CAMP Crampon Linking Bars
It's a good idea to keep your crampon toes and heels connected. Otherwise, one or both might fall down the mountain. Replacement linking bars for CAMP crampons are found here. Sold in pairs with left and right bars included.
XLC Aluminum - Replacement bars for XLC 390, XLC 470, XLC 490 and XLC Nanotech crampons. These are made of aluminum for lightweight strength. 17.5cm long with 15 holes for your adjusting pleasure.
Skimo Dyneema Strap - For the Skimo line of CAMP crampons. Made of Dyneema webbing.
Skimo Pure Nanotech - Replacement bars for the Skimo Pure Nanotech crampon.
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CAMP Crampon Parts
Questions & Reviews
Do you know if the dyneema linking strap can be used with the XLC line? The metal link bars look to be the same so even though the dyneema isn’t listed, I’m wondering if it will work.
Hi Will,
I took a look at some here in the shop - seemed to work fine. But that's on a nice clean table, not in real life. I suspect CAMP would have listed them as compatible if they worked. So, at your own risk!
I took a look at some here in the shop - seemed to work fine. But that's on a nice clean table, not in real life. I suspect CAMP would have listed them as compatible if they worked. So, at your own risk!
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