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DPS Phantom 2.0 Base Glide Treatment


Ski mountaineers and backcountry skiers are not known for ski maintenance. Most would rather be skiing! If you identify with that sentiment, you’ll love the Phantom permanent base treatment from DPS. The rocket-surgeons in charge at DPS promise that Phantom will give you the greased lightning feel of a fresh wax that will never, ever wear off. Gone are the late nights of scraping wax in cramped garages, the feeling of friction under your bases as you realize you picked the wrong wax, and the ashen bases of your neglected skis. Get yourself a fresh stone grind, apply Phantom, and spend more time skiing!

  • Apply once: performance never fades regardless of stone grinds.
  • Polymer technology provides performance across a broad range of conditions and snow temperatures for the life of your bases.
  • Environmentally friendly since it doesn't use toxins that get skied-off and end up in the watershed.
  • More cost-effective than waxing regularly.

Update 2018/19: Phantom 2.0 is an updated formula that brings the curing time down from 4 hours to a more manageable 1 hour. Ski properties remain the same.

Update 2020/21: DPS worked some magic and made Phantom a one part formula as opposed to a two step process.

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Questions & Reviews

Question from Ryszard Pluta
The picture depicts Phantom not Phantom 2.0; which one is it?
Answer from Will McD
Hi Ryszard, despite the photo it is in fact the Phantom 2.0 Treatment.
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Question from Nicole
I applied Phantom to my ski's last spring with the dream of mostly ignoring waxing my skis, but the last few ski days out in the sun of winter, I've had some serious snow build up on the bottom of my skis after a handful of laps. I'll be hot waxing on top of the phantom much more often but was wondering if this is to be expected after 9 months or so?
Answer from TSB
Hey Nicole, we've seen quite varied results on the Phantom treatment depending on a range of factors, such as base prep prior to the treatment, usage of a curing oven, how well the chemicals are applied, and whether you were using Phantom 1.0 or 2.0. Short of interrupting Stefan Drake in his powdery reveries to ask for answers, you can email us at to get a deeper dive into what might be going on!
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Question from DEVON COMSTOCK
Does this kit include the cork/brush or is it just the waxless base kit? Kind of hard to tell from the photo and description
Answer from Jeff
Devon, Here is all you get- The treatment, the brush in the picture, a foam applicator , 2 pair of rubber gloves, instructions and 2 Phantom stickers. Everything you need for a professional application.
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Question from Brendan
Is it possible to hot wax over this stuff, if one were so inclined, for a faster ride?
Answer from Teddy Young
Hey Brendan, you can absolutely hot wax over it! And once the hot wax wears off, you're still back to the Phantom. Best of both worlds!
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Question from Haoran L
Can I simply apply the phantom to skis even when those was newly machine/iron waxed? Do I have to remove the wax?
Answer from Teddy Young
Hello Haoran, here's some of what DPS says on the topic!

"Not-provided items/services needed for proper DIY PHANTOM application include a ski or snowboard base cleaner, or alternatively, employing a ski/snowboard shop to clean bases via stone grinding prior to application."

"Thoroughly clean the base of your skis or snowboard.
BEST - Fresh stone grind and wipe down.
BETTER - Off the shelf base cleaner.
GOOD - Use household items such as hot soapy water or olive
oil with a clean rag to clean your bases."
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Question from Mr. Han
Is it possible shipping to Republic of Korea?
Answer from Trace Leches
Hi Mr. Han! Shipping to the Republic of Korea is not a problem at all!
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Question from Jim
Is this anything like Zardoz notwax™? Zardoz was Paul Ramer's last product before succumbing to Mad Cow Disease, the human version.
Answer from Trace Leches
Hey Jim! NOTwax makes skis go faster and so does Phantom so in that regard I suppose they are similar but outside of that they are fairly different. The big difference between Phantom and the late Mr. Ramer's NOTwax is that Phantom is applied once, bonds to the P-Tex, and stays there for the life of the ski whereas NOTwax is very, very temporary and is relatively high-maintenance when you use it in conjunction with skins. Phantom has excellent compatibility with climbing skins.
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Question from Steve
Is the phantom 2.0 product available in yor inventory to ship?
Answer from jbo
Hi Steve, yes! We have some in stock now.
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utahpete (used product regularly)
Put this (Phantom 1.0) on a pair on Nordica Helldorados and also on a pair of Liberty Variant 113's last year. Slightly slower than my best fresh wax job but after 15 days or so it still seemed as good as new. A little disappointed in sticky spring snow conditions, but to be honest I've never found a wax that wasn't disappointing in those conditions either.
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Question from Charlie
two questions:
1. how many skis will this treat?
2. In the description are you saying that once applied that future base grinds won't erode the effectiveness of the application? If so, i am guessing that the chemicals penetrate the entire depth of the base (or something like that)...?

Thank you!
Answer from Trace Leches
Hey Charlie!
1) Standard "dosage" is one set of skis though we suspect that if you wanted to do two sets of race skis at the same time it could happen without a second kit, though as of today we haven't done that.

2) You nailed it. We had the engineer who developed it in house a while back and he dove into a ton of chemical engineering info but the basic idea is that yes, it's something along the lines of a molecular chain that will bond to P-Tex and while it's being applied it migrates its way through the plastic but because of its properties it won't bond to anything else. I'm not an engineer though so forgive me if my terminology was off.
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Model: Phantom 2.0 Glide UPC: 0812276023924

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