Eric L
6' 1"
165 lbs
Shoe Size
US 10.00
Skier Type
Type II - Moderate
Ski Frequency:
50 - 99 days / year
My Skiing
Retired ski patroller (27 yrs). Now strictly a backcounty skier seeking powder turns.
My Gear
been skiing strictly on tele gear since retirement. Looking to try a lightweight AT setup after hip replacement last year.
Recent Posts
I use this glue regularly to touch up my skins. I've found it superior to other manufacturer's glues. I don't waste my time with removing old glue. I have an old iron specifically for glue. I apply a little glue, let it dry overnight, then run the glue iron over it to melt and spread the glue. If you just have a lot of dirt or wax on your skin, just run the iron over it to refresh the glue. It works, try it. Don't use your wax iron for this and do it in a well ventilated place.
Good skins but the attachment hardware is plastic and will break after a season or sooner. I would prefer metal attachments for a few extra grams.
Here's what I did. I wrapped coarse thread around the axle that the riser rotates on. This increases the friction against the riser and the binding. This year I added a bit of Gold Label skin glue to the thread I added. This definitely helped adding friction to the system. Seems to be working fawlessly this season but I wouldn't buy this binding again. Good luck.
I have about 75 days on these skins now. They grip well, have good glide, and seem to be durable as well. The waterproof treatment seems to be holding up as well.
I bought these in January 2020. After one season, the heel riser became loose and wouldn't stay in place. Skimo arranged a Marker warranty submission to remedy the problem. Not wanting to send them back mid ski season, I jerry rigged them to be functional. I am perfectly satisfied with the binding; I think there is a design flaw in the heel riser (at least on my 2019/2020 set). Also if you like a high riser, these may not be for you. The highest position is only medium in my opinion. Bottom line: wit...