Kevlar cores and aluminum wire-carabiners are all the rage when it comes to ski leashes. The Black Diamond Helio leashes have joined the party. If you have night-visions of your skis jetting down a mountain into the abyss, you should join too. Coiled Kevlar wrapped in polyurethane coating offers just enough stretch and flexibility to allow for full range of motion, but not enough length to get in the way. Clip and unclip from your ski boots with the aforementioned carabiner. The leashes work great with BD Helio bindings as well as other models. End those sleepless nights with a pair of Helio leashes, which are coincidentally sold in pairs. 15g (0.5oz) each.
Questions & Reviews
Does the wire loop and little plastic puck come with the helio leash or the helio binding?
Hi Anthony. The Helio leashes we sell all have the plastic "puck" and the wire loops included.
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Will the clip end fit thru the small D-ring on Scarpa Maestrale (2019 version)? The Dynafit ones have unclipped themselves occasionally and these look like they would be more secure. Also, would like having the extra length?
Hi Edward, these leashes will clip on fine, but the clip is large enough that it can't rotate freely within the D-ring on your boots. If you were to actually eject from your skis they might tug on your boots at unpredictable angles for this reason. You can also attach to your boots using the included metal ring.
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Are the BD Helio Leashes rated to break at a certain amount of force? I love using leashes but am worried about the potential for being pulled under during an avalanche due to the leashes
Hi Landon, here is BD's language about break rating:
"The static breaking load of the leash is very high (around 80 kg) ... in case of avalanche the leash could drag the skier under the snow together with the skis, or hold the skier in case that the ski is caught by rocks, roots or other foreign bodies.
• The metal ring provided with the leash can be installed on the leash in between boot and binding in order to reduce the break load of the leash (around -60%): this operation may reduce the above-mentioned dangers but increases
the risk of losing the skis in the event of fall or if the breaking load is overpassed."
"The static breaking load of the leash is very high (around 80 kg) ... in case of avalanche the leash could drag the skier under the snow together with the skis, or hold the skier in case that the ski is caught by rocks, roots or other foreign bodies.
• The metal ring provided with the leash can be installed on the leash in between boot and binding in order to reduce the break load of the leash (around -60%): this operation may reduce the above-mentioned dangers but increases
the risk of losing the skis in the event of fall or if the breaking load is overpassed."
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Will these work for a g3 ion lt?
Hey Kobey,
These should work well on a G3 ION LT!
These should work well on a G3 ION LT!
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I've been using these for many years in a red ATK color scheme (distributed here by Hagan), and now have these all-black versions from my Helio 180 bindings. Either way, a big improvement upon my prior homemade leashes from accessory cord. Plus the clip attachment is easy to manipulate with gloves, and the loop is easy to girth hitch through some part of pretty much any binding toe. The only part that is tricky is coming up with an attachment point on the boot that is bomber for late-spring and summer ski mountaineering and then a different attachment point that has some breakaway potential for avy danger during the winter and early spring. My approach to this has been to experiment with cable tie loops of different diameters.
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I have a set of these that came with my ATK bindings (aka BD Helio 180). I find them a little nicer than the standard Dynafit leashes that come with the Speed Radical - a bit more stretchy and the carabiner is a little easier to engage/disengage on the key ring.
The ring provided (not sure if it comes with the leashes if purchased separately from a binding) are also very nice, and are flat wound steel instead of the typical cheap round steel key rings. Seem beefier for negligible weight difference.
The ring provided (not sure if it comes with the leashes if purchased separately from a binding) are also very nice, and are flat wound steel instead of the typical cheap round steel key rings. Seem beefier for negligible weight difference.
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