Jonathan S
5' 8"
145 lbs
Shoe Size
US 9.00
Skier Type
Type III+ - Expert
Ski Frequency:
100+ days / year
My Skiing
I grew up skiing at a small NY hill and eventually was an NCAA alpine race coach for (too) many yrs, although my SL & GS skis now get almost no use, and I even sold my SG & DH skis.
Since '99, I've become increasingly into self-propelled skiing, and for 17 yrs now I've been averaging over half a million vertical ft for earned turns each season, with 600k over the most recent 7 yrs.
Given the fickle NE natural snowpack for backcountry powder, I often train at local ski areas and organize a multiple-venue skimo race series.
But my favorite time of year is when the wx and avy danger clears up for long 10k+ multiple-ravine tours in our Presidentials range, plus of course late spring and summer PNW volcano trips.
The best ski tours though are out our back door for xc w/ my wife & our daughter!
But I have finally recognized the inevitably of climate change in New England and purchased a second house fourteen minutes from my favorite trailhead on Mt Washington.
My Gear
Stratos V sz 27, Alien 3.0 sz 42, PG/RC1 sz 26, all reviewed tinyurl.com/StratosV
Skis, all w/ race bindings (Plum, Dynafit, rebranded ATK, incl. some ISMF-banned Dynafit toes + Plum heels combos):
La Sportiva Nano 172
Rossi Escaper 97 Nano 169
Dynafit Denali 168
Dynafit Blacklight 95 165
Volkl VTA 88 Lite 170
Movement Logic-X 169
Dynafit Cho Oyu 166
Trab Magico 164
Dynastar Mythic Vertical 162
Movement Big Fish-X 160
Movement Race Pro 71
Hagan Ultra 65 (2 prs), X-Race, pre-rocker X-Race
Fischer Verticalp