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Dynafit Buckles & Catches

From $8.95

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Bust a buckle? Maybe ripped off on a tree stump? Hopefully, you will find a new one here. If you can't find it here, please check out our selection of new boots.

DNA Cuff Cord x1 - Thin Dyneema cuff cord on the full-carbon DNA boots.

DyNA Evo Instep Strap x2 - Velcro Strap replacement for DyNA boots.

Hoji Instep Strap x1 - Instep strap for you Hoji Free or Hoji Pro.

Hoji Instep Buckle x1 - Instep buckle for your Hoji Free or Hoji Pro.

Hoji Toe Buckle x1 - Toe buckle for your Hoji Free or Hoji Pro.

Hoji Cuff Buckle x1 - Cuff buckle for your Hoji Free or Hoji Pro.

Hoji Cuff Catch x1 - Cuff buckle catch for your Hoji Free or Hoji Pro.

Hoji Toe Catch - Toe catch for all Hoji models.

PDG Cuff Buckle Set x2 - A set of cuff buckles for your Dynafit PDG.

PDG Instep Catch x1 - The catch for the instep buckle on the first generation PDG.

PDG Instep Buckle x1 - The instep buckle for the first generation PDG.

PDG Ratchet Buckle x1 - The buckle that the ratchet strap feeds into on the first generation PDG.

PDG Ratchet Strap x1 - Ratchet strap replacement for PDG.

PDG 2 Instep Buckle x 1 - The instep buckle for the second generation PDG 2.

PDG 2 Instep Cord x2 - The cord that crosses your instep on the PDG 2 boots.

PDG 2 Cuff Buckle x1 - The buckle on the cuff of the PDG 2.

Radical Pro Left Cuff Buckle - Single buckle for the left cuff of the Radical Pro.

Radical Pro Right Cuff Buckle - Single buckle for the right cuff of the Radical Pro

Radical Pro Left Instep Buckle - Single buckle, strap, and mounting bracket for the lower of the Radical Pro on the left boot.

Radical Pro Right Instep Buckle - Single buckle, strap, and mounting bracket for the lower of the Radical Pro on the right boot.

Tigard Cuff Buckle - Single buckle for either position on the Tigard cuff. Same buckle for the left and right boots.

Tigard Left Low Instep Buckle - Replacement buckle for the position closest to the toe of the left Tigard boot.

Tigard Right Low Instep Buckle - Replacement buckle for the position closest to the toe of the right Tigard boot.

Tigard Left Mid Instep Buckle - Replacement buckle for the position closest to the ankle on the lower of the left Tigard boot.

Tigard Right Mid Instep Buckle - Replacement buckle for the position closest to the ankle on the lower of the right Tigard boot.

TLT6 Left Cuff Buckle & Catch - The cuff buckle and catch from the cuff of your left TLT6.

TLT6 Instep Band Set x2 - Band used to mount instep catch on all TLT6 and Speedfit models.

TLT6 Cuff Catch x2 - Upper catch for cuff buckle for all TLT6 and Speedfit boots.

TLT6 Right Cuff Buckle & Catch - The cuff buckle and catch from the cuff of your right TLT6.

TLT7 Left Buckle Set - The complete buckle assembly for your entire left TLT7 boot.

TLT7 Right Buckle Set - The complete buckle assembly for your right TLT7 boot.

TLT Speedfit Left Instep Buckle x1 - An instep buckle for your left Dynafit TLT Speedfit.

TLT Speedfit Right Instep Buckle x1 - An instep buckle for your right Dynafit TLT Speedfit.

TLT Speedfit Left Cuff Buckle x1 - The cuff buckle for your left Dynafit TLT Speedfit.

TLT Speedfit Right Cuff Buckle x1 - The cuff buckle for your right Dynafit TLT Speedfit.

TLT Speedfit Instep Catch x2 - The instep ladder catch for the lower buckle for all TLT Speedfit models.

TLT8 Right Cuff Buckle - The cuff buckle for your right TLT8 - will work with ALL TLT8 models despite color.

TLT8 Left Cuff Buckle - The cuff buckle for your left TLT8 - will work with ALL TLT8 models despite color.

TLT8 Cuff Catch - The cuff catch for the ladder buckle for all TLT8 models.

TLT8 Instep Strap and Rachet - The ladder, "V" shaped cord and rivets for all TLT8 models.

TLT8 Carbonio Instep Buckle - The buckle that tightens the ladder across the instep including rivets. Will work with all TLT8 models, but color is specific to the TLT8 Carbonio.

Vulcan Instep Straps - Comes as a set of the left and right strap

Youngstar Left Instep Buckle - Buckle for the left lower of the Youngstar boot.

Youngstar Right Instep Buckle - Buckle for the right lower of the Youngstar boot.

Youngstar Left Cuff Buckle - Cuff buckle for the left Youngstar boot.

Youngstar Right Cuff Buckle - Cuff buckle for the right Youngstar boot.

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Questions & Reviews

Question from Ross
You have the instep buckle for TLT Speedfit listed but not the catch. Do you have the catches too? Or does the buckle include the catch?
Answer from Patrick C

Thanks for reaching out! The buckle does not come with the catch. That catch is not a part that we have carried. If you shoot us an email at we can look into sourcing that part for you!
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Question from Josh
The pictures for the DyNA Evo cuff catches as well as the Speedfit cuff and instep buckles look pretty similar to the parts on my Tlt6 mountain CR’s. Will these parts fit my boots? Tlt6 parts have gotten to be sorta few and far between these days.
Answer from Zak M
Hey Josh, those Speedfit cuffs and instep buckles should work just fine with your TLT6.
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Question from Ben
Do the Hoji cuff buckles come in different sizes? Can the cables be shortened at all? I have already drilled out the extra cuff hole and still need more tightening!
Answer from Brett S
Thanks for your question, Ben. To my knowledge, the buckles don't typically come in different sizes. There are a few steps you can try, though:

1. Make sure the micro-adjustment of the buckle is all the way tightened (right tightens, left loosens).
2. Put a thicker liner in. The Intuition Pro Tour is a stouter and shall we say, "girthier" option than the stock liner. It also offers the ability to buy thicker tongues for those of us with smaller calves.

Hope this helps!
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Question from Jared
Hi all,

Do you happen to have any more Dynafit Vulcan cuff buckles (or know where to find any?).


Answer from Cole P
Hey Jared, we do not have any of those in stock. I think your best bet would contact Dynafit directly.
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Question from Juan Gallego-Calderon

One of the cables from the buckle on my Dynafit Neo PX broke. I don't see this boot on your list, but I was wondering if any of the other parts you have would work?

Answer from Jeff
Juan, you did not specify which buckle. Please send us photos of the broken buckle to our help.
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Question from thoma h
My girlfriend has a pair of Dynafit Neo U CR Fiji Blue / Green 23.5. She needs the nut that goes on the back of the screw that holds the top buckle on. I have attached a picture of the buckle and the nut. Don't suppose you have any in stock or just laying around.

Answer from Jeff
Thomas, we do not have any for sale now. What we had was from a hardware store and not a close fit. Couldn't find any in our random parts.
Answer from thoma h
Ok, thank you. Do you have anything that you think will come close or would you suggest that I do the same and go to the hardware store and look around?
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Question from Greg
Hey there,

Do you still have the Vulcan cuff buckles?

Answer from Jeff
Greg, we have some on order and will be here any day.
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Question from Wendy
Just need one TLT 5 instep cord, any chance you have one? Thanks!
Answer from Jeff
Wendy, sorry, hasn't been available for quite some time.
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Question from Max Cohen
Hey there wondering if there’s a chance you will be getting more Vulcan buckles in? I wanted to order a extra full set for an upcoming trip but see that there is only the left cuff buckle in stock. Thanks
Answer from jbo
Hi Max, we do not expect any more in this season, sorry!
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Question from Dave
Hi, I'm looking for a replacement instep buckle for a Dyna Evo boot. I think the part number is 68446 1602. I'm not quite sure whether the Instep Strap you list above is what I'm looking for. Is it?! Thanks.
Answer from Jeff
Dave, sorry, that is not the buckle. We don't have it.
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Question from DrSkimo
I'm looking for a PDG Instep Buckle Cord for a 2014 model. They're durable but very easy to lose!
Answer from Teddy Young
We haven't been able to get that part from Dynafit for a little while now, so the current best repair for most folks is some small diameter accessory cord!
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Question from Zack Jessel
Looking for a right cuff buckle for a Mercury. Is the Vulcan buckle the best option that you have?
Answer from Nate
Hi Zack, I'm sorry to hear you're in need of a buckle. Historically, we have not seen a lot of success in interchanging the Vulcan buckles on other boots. In your case, I cannot say 100% that it will or will not work because we can't recall trying it specifically on a Mercury.
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Question from Jerry Johnson
any chance of finding a left hand instep buckle and cable for a tlt5?
Answer from Nate
Hi Jerry, TLT5 parts have achieved rare status and are moving toward priceless. We do not have any in stock, and haven't seen availability on most parts for some time now.
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Question from Pierre L B

I need a replacement TLT6 Performance replacement instep Buckle set the lower one the buckle is black, would a Lower TLT6 MtN instep Buckle set work for the repair and do you have one in stock. The cable on the buckle is broken, any solution?

Thanks for your help

Pierre Bolduc
Answer from Trace Leches
Hey Pierre! Yes, that'd work just fine but unfortunately we are out of stock for the time being.
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Question from Guy
I’ve broken the R cuff buckle on my Dynafit Mercury boot. Does the Vulcan cuff buckle available here on Skimo work as a replacement?
Answer from jbo
Hi Guy, yes those are the same shell system.
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Question from Evgeny
Hello, I'm broken cable on my TLT7 Performance (left boot).
you have a repair kit, for solve this problem?
Answer from Nate
Hello Evgeny, you will have to send the boot in to Dynafit. They have special tooling to reinstall the cuff pivots that is necessary to complete this repair.
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Question from Mike Hedberg
I have a pair of Dynafit Vulcans and have broken both the left and right cuff buckles at different times. I was able to get replacement buckles from the local shop, however I see them breaking again...... Looking to see if the TLT 6 buckles are interchangeable with the Vulcan and if so are they stronger?

Thanks Mike
Answer from jbo
Hi Mike, they aren't designed to be interchangeable and are not stronger (the Vulcan is a beefier boot).
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Question from Clara Carroll

I'm looking for a replacement instep buckle cord for my Dynafit TLT5 Mountains. I can't seem to find one anywhere.. would one from another boot work or might you have one?

Answer from Nate
Hi Clara, unfortunately the parts availability for the Dynafit TLT5 boots seems to have dried up. We have been trying to get these and other parts but they have become incredibly scarce at this point. We do not have any in stock at this time and Dynafit does not have any available for us to order.

I'm not aware of being able to use one from another boot at this time.
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Question from Levan Lebanidze
Hello, I broke a buckle on one of my Khion boot. Is it replaceable? can I get this part? Thanks a lot.
Answer from Trace Leches
Hey Levan! Dang! In theory, yes it's absolutely replaceable! Dynafit also seems to be totally out for the time being and we're unsure if they're going to be bringing in any more throughout the rest of the season.
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Question from Fedor F
I have a question regarding instep buckles and straps for the PDG boots.
Please clarify if versions of these buckles and straps which listed in the dropdown menu are for the new model 2016-2017, or they are for the old PDG model?
Thank you,
Answer from jbo
Hi Fedor, the old version used cords and catches and the new version uses ratchet straps and ratchet buckles.
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