Would it be possible to trim the Y-flow skins to fit narrower skis and how much length adjustment does the tail attachment allow for? How does the "vacuum" work and would it work with fish-scale bases?
Or, asked directly, would the Y-Flow 173 cm Vacuum skins work with Voile Objective BC 178 cm skis?
Designed to fit perfectly on the Hagan X-Race, Ascent, Cirrus, and Y-series skis, these "Silver Tiger" skins are made of 100% mohair for maximum glide. The skins also have decent climbing traction so you wont get left behind on the uphills. The race versions are 60mm parallel while the Cirrus and Y versions are curved to match the shape of the skis.
- Bungee speed tip slips in the notch on the tip of the X-Race, Ascent, Cirrus, Y-Flow, and Y-Boost skis.
- Non-race models come with a tail clasp for touring but it can be cut off if you want to save a few grams.
Note the parallel skins for the X-Race and Ascent are blue starting in 2013/14, as seen in the second image. Feel free to call them "Blue Tigers". The tail attachment on all the non-race skins is now the simple metal clasp.
Questions & Reviews
Karl, you can retrim skins. These have a Dynafit tip and tail fix, so are pretty much only good for stated length. But mostly these vacuum style skin would not work well on a fish scale ski base. They require a dry tight seal which is not what you would have on the BC base.
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Would these bad boys fit the Black Diamond Helio 76 waisted skis? Also, if my ski is 161 length, the 148 would be way too short no? Or is that the length of the skin without the tail/tip attachments?
Hi Patricia, these could work as a tailless option. Since they are shorter, you'd need to cut off the tail clips.
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Which model (if any) will best fit the Hagan Ascent ski?
Hi Zach, out of the Hagan skins selection the Race skin is the one that will fit the Ascent the best. You are not limited to a precut Hagan skin with that ski though. Any pre-made race skin will fit equally well.
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Just wanting to confirm that the attachments on these are interchangeable with Dynafits??
Hi Kaj, yes these are essentially the same rubber tips as Dynafit skins. They also have tail clasps like the Dynafit pre-cut skins.
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