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Skimo Co

Voile Objective BC Ski

$899.95 $699.95

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If the roads are still closed and the approach to your line has 4 miles of undulating, gently rolling terrain that will be a nightmare of skins on/skins off transitions, you need a ski that functions as much as an approach tool as it does a steep skiing scalpel. If this scenario sounds familiar, you need the Voile Objective BC.

All of the awesomeness of the Objective, but with scaled bases. The short, waxless scaled pattern underfoot provides an excellent alternative to the binary equation of skins on/skins off. Once you’re ready to ski, you have a super-fun skinny ski that handles surprisingly well in deep and variable conditions. The Objective BC is your ticket to adventure!

  • Paulownia wood core is strong with low density, enabling this ski to go far.
  • Medium radius with rockered tip inspires confidence in junky snow and on steeps.
  • Two carbon & fiber glass layers wrap the core to enable powerful turns.
  • 1.8mm of steel lets you edge on hard snow and stays intact when rocks try to ruin your day.
  • Topsheet is the same durable material that Voile skis are known for.

Update 2019/20: Voile updated the graphics of this speedy ski, but otherwise it remains the exact same.

Update 2023/24: Other than a shiny new topsheet, this ski remains the same.

Lengths (cm) 164, 171, 178
convert to ounces
1020g [164]
1088g [171]
1155g [178]
Weight (pair) 2040g [164]
2176g [171]
2310g [178]
Sidecut   112-80-95 [164]
114-82-97 [171]
117-84-100 [178]
Turn Radius   18.0m [164]
18.5m [171]
19.5m [178]
Skin Fix   Race tip notch, flat tails
Specs Verified Yes
Profile   Light tip and tail rocker, camber underneath
Shape   Smooth medium radius, rounded tip & tail
Construction   Double carbon cap
Core   Paulownia wood
Skimo Co Says
Usage Long distance touring in rolling terrain, long flat approaches to mountaineering routes
Notes Scale back on the need for skins
Bottom Line There's nothing fishy about these scales
Compare to other Low-fat Skis

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Questions & Reviews

Brian O (used product regularly)
This may be the skimo'est of skis. For those that love to walk, but dread skiing, for those out mainly for fitness.

I am 6', 166lbs, usually carried a 15-30lb pack, and bought this ski in 178cm length with the DPS phantom glide treatment. The ski is pretty soft, especially in the tail, and makes for easy skiing with the boots unlocked, and nice mellow powder turns. It does not inspire much confidence on windblown, icy ridges or at speed.

I have about 22 days on this ski, one in spring slush, and 21 in cold winter conditions. In the slush this ski was great. With the scales, the suction of the slush was not noticeable. The uphill traction exceeded expectation, with proper walking technique.

In winter, at lower angles (10-20⁰) walking in dry powder may require skins. On the downhill, this ski sucks some fun out of skiing. The scales slow things considerably, such that kicking and gliding on slight downhills is normal, especially on wind board or in powder. On cold gsnow, this ski can be very frustratingly grippy.

The scales offer surprising grip on the uphill, but disappointing grip on the downhill, even with the DPS phantom treatment. I noticed that the fun increased when I had the base ground, including scales, with no noticeable loss of uphill traction.

Maxiglide XC wax is very important for this ski. Without it, these skis will occasionally become glorified snowshoes. Because the uphill traction is so good, the base tends to be in the snow all day, requiring frequent waxing. Thus, the time gained from not dealing with skins is mostly lost waxing and removing ice from the base.

I moved to a similar "mid-fat" ski using skimo race skins as kicker skins for the flatter sections, and was much happier, and seemingly more efficient, also in rolling terrain, because I can better maintain momentum downhill and can skate on flatter terrain.

If you are going to be doing a lot of cross-country skiing with the occasional (steep) downhill, this ski is pretty sweet.

I used this ski to ski a relatively small section of the US Continental Divide. It was a good ski to head across the Red Desert. But I was glad to switch to a normal "mid-fat" ski with a classical kicker skin and climbing skin.
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Question from Eric
I'm deciding between these and the HyperVector BCs for a rolling-approach-steep-ski ski. Counterintuitively, it seems from reviews that the despite their respective waist widths, the HyperVector might be a better firm snow ski and the Objective a better soft snow ski. Is that actually the case? Which ski would do better on a firm 50 degree slope?
Answer from jbo
Hi Eric, I think those framings were relative / category based. The Vector will still float a bit better than the Objective due to the extra width, but within the skinnier mountaineering category the Objective floats really well and is less tuned for hard snow than others. I'd say these two Voile models are close to tied on 50 degree firm snow, noting that is neither's specialty.
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Question from Oz Z
Hi! I relate to MJS's situation described below, and am curious what recommendations they were given by the SkimoCo Team. Thanks!
Answer from Patrick C

I love this question as someone with a Nordic background. There is nothing like a properly waxed classic ski of any sort, race or backcountry oriented. Realistically these skis will not match that kind of performance. They will, however, glide better than full skins, or kicker skins and would be a great choice for the distance and elevation gains you are describing. You can kick and glide with these skis (conditions dependent) and avoid the snowshoeing effect you see with heavier touring setups with full skins. The tricky part is that like Nordic skis they are weight sensitive for proper glide (a sizing chart can be found below the ski length drop-down menu), yet touring skis are sized by height. If you want to get into more specifics for your particular needs, please feel free to e-mail us at!
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Question from Damon T
I'm planning to mount Ski Trab Garage Titan bindings onto my new Voile Objective BCs. Where should I mount the toe-pivot-point of these new bindings onto the ski?

(option 1) Mount the binding toe-pivot on the ski's balance point so that I can lift the ski level with my ski boot's toe.

(option 2) Mount the binding toe-pivot more forward of the balance point so that I have a more downhill stance on the ski?

What have you all done, and what considerations should I take into account?
Answer from jbo
Hi Damon, we typically use the recommended midsole location for those.
Answer from Damon T
Thanks! So in that case, during free-heal touring, when you lift your foot, the back of your ski drags on snow and front of your ski points up towards clouds?
Answer from jbo
Hi Damon, it depends on your boot length where your toe will be located in relation to balance point. If you'd like to optimize for uphill, going 2-3cm forward of balance point would work.
Answer from Damon T
Yes makes sense, thanks. The recommended midsole location is ambiguous because the ski has markings in the middle like this:

made in

Two lines exist, and I'm not sure which of them is the recommended midsole location.
Answer from jbo
Hi Damon, they are not marked, the specs are on Voile's website for each model and length.
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Question from Herb
I'm 145lbs and with a pack can come in at around 155. Which size should i go with? 164 or 171? What are the pros and cons of each size given my weight?
Answer from Zak M
Hey Herb, when sizing up skis a person's weight is usually only one part of the puzzle. If you wanted to email with some more info including your height we could gather some good ski options for you.
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Question from MJS
Long format question below:

I'm coming from a BC nordic background, daily driving a highly cambered traverse 78 and loving it for the infinite glide, the ski is mounted with an NNNBC boot and I have no issues (on good dry conditions that aren't too deep) linking tele and "parallel" turns in my soft nordic boot, can hockey stop on groomed nordic trails.

The skis side slip, side step, herringbone, climb on scales, and kick like a DREAM. One kick and the right wax and you're flying baby! I don't want to lose that, performance on consolidated snow is a must for daily skis and weekend tours alike.

Increasingly I've been going out for tours on more "up and down with some flat" terrain instead of what you might consider "rolling" forest terrain. I wax for the day, bring along a pair of kicker skins just in case, and usually ski about 10-12mi and 800-1000' of elevation change on a good day long ski. I usually do this without the use of my skins ("THANKS Fischer skis!")

What bothers me is that when I encounter sustained downhill portions in anything but light powder on top of consolidated snow I basically just snowplow and fumble my way through some smeary stompy turns. Add to that a narrow single track skier packed trail and I'm essentially just going to luge-it-till-I-lose-it and beef skis over ass against a tree.

Ski trails here in VT can vary from "ideal" conditions to skier packed powder to ice/refroze in the spring and early season. More often than not during the mid winter season they're very well packed powder and skied out and bumpy. The traverse 78 and NNNBC is basically at the mercy of the surface, deflected constantly, hard to actually drive in anything that's not 3" of dry powder on top of consolidated snow.

My issue is that I see folks on heavier touring set ups and they (honestly) look like they're basically snow shoeing for the majority of the day. Skin touring up, walking with a bit of glide on the flats, but they move so nicely downhill that I'm envious of their control.

I don't want to trudge or shuffle, I want to glide, I just want a bit more sidecut and potentially a full heigh light plastic boot with a locking heal so I can actually commit downhill and control myself without just doing a 15minute long snowplow.

Would this be a good place to start given my experience with BC waxless nordic / XCD / light telemark touring? I have never really owned a plastic boot or locking heel binding so I actually don't know what that's like. Last time I downhilled at a resort I was 8 and it was West Virginia so does that even count?

Would love a recommendation for a setup. Is the OBC the one for me?
Answer from Tim
It looks like you are definitely on the right track and we would certainly be able to help you sort out a few different options that would get you skiing with confidence without sacrificing much else. Go ahead and e-mail us at or give us a call at (801) 942-9084 and we will get you all sorted out.
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Weavin (used product regularly)
This ski opened up tour options I would never consider with just skins. Long, flat approaches are faster and more efficient. I kinda forgot how much fun kicking & gliding can be on its own too.

I was also pleased to find how well this ski turns. Even though it's narrow by today's standards it has shined in fresh powder up to 10", soft faceted snow, and even wind affected snow. I have not skied it in firm conditions, but I have the impression it's more of a soft snow ski.

As noted this ski is slower on low angle gliding descents. It does not skate nearly as well as skis without pattern either. Double poling & double poling with kick are good tools to have with these skis.

I have paired this ski with Dynafit PDG (gen 1) boots and Superlite 2.0 bindings. It's a light, capable set up that's brought me a lot of joy!
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Maximillian O (used product a few times)
I was super stoked for the scaled versions of the Voile Objectives and was looking forward to easier trail skis out without having to put skins back on and or duck walk up short uphills.

Sadly to say the scaled version of the Objectives where extremely disappointing. Took them out for the first time this weekend after getting them mounted. On slope performance was good. What was disappointing was the trail ski out was so slow I came to a stop and my team members turned around to start looking for me wondering if I had fallen and hurt myself.

Going in I knew the scales would slow the ski down. But was not expecting that the scales on the skis would deem them un-usable for me. I cannot recommend this ski at all. It is also disappointing that this is not well documented anywhere on dealers or manufacture websites.
Reply from TSB
Maximillian -- sorry to hear you have not gelled immediately with the particularities of the Objective BC. There's definitely some added drag with the fish scales, especially in wetter snow climates, but in all my years of using and recommending the Voile BC skis I've never heard that someone stopped using them due to the drag issues. One thing I have noticed this model year (2020-21) is that Voile's factory base tuning has gotten slightly less well-finished, so you may want to try putting on a couple coats of wax on the tip and tail and seeing if that changes things at all -- should help a bit with the ski's ability to glide when de-cambered. The more costly and involved, but certainly effective, gliding solution is to use a DPS Phantom treatment over the whole of the ski, including the scales. You can use a brass brush to clean out the scales of any residue once the skis have gone through the whole Phantom process. For me, that's been the ultimate solution to the drag/glopping that I sometimes get on the scales in our warm/sodden Northeastern snow conditions. Hope you can find an easy fix!
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Comment from Raf
Hey Zak,

Thanks for the tip !
I'm actually hesitating with the Utravector BC in 177 which might be a better all rounder... (and I think ok with tele bindings ?). Anyone has an opinion on whats best ? Is the Objective in 171 really bad in deep powder ?
Reply from jbo
Hi Raf, I'm a touch taller than you and I've skied the 171 in lots of powder conditions. If it's deep low density, it does get swallowed up. Anything reasonably dense and right side up it's still fun. But yeah, the 177/178 would be better for that usage.
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Question from Raf

I was wondering what would be the best length for me ?
I'm 5'10'' and 158lbs.

Plan is to use it as a backcountry ski with light tele / touring cable bindings, with slopes ut to 30/35 degrees..

Thanks for your help !
Answer from Zak M
Hey Raf, I would say the 171cm could be a good option for a slightly shorter versatile ski length or the 178cm for a longer more "expert" option. Just a heads Voile does not suggest putting tele bindings on the Objective skis because it does void the warranty.
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Forrest Stanley (used product a few times)
Faster Further Funner!
Coming from a world of Karhu Guides and Fischer S-bounds, when I saw the Objectives it was a "Finally!" Type moment.
An alpine ski with scales and built for modern tech bindings! A game changer. If you need bigger and fatter they've got that to. I ride a revelator bc for that ;) Just got out on my first tour of the season, awkward touring, a dozen turns, and a good ol' bushwhack. They handled great! They floated better than I thought for twigs and they were nice and light! Can't wait for the rest of the season.
Thanks to They mounted my vario 2's perfectly for cheap and the package price was a good deal. Lovin this store. Thanks for the goods.
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Question from Rick
This ski seems to run short (longest length is 178cm). There is no sizing guidance on Voile's website. For a type II skier who weighs 190 lbs what length do you recommend?
Answer from TSB
Hey Rick, I also check in as a 190lb, type-II skier and I've skied the Objective/Objective BC in both the 171cm and 178cm lengths. They will both serve you well although the 171cm has a little more functionality in the spring on consolidated snow and as a mountaineering ski, while the 178cm has great powder versatility with plenty of rocker to handle deep midwinter snow. If you're coming from longer skis and don't want to size down quite as much, the Hyper Vector BC would also be a great option and comes in 177 and 183cm lengths.
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Question from Hannah North
Hello. Are you going to be getting some more Voile Objective BC in 164 cm in stock?
Answer from TSB
Hi Hannah! Given our proximity to Voile here in Salt Lake we could likely dig up a pair for you if you were interested! Give us a shout at if you wanted to get your hands on some of these rad planks.
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Question from Yann Troutet
Such a great option with the patterned base! But would these skis hold up to the forces involved with telemark bindings (BD, for instance, specifies not to use tele bindings on their Helio skis because the lightweight construction simply doesn't allow for such forces). Would this be a foreseeable issue?
Answer from Trace Leches
Hey Yann! I am going to do a little bit more digging into this question, but I have never heard anyone say that you can't use tele bindings on these skis. Seeing as Voile is still kind of the king of tele, I'd hope that the skis would stand up to it, but I could be wrong there.
Answer from Thomas W
I have put several days on these mounted with Tele bindings (last time was, we'll, today), including trips to the terrain park in addition to backcountry excursions. No issues whatsoever so far
Answer from jbo
Hi Yann, as with the Hyper series skis, Voile says it's "mount at your own risk" with tele bindings.
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TSB (downright abused product)
I've owned these skis since the first year Voile released them (16-17) and since then, have put through the wringer on everything from hut trips, day-long tours, "XCD"-style east coast skiing, short burst of steep skiing with long approaches skinning or hiking, glade laps, setting low-angle skinners on dawn patrols, and so on. Can't imagine a better ski for the jack-of-all-trades backcountry tourer who wants to do everything from hut touring to powder hunting. I recommend these skis, especially paired with a lightweight tech binding and a race-style boot, to anyone I talk to who is looking for an east-coast mixed conditions tool. Surprisingly, however, for a ski that is 80-84cm underfoot, it is definitely a soft snow ski and not a hardpack driver -- the drawbacks of having been tested around SLC, I suppose :-) The rocker gets the ski up and out of deep powder/chunder very effectively, but the soft flex and lack of full camber makes it difficult to edge on firmer snow. If you're between sizes, a bit more effective edge might help with carving, though yo'd sacrifice some kick-turn/hop-turn/on-the-pack functionality.
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Question from Yann
How is the flex on these skis? More exactly, how would it compare to the Voile V6. I telemark on the V6 173 cm but find them too stiff for my weight and style of skiing. I also own an old pair of Madshus Annums. I love the convenience of the BC base and softer flex, but the traditional camber just isn't very nimble. If the Objective offered a more buttery flex than the V6, they might just be my next ski.
Answer from Nate
Hi Yann, while I don't believe the Objective is an overly stiff ski by my or most other people's description, it has a substantial camber and I don't think it's any softer (particularly underfoot) than the V6. In terms of a ski that offers the soft flex you are looking for I would suggest the Elan Ibex 84 Carbon XLT though you would lose the scaled BC base Voile offers.
Answer from Yann T
Great suggestion. Very interesting ski for me. It's nice that the Ibex has a reinforced mounting plate: good for telemark setups. Do you carry the matching Elan Ibex 84 skins?
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