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Skimo Co

Swix HS Liquid Wax


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HS could stand for "Han Solo," "Handsome Sonofagun," "Homely Sailer" - the list goes on. Swix thought it should stand for "High Speed" when they came out with their HS liquid wax line. Spray on, let sit for 15 minutes, brush it out and hit the snow. Your future is now, convenience is the name of the game with waxing now that you can ditch the iron and stop dedicating an entire garage bay to waxing up your boards. Because we love our enironment, and so does Swix, these formulas are fluoro free. The Swix HS liquid wax line appears to be "Highly Savvy."

Wax # Temp Range Celsius
#6 25°F to 10°F -4°C to -12°C
#7 28°F to 18°F -2°C to -8°C
#8 39°F to 25°F 4°C to -4°C
#10 50°F to 36°F 10°C to 2°C

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Questions & Reviews

EG1 (used product regularly)
Ex ski racer - so tend not to believe tuning "cheats" very often. Tried this as a "day-saver" for when you realize the snow is wet and your touring skis are super dry. Find it works remarkably well as a short term fix and doesn't create any issues with skin glue either.
Reply from Patrick C

Great to hear this wax is working for you! It should have about the same durability as a hot wax, the industry has taken to liquid wax and it is becoming a standard. No doubt dry or dirty bases will lead to lower durability, regular waxing and conditioning can help remedy lack of longevity.
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