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Skimo Co

Start Ski & Skin Waxes

Start is a Finnish company hailing from Lahti, Finland. They have been in business for 30 years and have developed waxes that get you more sliding performance on a variety of snow conditions. They have wax options for both skis and skins that work well for racing and ski touring. They also offer quality tuning tools to help apply the amazing waxes.

Start Glider Wax
The Finnish leader in low-friction snow gliding has infiltrated Skimo Co and we couldn’t be happier. Once you get a taste of Start wax, there’s no going back. Addictingly fast, long-lasting, and Finnish. With a broad assortment of waxes to choose from, th..
From $18.95
Start Skin Grip Wipe
It seems fitting that a company that knows how to max your skis glide as fast as possible, also knows how to make your skins grip as best as possible. Introducing Start’s Skin Grip Wipe! Working double duty as a water-repellent agent and a glide enhancer,..
Start SG Liquid Wax
Many skiers neglect their ski bases throughout the ski season only giving them the needed maintenance a few times a year, opting for après over ironing and scraping. From the Finnish wax aficionados, Start has created a product that cuts out the most labo..
Start Race RG Liquid Glide Wax
Waxing your skis is like flossing. Just like you may or may not fib to your dentist about your daily flossing routine, those skis aren’t getting waxed daily (or monthly) either. Start has a brilliant solution to your lazy base care woes. Start RG Race Liq..

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