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Skimo Co

Ski Trab Mohair Per CM

From $0.32

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With a bit more grip and durability than the World Cup race formula, the red Evo skins from Ski Trab still pack some serious glide. Made with 100% mohair, the skin material is the same as that used in the precut skins for Trab’s aramid-core skis. Combined with some Attivo skin tips, you can assemble some skins for just about any Trab ski. Or with different hardware, just about any other ski can be kitted affordably as well. There are now fewer excuses for not using the speed offered by 100% mohair. Using efficient technique, you will be rewarded with every slide-step.

ORDERING NOTE: These skins are sold by the centimeter (cm), meaning you should type in the Qty field the length (in cm) of skin you want for one ski “times two” for a PAIR. Unless you are making a backup skin, then just times it by one.

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Questions & Reviews

Casaval (downright abused product)
Love em. Wanted straight cut, top fix skins for a pair of 88s a year ago. This skin (85 wide) was the ticket. I set them up with the pomoca race top fix set, cut them down to ~15cm behind the heel piece, and rounded the tail. When brand new they felt stiff and slow but quickly broke in and after a few passes with a nylon brush the glide improved dramatically. The grip of this skin is fantastic and I’d describe them as high performing and durable.
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Stevie G (used product regularly)
Made these up for a spring ski in order to take more abuse than Pomoca Free Pros. They have been up to the task so far with no tears or missing plush. Only compliant is due to the base color, they are hard to see if something light is stuck in the glue, like the plush hairs after trimming or snow. Didn't realize how useful dark glue-sides are.
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Joey W (used product regularly)
Really like the glide and glue on these skins. They rip easily, yet remain pretty sticky on subsequent laps. Only problem is that after only a few days (less than 10) of use, the glue has come off in big patches. I'm not sure if this is a widespread issue or if I got a bad batch of glue.
Reply from jbo
Hi Joey, that is not a widespread issue (ignoring heat/UV damage which can mess with all skins). Send in a photo and we can get you sorted!
Reply from Kirkwood D
I also experienced loss of glue rather quickly (10 to 20 days) with the mohair/nylon mixed version of this skin.
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Question from Scott
I have used these 15 times or so on all different snow conditions on groomed runs at the ski area. The grip is great but for a 100% mohair skin I was expecting them to glide better. Overall I don’t feel they glide any better than my bd mix glide lights. Any suggestions for a skin that may have better glide performance? Thanks !
Answer from eric
Hey Scott, The only skins with better glide would be a race skin. Try waxing the skins with a temperature specific wax to help glide and break in.
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Question from Ben
What are the lightest skins per cm? I'm talking about just the skin material, not including any attachments, and its gotta come in a width of at least 110mm so not counting race skins here. I figure the contenders are these contour/trabs, pink pomoca, and kohla alpinist. Any others I should also be considering?
Answer from Emmett I

We haven't been able to weigh every skin material in a consistent manner, so I don't know for sure, but I have a feeling in that width the lightest would be either the Pomoca Free Pro 2.0 or the Kohla Freeride Air.

However, keep in mind that glide is a much bigger factor than weight - you should be sliding your skis, not lifting them! Otherwise, we'd just use snowshoes...
Answer from Ben
I have never been so offended in my entire life.
Answer from Emmett I

Let me know if you'd like some lessons :)
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Question from Philip M
Are you expecting to get 90mm width back in stock?
Answer from Jeremy L
Hi Philip. It would appear Ski Trab won't be producing the 90mm width any longer.
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Will McD (used product regularly)
These are the best skins! After I used a Contour precut skin (Ski Trab Mohair skins are made by Contour and use the same material) I have made multiple pairs out of this material and will likely never go back. The grip is just as good as, if not better than, my Pomoca Free Pros (which I am also very happy with), and once you break in the glide, whoa mama are they fast! Great glide with uncompromising grip, I cannot recommend this material enough! Even better, they are a great value for the cost, especially given the performance.
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Becca (used product regularly)
My household now has 3 pairs of these skins, all for skis ~80 underfoot. These make a great 'middle ground' race-style skin, with super good durability on firm/crusty snow compared to race skins (which I have destroyed quite a few pairs of now...). I love that they are still super fast, but grip much better on icy skintracks than pomoca pink race plush or colltex race plush. Also I'm the biggest fan of Ski Trab's glue, just minor touchups and they're good to go all day!
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Question from susan
Can you use these skins on wax skis or scale skis to improve grip?
Answer from Cole P
Hey Susan, these would definitely work on scaled skis but I would not put them on skis with kicking wax.
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Question from Mark
I am looking to make skinny skins by cutting a 120mm lengthwise. Is there a rip strip in the middle of the glue side that would make it not a good idea?
And same question for the Pomoca race 120mm.
Answer from jbo
Hi Mark, none of our rolled skins have a rip strip so you're all good!
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Question from Greg
Can I add the skin to an old pair of fisher waxable classic cross country skis to convert them to no wax? I want to upgrade my old skis to the skins for general recreational use, will this product work for that?
Answer from Patrick C

Good morning! I'm excited to field a question from a fellow Nordic skier! If you are thinking of running the skin from tip to tail with attachments then it will be slow, but work the same as a touring set up. You could also try to attach at the tip and run the skin back just past the heel. I have actually tried to cut my own "kicker" pattern to place in the kick zone (to replicate a modern day skin ski), but the skin glue is just not strong enough to hold on once you get moving (I made it about 50m). If you have any further questions you can contact us at Happy trails!

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Cody B (used product regularly)
TL;DR The best value mohair roll for your mid width skimo needs.

I got the 90mm width for making skimo race style skins for my G3 86 Findr's that I've tip notched. I ended up with about 145cm length skin for skis are 177cm length. Used them all winter in Tahoe, Shasta, and Oregon snow (so warmer, wetter climates) for both general touring and racing. Made them with hand sewing method using nylon thread + bungee cord + plastic disk at the beginning of the 18/19 season and did not have any durability problems. They replaced some BD nylon skins that were basically straight cut for the same skis.

The glue is on the thinner side if you are use to BD or G3's glue amount, but that's what you get with lighter weight skins. As long as there is glue on the skin it did stick well though, and didn't have to baby them. Definitely worth having a tube of BD gold label at home to touch up the tip and tail sections where you touch the most putting on and ripping skins. Their reduced weight from the lighter backer and lighter glue amount from BD nylons was awesome.

Finally started to wax my skins as well and even though these are already faster than BD's older pure mohair skins, putting wax on them is great extra bit of glide for when I did race with them. Their grip was great for most everything I threw at them minus some real icy evening Shasta uphilling where ski crampons were needed. As long as you stay out of your high risers you shouldn't have a problem in most the Pacific snowpacks. I'll be in the rockies this winter and report back.
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Stano at SkinTrack (downright abused product)
I bought these off a roll and cut them for 80mm skis for ski mountaineering. I set them up with the Colltex tip attachments (no heel attachment) and works super well. The skins are reasonably fast. Used them about 30 days now and I am happy. Good value for the price.
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Question from
what is the thickness measurement of these skins, and what is the thickness of the World Cup Race Formula skins?

Answer from Nate
The thickness of this skin, measured with calipers, is 1.56mm. The thickness of the WC Race skins, measured the same way is 1.29mm.
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Question from
do these skins have an adhesive backing already on them?
Answer from Nate
Hello, yes these skin materials come with a hot-melt style adhesive already on them.
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Question from Pierre
What is the width of these skins?
Answer from jbo
Hi Pierre, this material is available in several widths from 85mm to 115mm.
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Jonathan S (used product regularly)
See my review for more details on the Precut version that I have for my Magico skis. But in brief, I've previously used other 100% mohair skins from Atomic, Black Diamond, CAMP, Colltex, Dynafit, plus Trab's mohair version designed for racing. I've also used momix skins from Black Diamond, Colltex, Dynafit, and Trab.

Trab claims that this touring version of its mohair skin has better grip than its own race mohair. Hard to tell without a side-by-side comparison with identically cut skins, but the grip has seemed perfectly fine to me, on a pair with any other momix skin. And glide is of course excellent.

Trab does acknowledge that durability is compromised relative to a momix skin. I haven't noticed any wear on the plush so far, but then again I've used them only on winter snow that hasn't been very abrasive.

Skin glue is relatively light but has performed well.

So overall, Five Stars for a really cheap way to get a really high-end 100% mohair climbing skin for your winter touring ski setup.
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Question from Rick
On this page there is only an option for skin width, how long are these skins?

Answer from jbo
Hi Rick, these are sold by the centimeter, so enter a quantity for the length you desire.
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Question from Matt
Love the offerings and info here... But when I put the length in as 160cm will I get two 160cm skins? Or just one? I've read "everything is sold in pairs" but is that true for skins too? Thanks
Answer from jbo
Thanks Matt, the skin off the rolls is sold per centimeter, so you'd need 320cm to get two 160cm lengths. The "everything sold in pairs" was applicable only to the listing on which you read it.
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Model: 100% Mohair Per CM

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