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Mammut Airbag Cartridge Adapter


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Be sure the dive shop in your target destination can fill your airbag pack by bringing this adapter. It connects to any SCUBA tank and refills Mammut air cartridges. You’ll also need a refill kit for each cartridge, as those parts get used up each time the airbag is triggered. The adapter makes a connection between the cylinder and an empty cartridge, and can be reused indefinitely.

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Questions & Reviews

Question from john

Can this adapter be fitted to an air compressor? Or does it only attach to scuba tanks?

Answer from Cole P
Hey John, the adapter is designed to work only with scuba tanks.
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Question from Vitalii Glazkov

I have a question about Mammut airbag cartridge adapter. According to the official Mammut website there are two versions of this adapter: European and US. Which one is this - US?

Best Regards,
Vitalii Glazkov
Answer from jbo
Hi Vitalii, yes these have the American-type connectors.
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Model: Adapter Scuba Tank to Cartridge UPC: 7613276453864

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