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Skimo Co

Hagan Ski Crampons

$84.95 From $69.95

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Nothing screams "I love spring" more than the Hagan Ski Crampon. Well, maybe choosing Cinco De Mayo as your favorite holiday but that's beside the point. The Hagan Ski Crampon provides utter grip on utterly bad skin tracks. Forged from aluminum, into small alligator teeth, it's not too often that you get this strong of a ski crampon in such a small package. Compatible with all Hagan bindings, this crampon adds a good amount of versatility to your kit, allowing you to drop all previous knowledge of proper skinning techniques. The Hagan Ski crampon will feel equally at home on your rack, in your pack, or on the skin track.

  • Hagan binding compatibility for enhanced AWD performance.
  • Crafted out of pure, unadulterated aluminum.
  • Multiple size options ranging from 70mm to 120mm
  • Available in one color: Midnight Mystery (Black)

Stock Note: If the size you're looking for is out of stock, check out the BD & ATK crampons which are the same thing.

Width* Weight (g) Weight (oz) Measured Width
70mm 49 1.7 70mm
75mm 61 2.2 75mm
86mm 67 2.3 86mm
97mm 73 2.4 97mm
102mm 75 2.5 102mm
108mm 77 2.6 108mm
120mm 81 2.9 120mm
135mm 132 4.7 135mm

*Please note that Hagan ski crampons are exactly the width specified so measure your ski where the crampon will sit and make sure to order a higher number.

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Questions & Reviews

Question from Ben
Are these compatible with the atomic backland bindings?
Answer from Jeff
Ben, these have the same attachment as Dynafit crampons. So you would need the plastic clip that comes with the Backland to use.
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Question from Nicole
Je viens de recevoir ces crampons. Super légers…. Je les mets facilement, par contre pour les enlever je dois demander de l’aide, y a t il un truc pour que je puisse le faire moi-même?
Merci pour votre réponse et salutations.
Answer from Niko M
Salut Nicole ! Au début, les crampons peuvent être quelque peu difficiles à retirer car l'ajustement n'est pas parfaitement usiné. Au fil de leur utilisation, ils continueront à s'améliorer et deviendront plus faciles à installer et à supprimer. Pas de trucs faciles, mais pour l'instant, assurez-vous que le crampon est soulevé presque complètement tout en le faisant glisser. Merci!
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Question from Max
Hi SkiMoCo, I have Atomic Backland 107s mounted with ATK FR14s. At the binding mount, the edge to edge measures ~108-109mm. Do you think it would be better to get ATK/Hagan crampons in the 120mm or Dynafits in the 110mm size, assuming that the 108mm ATKs wouldn't fit?
Answer from jbo
Hi Max, yes that sounds just a bit too wide for the ATKs and the next best fit would be the Dynafits. They have a touch more bite as well.
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Question from David
It appears these are lighter than the ATK crampons for a given size. Is this true? Have there been any downsides to this compared to the ATK? Thanks!
Answer from Gabriel I
Hi David, must be the paint! Joking aside, looks like one of the widths here is indeed measured a tad lighter, couldn't give you a good answer as to why! They are the same product as the ATK Crampons, no downsides compared to them. We'll give the full size run a re-measure, looks like we're missing specs on a width or two as well right now.
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Question from Wally Naylor
Are these ski crampons deeper than the standard issue Dynafit ones? I'm looking for something that will still make contact with the snow in the elevated heel positions. Thanks.
Answer from Teddy Young
Hey Wally, these are about 1/4 inch shorter in maximum depth compared to the Dynafit version. For a creative solution to get full "bite" when using tall riser settings, some folks have opted to attach a piece of material to the top of the ski crampon. In fact, both of these models have two holes in the top, allowing you to use bolts or cord to secure a section of PVC pipe or maybe a block of wood!
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Question from drew
My Atomic Backland 95's measure between 94-95mm where the crampons would sit. Are the 97mm crampons big enough or should I get the 102mm for extra wiggle room?

Also, do these slide into the Dynafit crampon slot easier than the Dynafit brand crampons? My Dynafit brand crampons are near impossible to get into the slot while on the bench in my garage. I'd bet it would be 100% impossible outdoors. Bindings are the ST Rotation 10.

Thanks x2!
Answer from Jeff
Drew, The 97mm Hagan will fit that ski perfectly.
Sometimes you can bend the receptor on the Rotations a bit to make the crampon slide in a bit easier. But some people have better luck with the ATK.
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Eddy v (downright abused product)
These are lighter than Dynafit crampons, come in more sizes so you can more perfectly pair them to your skis, and still fit in Dynafit bindings (or at least so I've been told, I'm on ATKs/Hagans). They perform just as well, so I really see no reason not to get these instead if you have the Dynafit style crampon attachment.

If you haven't had ski crampons before - they're a lifesaver in spring melt-freeze conditions, especially when sidehilling. They'll make an annoying sound while you use them (all ski crampons do this) but it's still a lot less annoying than constantly slipping around on refrozen snow!
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