets or t-nuts from the hardware store.

We haven't tested what length/diameter hardware would be best, and the aesthetic would be a bit more industrial, but you might get away with not using a rivet press!
Answer from Bent Martin D
Do you know of any instructions on how to do this?

It seems very hard to get access inside the shoe.
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Question from Chris
I have Hoji Free 130 boots size 28.5. I cracked the tongue and spoiler. Looks straightforward to get new tongues here, but spoilers come in either 25-26.5 or 29-30.5. Which is appropriate for a 28 boot?
Answer from jbo
Hi Chris, we should have the 27-28.5 back in stock soon.
Answer from Chris P
Is there any chance I can make the 29 work? I work in my ski boots I need to fix them ASAP.
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Question from John W
Hi Skimo Co,
I have old TLT6-p boots that I'm keeping alive. Will the TLT8 spoiler fit the TLT6 boot? The TLT6/Speed Fit spoilers seem to no longer exist.

Answer from Jeff
John, I compared the two spoilers, very similar. Overall width is a bit different. The spine at the base is wider, and I could not determine if that would be an issue where it fits into the cuff. And the metal slot is not included, you will need that off your old boot.
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Question from Rich B
Hi, like others, I'm after some replacement tongues for a pair of dynafit tlt6's. It looks like the only option these days is to adapt atomic backland tongues which it sounds like you've done in the past. I found somewhere that I can get hold of some but the only thing I wanted to check was whether the sizing was comparable i.e. for a pair of 29.0 dynafits would I need the 28-29 atomic tongues? Any ideas?? Thanks!
Answer from Brett S
Thanks for reaching out, Rich. You're correct, the size of the backland tongue will roughly correspond to the size of the boot you have.
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Question from Katy Dartford
hi im looking for tongues for dynafit TLT5 - do you have any?
Answer from Brett S
Thanks for reaching out, Katy. At the moment, it does not appear that we do.
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Question from Edin

I have dynafit tlt6 27,0 297 mm.

In conversation I realised that some other tongues fit with modifications?

Is there any chance I can order those atomic backland tongues?

Thanks in advance
Answer from Brett S
Edin-In theory you could get other tongues to work with some modifications. We are currently out of stock on the Atomic Tongues. We may get some more next season.
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Question from Janja
Will TLT6 tongues (both hard and soft) be available in the future? (size 25.5) ?
Answer from Jeremy L
Janja, thanks for the question. Unfortunately, those are no longer available. We do have Atomic Backland tongues in stock and with a little modification, they should be a suitable replacement. Please feel free to reach out to us at with any further assistance.
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Question from Arved
Hi do you still have the tongue for the TLT 6 (28,5) ?
Answer from jbo
Hi Arved, sorry we have sold out of TLT6 tongues for the season.
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Question from Mike
Do you carry downhill tongues for Mercury boots size 27.5?
Answer from jbo
Hi Mike, we've been unable to get those Mercury tongues any longer, sorry!
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Question from Neil
Hello, I'm after the female metal 'holes' that bolt onto the rear cuff on a Dynafit TLT6 that the male top buckle cuff snaps into. Do you have these? Thanks. Neil
Answer from Jeff
Neil, Sorry, those metal pieces have not been available from Dynafit. And the Spoilers themselves are sometimes hard to come by. The Speedfit spoiler is the TLT 6.
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Question from Sam Rath
I was wondering if y’all were capable of ordering boot parts from dynafit? I’m having trouble doing so myself. I’ve been in contact with customer service about getting a tlt 8 spoiler set ordered in size 27 but it appears they’ve put me on the back burner. I just want to be able to get back out touring.
Answer from Will M
Hey Sam!

Shoot us an email to and we'll try to get you sorted out!
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Question from Tony Mason
I'm looking for tongues for the Vulcan (or Mercury) in a 29.5. I only see the 31.5 listed as available. Can that tongue be modified to fit into a 29.5 boot? Do you have any other recommendations for a replacement tongue? Also, if I'm running Intuition Pro Tour liners, can I stiffen the boot with the Dynafit tongue, or would it conflict with the inner tongue of the intuition liner?
Answer from Will M
Hey Tony,

We sadly don't have any thing that would fit it perfectly, and we won't receive anymore as they've stopped making them. You could probably make the 31.5 work with some DYI modifications, I think only the height would differ. Before purchasing and modding, refer to our return policy.

As for the conflict with the inner tongue, I can't really speak to that since it's dependent on your calf size.

Hope this helped!
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Question from Drew
Will these tongues fit my ZZero 4U 's?
Answer from Cole P
Drew, these tongues are designed for each specific boot and these boots have a slot that the tongue slides into where the Zzero 4u's do not.
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Question from RacerReady
I need tongues for 30.5 TLT5 boots do you any suggestions for tongues that would work?
Answer from Teddy Young
The TLT6 tongues are not exactly the same tongues as the TLT 5 series, but they can be modified to work OK if you're interested!
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Question from Sergi
I’m looking for tongues for the TLT 5 boots, size 29.5.
Do you have in stock? I’ve seen in the web you have for TLT6 and different sizes, and I’m note sure if those can fit in the TLT 5.

Thank you,
Answer from Jeff
Sergi, The TLT5 is similar to the TLT6, folks can often make it work. But we are out of the size you need. Dynafit no longer carries these tongues.
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Question from Dan H
Do you have any TLT6 spoilers? Would like a pair for 27.5 boots. Thanks.
Answer from TSB
Hey Dan, unfortunately we are no longer stocking the TLT6 spoilers, have run out of our old stock in your size, and Dynafit is out of stock -- our apologies!
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Question from Matt

Do you have any TLT5 spoilers? Or perhaps a TLT6 would fit as well?

Answer from Jeff
Matt, the spoiler for the TLT5, TLT6 and Speedfit are interchangeable. You do need the proper size or your forward lean will be way off. We only have sizes 22.5-24.5 and 25 to 26.5 left.
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