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Dynafit Buckles & Catches

From $8.95

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Bust a buckle? Maybe ripped off on a tree stump? Hopefully, you will find a new one here. If you can't find it here, please check out our selection of new boots.

DNA Cuff Cord x1 - Thin Dyneema cuff cord on the full-carbon DNA boots.

DyNA Evo Instep Strap x2 - Velcro Strap replacement for DyNA boots.

Hoji Instep Strap x1 - Instep strap for you Hoji Free or Hoji Pro.

Hoji Instep Buckle x1 - Instep buckle for your Hoji Free or Hoji Pro.

Hoji Toe Buckle x1 - Toe buckle for your Hoji Free or Hoji Pro.

Hoji Cuff Buckle x1 - Cuff buckle for your Hoji Free or Hoji Pro.

Hoji Cuff Catch x1 - Cuff buckle catch for your Hoji Free or Hoji Pro.

Hoji Toe Catch - Toe catch for all Hoji models.

PDG Cuff Buckle Set x2 - A set of cuff buckles for your Dynafit PDG.

PDG Instep Catch x1 - The catch for the instep buckle on the first generation PDG.

PDG Instep Buckle x1 - The instep buckle for the first generation PDG.

PDG Ratchet Buckle x1 - The buckle that the ratchet strap feeds into on the first generation PDG.

PDG Ratchet Strap x1 - Ratchet strap replacement for PDG.

PDG 2 Instep Buckle x 1 - The instep buckle for the second generation PDG 2.

PDG 2 Instep Cord x2 - The cord that crosses your instep on the PDG 2 boots.

PDG 2 Cuff Buckle x1 - The buckle on the cuff of the PDG 2.

Radical Pro Left Cuff Buckle - Single buckle for the left cuff of the Radical Pro.

Radical Pro Right Cuff Buckle - Single buckle for the right cuff of the Radical Pro

Radical Pro Left Instep Buckle - Single buckle, strap, and mounting bracket for the lower of the Radical Pro on the left boot.

Radical Pro Right Instep Buckle - Single buckle, strap, and mounting bracket for the lower of the Radical Pro on the right boot.

Tigard Cuff Buckle - Single buckle for either position on the Tigard cuff. Same buckle for the left and right boots.

Tigard Left Low Instep Buckle - Replacement buckle for the position closest to the toe of the left Tigard boot.

Tigard Right Low Instep Buckle - Replacement buckle for the position closest to the toe of the right Tigard boot.

Tigard Left Mid Instep Buckle - Replacement buckle for the position closest to the ankle on the lower of the left Tigard boot.

Tigard Right Mid Instep Buckle - Replacement buckle for the position closest to the ankle on the lower of the right Tigard boot.

TLT6 Left Cuff Buckle & Catch - The cuff buckle and catch from the cuff of your left TLT6.

TLT6 Instep Band Set x2 - Band used to mount instep catch on all TLT6 and Speedfit models.

TLT6 Cuff Catch x2 - Upper catch for cuff buckle for all TLT6 and Speedfit boots.

TLT6 Right Cuff Buckle & Catch - The cuff buckle and catch from the cuff of your right TLT6.

TLT7 Left Buckle Set - The complete buckle assembly for your entire left TLT7 boot.

TLT7 Right Buckle Set - The complete buckle assembly for your right TLT7 boot.

TLT Speedfit Left Instep Buckle x1 - An instep buckle for your left Dynafit TLT Speedfit.

TLT Speedfit Right Instep Buckle x1 - An instep buckle for your right Dynafit TLT Speedfit.

TLT Speedfit Left Cuff Buckle x1 - The cuff buckle for your left Dynafit TLT Speedfit.

TLT Speedfit Right Cuff Buckle x1 - The cuff buckle for your right Dynafit TLT Speedfit.

TLT Speedfit Instep Catch x2 - The instep ladder catch for the lower buckle for all TLT Speedfit models.

TLT8 Right Cuff Buckle - The cuff buckle for your right TLT8 - will work with ALL TLT8 models despite color.

TLT8 Left Cuff Buckle - The cuff buckle for your left TLT8 - will work with ALL TLT8 models despite color.

TLT8 Cuff Catch - The cuff catch for the ladder buckle for all TLT8 models.

TLT8 Instep Strap and Rachet - The ladder, "V" shaped cord and rivets for all TLT8 models.

TLT8 Carbonio Instep Buckle - The buckle that tightens the ladder across the instep including rivets. Will work with all TLT8 models, but color is specific to the TLT8 Carbonio.

Vulcan Instep Straps - Comes as a set of the left and right strap

Youngstar Left Instep Buckle - Buckle for the left lower of the Youngstar boot.

Youngstar Right Instep Buckle - Buckle for the right lower of the Youngstar boot.

Youngstar Left Cuff Buckle - Cuff buckle for the left Youngstar boot.

Youngstar Right Cuff Buckle - Cuff buckle for the right Youngstar boot.

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Questions & Reviews

Question from Jamie
Snapped right top cuff-buckle on my Dynafit Vulcan's. Any chance you carry those? I see left cuff buckle on drop down list, not right side...assuming it's the same one. Would TLT6 cuff buckle work? Thanks much
Answer from jbo
Hi Jamie, the buckles are mirror images. We will have more right buckles in a week or so.
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Question from dave
Can I update my TLT5 buckle set with the TLT6 buckle set, with the goal of adding the micro adjust feature on the TLT6 buckles?
Answer from jbo
Hi Dave, no problem there!
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Question from kevin
Do you have the pdg upper cuff buckle? How do I select it? I don't see it in the list. Size 27
Answer from eric
Kevin- We do not have a PDG buckle but the tlt6 or vulcan would work. They are the wrong color but would function the same. Vulcan buckle is a bit beefier and heavier.
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Question from KennyD

I have the TLT 5 Mountain, It is missing the Cord for the bottom buckle. Do you sell the cord by itself? Or is it the TLT Mtn Instep Buckle Set?
Answer from jbo
Hi KennyD, the TLT5 parts have dried up but the PDG instep buckles work. Unfortunately those are now sold out for the season as well.
Answer from Kenneth D
Can you please let me know when it is back in stock.
Answer from Anita T
I have the same problem with my tlt5s. And I just have to say that Dynafit has the WORST customer service ever. Glad to see you guys are offering parts because they cant be bothered to even reply to emails about parts. Even when you say that you are a volunteer instructor with a backcountry ski class and need asap. Thanks for filling in for their horrible customer service. I guess I'm going to have to buy new boots since this part is sold out. :(
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Question from Tracy
Do you guys still have TLT5 Instep Buckle cord for size 26.5?
Answer from jbo
Hi Tracy, unfortunately not. Same story with the PDG cord, which is the same.
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Question from Darren
My wife has a pair of One-PXes in a size 26. They are a little snug around the calf when in ski mode. Is it possible to get a longer cable for the top buckle to give her a little more room? We tried heel lifts, but that wasn't quite enough. Thanks!
Answer from jbo
Hi Darren, it's possible replacing the whole buckle assembly with a bigger size would help. It's the same buckles (other than color) for the One, Mercury, and Vulcan, so you maybe be able to find one.
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Question from Jon
I broke the cable on the top buckle of my Dynafit Vulcans. Do you have a full buckle / cable replacement? cheers
Answer from jbo
Hi Jon, we don't have any in stock but can check availability. Send us the size and side (left v right).
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Question from Max
My cuff buckle for a PX-1 boot of 2012 is cracking, is there any compatible replacement?
Answer from jbo
Happy to check for you Max. What size boot? Left or right buckle? The buckle itself or the catch?
Answer from max f
Right boot buckle (not the latch), mondo 28.5.

Answer from jbo
Hi Max, these are now in stock and listed as Vulcan Right Cuff Buckle.
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Question from Tim
I broke a cuff buckle on one of my Mercury boots. Can I use a PDG cuff buckle assembly to replace it?
Answer from jbo
Hi Tim, unfortunately I don't think those would fit, it's a pretty different design.
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