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Image Ski Trab Maestro.2 Ski Movement Fast 77 Ski Movement Race Pro 77 Ski ZAG Adret 78 Ski Atomic Backland UL 78 Ski Aski Verglas Ski Salomon MTN Summit 79 Ski Atomic Backland 80 UL Ski Dynafit Blacklight Pro Ski Blizzard Zero G LT 80 Ski Voile Objective Ski Voile Objective BC Ski Dynafit Seven Summits+ Ski Set ZAG Adret 85 Ski Movement Alp Tracks 85 Ski Movement Fast 85 Ski Blizzard Zero G 85 Ski Ski Trab Gavia 85 Ski Movement Alp Tracks 85 Ski - 2021/22 Movement Race Pro 85 Ski Atomic Backland UL 85 Ski Ski Trab Magico.2 Ski Salomon MTN 86 Pro Ski Atomic Backland 86 UL Ski Atomic Backland 86 SL Ski Atomic Backland 89 SL Skis
Product Ski Trab Maestro.2 Ski Movement Fast 77 Ski Movement Race Pro 77 Ski ZAG Adret 78 Ski Atomic Backland UL 78 Ski Aski Verglas Ski Salomon MTN Summit 79 Ski Atomic Backland 80 UL Ski Dynafit Blacklight Pro Ski Blizzard Zero G LT 80 Ski Voile Objective Ski Voile Objective BC Ski Dynafit Seven Summits+ Ski Set ZAG Adret 85 Ski Movement Alp Tracks 85 Ski Movement Fast 85 Ski Blizzard Zero G 85 Ski Ski Trab Gavia 85 Ski Movement Alp Tracks 85 Ski - 2021/22 Movement Race Pro 85 Ski Atomic Backland UL 85 Ski Ski Trab Magico.2 Ski Salomon MTN 86 Pro Ski Atomic Backland 86 UL Ski Atomic Backland 86 SL Ski Atomic Backland 89 SL Skis
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Availability In Stock In Stock In Stock In Stock In Stock In Stock In Stock In Stock In Stock In Stock In Stock In Stock In Stock In Stock In Stock In Stock In Stock In Stock In Stock In Stock In Stock In Stock In Stock In Stock In Stock In Stock
Price $1048.95 From $848.95 $899.95 $974.95 $574.95 $898.95 $649.95 $449.95 $1099.95 $799.95 $749.95 $449.95 $649.95 $899.95 $699.95 $799.95 $639.95 $849.95 From $649.95 $899.95 $1098.95 $698.95 $948.95 $999.95 $899.95 $699.95 From $399.95 $699.95 $599.95 $1174.95 $574.95 $974.95 $624.95 $749.95 $549.95 $1048.95 From $848.95 $699.95 $499.95 $749.95 $649.95 $399.95 $749.95 $449.95
Lengths (cm) 157, 164, 171, 178 152, 160, 168, 174 152, 160, 168, 174 165, 170,176 149, 156, 163, 170, 177 165, 175 158, 164, 170 149, 156, 163, 170, 177 158, 165, 172, 178 164, 171, 178 164, 171, 178 164, 171, 178 158, 166, 174, 182 166, 172, 178 162, 170, 178 154, 161, 169, 177 150, 157, 164, 171, 178 150, 157, 164, 171, 178 161, 169, 177 154, 161, 169, 177 158, 165, 172, 179 157cm, 164cm, 171cm, 178cm 156, 164, 172, 180 157, 165, 172, 179 157, 165, 172, 179 162, 169, 176, 183
-> ounces
880g [157]
925g [164]
960g [171]
995g [178]
800g [152]
860g [160]
895g [168]
945g [174]
820g [152]
870g [160]
900g [168]
935g [174]
970g [165]
1030g [170]
1090g [176]
895g [156]
930g [163]
990g [170]
1040g [177]
1110g [165]
1190g [175]
975g [164]
1045g [170]
850g [156]
930g [163]
975g [170]
1030g [177]
855g [158]
920g [165]
985g [172]
1020g [178]
955g [164]
1040g [171]
1100g [178]
1020g [164]
1070g [171]
1150g [178]
1020g [164]
1088g [171]
1155g [178]
1845g [158]
1890g [166]
1990g [174]
2115g [182]
1025g [166]
1100g [172]
1180g [178]
995g [162]
1080g [170]
1200g [178]
845g [154]
910g [161]
965g [169]
1000g [177]
910g [150]
945g [157]
1005g [164]
1070g [171]
1160g [178]
1025g [150]
1095g [157]
1130g [164]
965g [161]
1020g [169]
1095g [177]
830g [154]
860g [161]
920g [169]
950g [177]
925g [158]
980g [165]
1035g [172]
1105g [179]
990g [157]
1020g [164]
1055g [171]
1105g [178]
1040g [156]
1110g [164]
1205g [172]
1310g [180]
955g [157]
1005g [165]
1075g [172]
1100g [179]
1010g [157]
1110g [165]
1180g [172]
1255g [179]
1165g [169]
1330g [176]
Weight (pair) 1760g [157]
1850g [164]
1920g [171]
1990g [178]
1600g [152]
1720g [160]
1790g [168]
1890g [174]
1640g [152]
1740g [160]
1800g [168]
1870g [174]
1940g [165]
2060g [170]
2180g [176]
1790g [156]
1860g [163]
1980g [170]
2080g [177]
2220g [165]
2380g [175]
1950g [164]
2090g [170]
1700g [156]
1860g [163]
1950g [170]
2060g [177]
1710g [158]
1840g [165]
1970g [172]
2040g [178]
1910g [164]
2080g [171]
2200g [178]
2040g [164]
2140g [171]
2300g [178]
2040g [164]
2176g [171]
2310g [178]
3690g [158]
3780g [166]
3980g [174]
4230g [182]
2050g [166]
2200g [172]
2360g [178]
1990g [162]
2160g [170]
2400g [178]
1690g [154]
1820g [161]
1930g [169]
2000g [177]
1820g [150]
1890g [157]
2010g [164]
2140g [171]
2320g [178]
2050g [150]
2190g [157]
2260g [164]
1930g [161]
2040g [169]
2190g [177]
1660g [154]
1720g [161]
1840g [169]
1900g [177]
1850g [158]
1960g [165]
2070g [172]
2210g [179]
1980g [157]
2040g [164]
2110g [171]
2210g [178]
2080g [156]
2220g [164]
2410g [172]
2620g [180]
1910g [157]
2010g [165]
2150g [172]
2200g [179]
2020g [157]
2220g [165]
2360g [172]
2510g [179]
2330g [169]
2660g [176]
Sidecut   108/79/94 [157]
108/78/94 [164]
108/76/94 [171]
108/76/94 [178]
114-77-95 [152]
115-77-96 [160]
115-77-96 [169]
116-78-97 [174]
114-77-95 [152]
115-77-96 [160]
115-77-96 [169]
116-78-97 [174]
110-78-93 [165]
111-78-94 [170]
112-78-95 [176]
110-79-99 [156]
111-79-100 [163]
112-79-101 [170]
113-79-102 [177]
111-79-93 111-79-97 [158]
113-79-99 [164]
115-79-101 [170]
109-79-98 [149]
110-79-99 [156]
111-79-100 [163]
112-79-101 [170]
113-79-102 [177]
114-78-98 [158]
115-79-99 [165]
116-80-100 [172]
117-81-101 [178]
108-80-94 [164]
108-80-94 [171]
110-80-96 [178]
112-80-95 [164]
114-82-97 [171]
117-84-100 [178]
112-80-95 [164]
114-82-97 [171]
117-84-100 [178]
113-83-102 [158]
114-84-103 [166]
114-84-103 [174]
118-86-107 [182]
115-85-101 [166]
116-85-102 [172]
117-85-103 [178]
120-85-104 [162]
122-85-106 [170]
125-85-109 [178]
115-85-99 [154]
116-85-100 [161]
116-85-100 [169]
116-85-100 [177]
113-85-97 [150]
115-85-99 [157]
115-85-99 [164]
115-85-99 [171]
117-85-101 [178]
118-88-104 [150]
118-88-104 [157]
118-87-104 [164]
118-85-104 [171]
118-85-104 [178]
115-85-99 [161]
116-85-100 [169]
118-85-102 [177]
115-85-99 [154]
116-85-100 [161]
116-85-100 [169]
116-85-100 [177]
115-85-103.5 [158]
116-85-104.5 [165]
117-85-105.5 [172]
118-85-106.5 [179]
118-88-104 [157]
118-88-104 [164]
118-85-104 [171]
118-85-104 [178]
116-86-102 [156]
118-86-104 [164]
120-86-106 [172]
122-86-108 [180]
117-84.5-105 [157]
118.5-85-106.5 [165]
120-85.5-108 [172]
121.5-86-109.5 [179]
117-84.5-105 [157]
118.5-85-106.5 [165]
120-85.5-108 [172]
121.5-86-109.5 [179]
120-89-108.5 [162]
122-89.5-110.5 [169]
124-90-112 [176]
Turn Radius   20.06m [157]
20.8m [164]
21.7m [171]
23.8m [178]
17m [152]
18m [160]
19m [168]
20m [174]
17m [152]
18m [160]
19m [168]
20m [174]
20.0m [165]
21.0m [170]
22.0m [176]
11.9m [149]
13.6m [156]
15.5m [163]
17.5m [170]
19.5m [177]
21.1m [165]
24.3m [175]
16m [158]
17m [164]
18m [170]
11.9m [149]
13.6m [156]
15.5m [163]
17.5m [170]
19.5m [177]
15.5m [158]
17.0m [165]
18.5m [172]
20.0m [178]
20.0m [164]
21.0m [171]
22.0m [178]
18.0m [164]
18.5m [171]
19.5m [178]
18.0m [164]
18.5m [171]
19.5m [178]
17m [158]
18.5m [166]
20m [174]
21.5m [182]
20m [166]
21m [172]
22m [178]
16.5m [162]
17m [170]
17.5m [178]
17m [154]
17.5m [161]
18m [169]
18.5m [177]
17.0m [150]
17.5m [157]
19.5m [164]
21.5m [171]
22.0m [178]
17.5m [150]
19.5m [157]
20.8m [164]
21.1m [171]
23.1m [178]
16m [161]
18m [169]
20m [177]
17.0m [154]
17.5m [161]
18.0m [169]
18.5m [177]
15m [158]
16m [165]
17m [172]
18m [179]
19.5m [157]
21.1m [164]
21.1m [171]
23.2m [178]
18m 14.2m [157]
15.2m [165]
16.2m [172]
17.2m [179]
14.2m [157]
15.2m [165]
16.2m [172]
17.2m [179]
15.4m [162]
16.4m [169]
17.4m [176]
Skin Fix   Attivo Clips Race notch Race notch Tip notch, flat tail Race notches, flat notched tail Notched tip, flat tail Tip notch, flat tail Tip notch, flat tail Pin Skin System Tip notch, flat notched tail Race tip notch, flat tails Race tip notch, flat tails Dynafit Speedskin Tip notch, flat tail Basic tip loop, tail clip Tip notch Tip recession, tail notch Attivo clips Basic tip loop, tail clip Tip notch Tip notch, flat notched tail Attivo clips Notched tail, race notched tips Tip notch, flat tails Tip notch, flat tails Notched tip
Specs Verified Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 164, 171, 178 only Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Profile   Early rise tip, camber, flat tail Light rockered tip, flat tail Light rocker tip, flat tail Progressive tip, strong camber, flat tail 15% rocker, 85% camber Double tip rocker, camber underfoot Rockered tip and camber underfoot All-Mountain Rocker Light tip & tail rocker, camber underfoot Small amount of camber, subtle rocker tip and tail Light tip and tail rocker, camber underneath Light tip and tail rocker, camber underneath Rockered tip and tail, camber underfoot Progressive tip and tail, strong camber underfoot Rockered tip, camber underfoot, flattish tail Camber with light tip and tail rocker Limited tip rocker and a smidge of tail lift Subtle rocker in the tip with medium camber underfoot, flattish tail Light rocker tip, camber under foot, flat tail Cambered ski with slight tip and tail rocker 15% rocker, 85% camber Control Progressive Flex; contact points moved out for longer tip/tail All-terrain rocker All-Mountain Rocker with flat tail All-Mountain Rocker with flat tail Light rocker in tip, camber underfoot, flat tail
Shape   Attivo shape, contact points are moved further out for a longer turn radius Medium radius, flat tail Medium radius, flat tail Tapered shovel, long radius, square tail Directional, medium radius shape with spoon tips Rounder tip, longer radius, flat tail Rounded tip, squared tail, short radius Directional Tapered tip & tail, medium radius Wider shovel, tapered tail Smooth medium radius, rounded tip & tail Smooth medium radius, rounded tip & tail Tapered tip and tail, medium sidecut Tapered shovel, long radius, square tail Round tip, shorter radius Round tip, tapered tail Modest shovel, tapered tail Attivo.2 shape: longer rockered tip and tail with contact points moved forward, split tail Round shovel, tapered tail Round shovel, tapered tail Directional Shape with HRZN Tech Tips Control radius technology; moved widest point of tip forward Round tip with tapered tail Directional HRZN tip, shorter radius, tapered tail Short radius, HRZN tip
Construction   14-layer Attivo process w/ HiBox carbon cage Ultralight carbon Carbon cap (North TPT) Extra Light construction with carbon and fiberglass Cap Sidewall Carbon shell with Polycell core Salomon's trademark carbon/flax blend w/partial sidewall Carbon Backbone + carbon fiberglass layers 3D sidewall cap Carbon Drive LT Double carbon cap Double carbon cap Full ABS sidewalls and carbon stringers Extra Light construction with carbon and fiberglass Ultralight carbon w/ full sidewalls Carbon wrap with cork tip Partial sidewall with full sidewall under the mounting area 14-layer layup, Quadriaxial Cap, glass-basalt reinforcements, 60 Flex Carbon wrap with ABS sidewalls Movement Top Secret full Carbon technology Cap Sidewall 14-layer Attivo process w/ HiBox carbon cage Cork Damplifier with full woodcore Carbon fiberglass with Carbon Backbone Fiberglass with Carbon Backbone Dura Cap
Core   Aramid honeycomb Paulownia Karuba wood Paulownia Ultra Light Woodcore Polycell Karuba wood with carbon wrap Ultra Light Woodcore Paulownia Race Core Poplar and Paulownia TrueBlend core Paulownia wood Paulownia wood Poplar wood core Paulownia Paulownia Paulownia wood Carbon Drive 3.0 Liwood Air core, hard wood sidewall Ultra Light Karuba Selection Ultralight Karuba Ultra Light Woodcore Aramid honeycomb Karuba / Poplar Ultra Light Woodcore Ultra Light Woodcore Karuba and poplar
Skimo Co Says
Usage Ski Alpinism Speed touring, fitness laps Ski alpinism, racing High traverses, steeps, railing groomers Ski mountaineering, fitness laps Ski mountaineering, fast and light Going fast while having fun in all conditions Mountaineering and moving fast both up and down Speed touring, mountaineering, casual racing Mountaineering Long distance mountaineering Long distance touring in rolling terrain, long flat approaches to mountaineering routes General touring, or uphill laps at your local resort Speed touring, ski mountaineering Mountaineering, touring, traverses Speed touring Touring, mountaineering Lightweight touring, speed touring Ski mountaineering, classic touring Speed touring, Mountaineering Backcountry touring, ski mountaineering Mountaineering, speed touring in all conditions Speed touring, mountaineering Speed touring, fitness touring, steep skiing Backcountry exploration Getting into the backcountry
Notes Italian Aerospace tech Cork in the tip helps dampen the ride Uses pin-line mount for optimal skinning Exceptionally stable on edge A fantastic ski mountaineering ski just got an upgrade Super smooth and very stable at speed Improved stability on hard snow HRZN 3D Backland tip reduces swing weight and improves float Awesome Pin-Skin connection system Mini vertical sidewall underfoot Easy to ski, confidence inspiring Scale back on the need for skins Weight includes bindings Blended flex profile absorbs shock and rebound consistently Improved steep skiing performance More damp version of the Race Pro 85 A touch softer and friendlier than the older Zero G's Updated shape and profile make for even easier steering Bonus shock-absorbing layer Race weight in a touring shape Stable and reliable; comes in hard-to-find lengths New shape and profile will make for even easier turn initiation Softer flex than previous MTN skis for more playful skiing Kick turns are a breeze thanks to the lightweight HRZN 3D Backland tip Low-impact design with reduced production waste Blend of wood species in core is light and strong
Bottom Line Perfect balance of lightweight and performance The ultimate fitness tool Fast, efficient mountaineering ski Simply joyful Light and compliant with impressive flex pattern This ski will put a smile on your face Freerider's race ski, or racer's powder board? You decide Great ski at a great value Dynafit's best ski yet Stable, round flexing ski for big objectives Versatile mountaineering ski There's nothing fishy about these scales Performance package out of the box: unwrap and ski! Blends stability and responsiveness into versatility Perfect companion for far out and steep adventures Race construction built on a wider platform The next iteration of a timeless, classic touring ski Ski Trab quality in an affordable package Lightweight, high-performing ski-mountaineering tool Race-ski weight in a touring package A versatile, compliant, reference point for classic ski touring The Champion Fast, light, damp, and fun to ski A redesigned Backland with better versatility and speed handling Excellent value measured in grams per dollar Ole' faithful in ski form

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