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Skimo Co

Dynafit Blacklight Binding

$399.95 $349.95

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In touring bindings, features and weight seem to have an inverse relationship. This is not the case with the Dynafit Blacklight binding. Packed with sensible features without tipping the scales, the Blacklight is a workhouse that will giddy up on just about any setup. Looking for adjustable lateral release? The Blacklight has you covered. Need a reasonable number of risers? Check. What about switching between pairs of boots, or breaking out the ski crampons come spring? Check and check. The Blacklight binding even has you covered if you are a brake person.

This binding will likely outlast the skis they are mounted on, backed by Dynafit’s legendary lifetime guarantee and forged aluminum, stainless steel, and high-tech synthetic construction. Whether you are just getting into the sport or a seasoned veteran with a deep quiver of skis, the Blacklight Binding from Dynafit is a worthy companion.

  • 10mm of BSL adjustability to match a couple boot models.
  • Ski crampon slot included for helping you scale icy mountains.
  • Ice Breaker pins for when that creek crossing goes awry in January.
  • Bayonet Lock in the heel piece offers secure power transmission to the ski.
  • Speed Step Climbing Aids make undulating terrain a breeze.
  • Step-In Side Towers make toe-entry struggles a thing of the past.
convert to ounces
Weight (pair) 598g
Boot Compatibility   Tech
Brakes (mm)   Available separately in 75, 90, and 105mm widths
BSL Adjustment   10mm
Riser Heights   3 + unofficial flat
Vertical Release   Fixed
Lateral Release   5-12
Crampon Ready   Included Option
Specs Verified Yes
Materials   Forged aluminum, high-tech synthetics, stainless steel
Skimo Co Says
Usage Long spring days to mid-winter meadow skipping
Notes Bayonet Lock results in excellent power transfer
Bottom Line Lightweight and powerful touring binding
Compare to other Lean Bindings

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Questions & Reviews

Question from Samuel Pendreigh
Hi Guys

I was looking at getting these bindings but before I did I was wondering if you could tell me whether or not your heel floats in the binding simialr to normal tech bindings or if instead there is a heel piece you can step down onto to transfer loads. Similar to the ATK Raider 12?
Answer from Jeff
Samuel, If you want to get in deep about bindings, you can contact us at
What I believe you are asking is if it has a Freeride spacer (optional on the Raider bindings). No, the Freeride spacers are fairly unique to ATK. There is one binding that has a stock platform, maybe better then ATK , Slatnar.
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Question from PATRICK F
I recently bought these bindings and had them mounted them to my skis. Dynafit, in their video, says the climbing aids are adjustable with the "touch of a pole." I cannot see how to lift the risers without using my hands, and it's debatable how easy even that will be with gloves. These are my third set of Dynafit bindings, and my two older pairs are easily adjusted with a pole. Before I give them a bad review, I'll give you the opportunity to explain how to lift the risers with only a pole. Also, it wasn't noted that these bindings don't have a flat ski mode, which is another feature I'm not too thrilled about.
Answer from Carlos M
Hi Patrick,

Not sure if you bought these from us, but we do list the minimum riser height as "nearly flat" and not truly flat in our specs. It may also be possible to use an unofficial flat mode by rotating the binding 90 degrees, assuming you have the non-braked version displayed here. This could be worth a try for long, flat, approaches although there is no detent for it.

As far as flipping the risers with a pole, we played around with it in the shop, and it is possible to flip both risers up by using the grip on your pole to hook under the higher riser and pulling upward. Then, you can push the high riser down if you just want the first level. This works best if you have a pole with a more hook-shaped grip, but I can imagine making it work with a number of different poles. Hopefully this works for you!
Answer from PATRICK F
Thanks for the reply. I managed to get the risers to move somewhat consistently with my baskets (BD screw-on removable type - see photo). They're pretty stiff, and the design makes it easier to snag the edge of the riser. It's not ideal, but I guess that's the price one pays for lighter weight gear. And yes, I bought them from you, although I just checked and mine are the + model.
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Model: Blacklight Binding UPC: 4046402083803

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