Assembling and trimming skins is messy work. We’ve invested in tools to make the job easier while producing superior results. Customize your dream skin with a combination of quality material, tips and (optionally) tails.
Edge Trim – As the name implies, trim-to-fit skins need to be trimmed. Preparing for the cut takes time if you want a centered skin. Revealing just the right amount of edge is an art. Doing it all without contaminating the glue takes discipline. We have the right tools for the job.
Tip Assembly – We can place just about any type of tip on your skins to match your skis. Choose from race bungees, square brackets, Z-Clips, or specialized adjustable kits.
Tail Assembly – We have kits to fit most tails out there, from Trab swallow tails to Fischer semi-circles. We can attach adjustable tail kits or fixed metal brackets.
Full Build – We do it all. Select your material, matching tips, and favorite tail clips. We’ll put it all together and trim to match the sidecut of your skis.
Ski Notching – Cut a notch in the tip of your skis to use with race-style bungee or rubber tips. Best if done professionally and sealed from the elements. Please note this may void the warranty on your skis.
Questions & Reviews
This isn't something we've done before, but we might be able to. Shoot us an email at, we might be able to figure something out.
Do you offer a re-glue service for any skin? If so, what's the cost estimate? Thanks in advance!
Unfortunately we do not offer re-glue services, sorry! We do sell glue for most major brands.
We do all the time with no issues! Just make sure to dull the edge at the tip, otherwise it will slice your bungee.
I'm about to purchase the atomic UL 78's in a 170cm length. I'd like to get a skin to suit, but I've heard mixed and not great things about the atomic precut skins. What would you recommend for a lightweight mountaineering skin for these skis? And how does it work if I want to get you folks to build out the skin with the attachments appropriate for the notched tips on the atomics?
I think the atomic precut skins are pretty neat actually! They are the contour hybrid skin with a tip notch. The hybrid glue is cool because it's really easy to rip and if it starts fading you simply clean it and then it's good to go again! However, if you wanted us to build you a skin we can absolutely do that for you as well. You would need to pay for a full build and you would need to buy the hardware, like the tip notch bungee and a tail hook or clip if you would like one, as well as the skin material of your choosing off the roll. A popular choice for a ski like yours would be the Ski Trab Mohair per CM.
I need to construct a pair of skins for my daughters backcountry skis. The length of the ski is 120cm with a waist width of 78mm. Can you do a full build on these? If so, What's the cost?
Thanks for your time.
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