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Dynafit Buckles & Catches

From $8.95

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Bust a buckle? Maybe ripped off on a tree stump? Hopefully, you will find a new one here. If you can't find it here, please check out our selection of new boots.

DNA Cuff Cord x1 - Thin Dyneema cuff cord on the full-carbon DNA boots.

DyNA Evo Instep Strap x2 - Velcro Strap replacement for DyNA boots.

Hoji Instep Strap x1 - Instep strap for you Hoji Free or Hoji Pro.

Hoji Instep Buckle x1 - Instep buckle for your Hoji Free or Hoji Pro.

Hoji Toe Buckle x1 - Toe buckle for your Hoji Free or Hoji Pro.

Hoji Cuff Buckle x1 - Cuff buckle for your Hoji Free or Hoji Pro.

Hoji Cuff Catch x1 - Cuff buckle catch for your Hoji Free or Hoji Pro.

Hoji Toe Catch - Toe catch for all Hoji models.

PDG Cuff Buckle Set x2 - A set of cuff buckles for your Dynafit PDG.

PDG Instep Catch x1 - The catch for the instep buckle on the first generation PDG.

PDG Instep Buckle x1 - The instep buckle for the first generation PDG.

PDG Ratchet Buckle x1 - The buckle that the ratchet strap feeds into on the first generation PDG.

PDG Ratchet Strap x1 - Ratchet strap replacement for PDG.

PDG 2 Instep Buckle x 1 - The instep buckle for the second generation PDG 2.

PDG 2 Instep Cord x2 - The cord that crosses your instep on the PDG 2 boots.

PDG 2 Cuff Buckle x1 - The buckle on the cuff of the PDG 2.

Radical Pro Left Cuff Buckle - Single buckle for the left cuff of the Radical Pro.

Radical Pro Right Cuff Buckle - Single buckle for the right cuff of the Radical Pro

Radical Pro Left Instep Buckle - Single buckle, strap, and mounting bracket for the lower of the Radical Pro on the left boot.

Radical Pro Right Instep Buckle - Single buckle, strap, and mounting bracket for the lower of the Radical Pro on the right boot.

Tigard Cuff Buckle - Single buckle for either position on the Tigard cuff. Same buckle for the left and right boots.

Tigard Left Low Instep Buckle - Replacement buckle for the position closest to the toe of the left Tigard boot.

Tigard Right Low Instep Buckle - Replacement buckle for the position closest to the toe of the right Tigard boot.

Tigard Left Mid Instep Buckle - Replacement buckle for the position closest to the ankle on the lower of the left Tigard boot.

Tigard Right Mid Instep Buckle - Replacement buckle for the position closest to the ankle on the lower of the right Tigard boot.

TLT6 Left Cuff Buckle & Catch - The cuff buckle and catch from the cuff of your left TLT6.

TLT6 Instep Band Set x2 - Band used to mount instep catch on all TLT6 and Speedfit models.

TLT6 Cuff Catch x2 - Upper catch for cuff buckle for all TLT6 and Speedfit boots.

TLT6 Right Cuff Buckle & Catch - The cuff buckle and catch from the cuff of your right TLT6.

TLT7 Left Buckle Set - The complete buckle assembly for your entire left TLT7 boot.

TLT7 Right Buckle Set - The complete buckle assembly for your right TLT7 boot.

TLT Speedfit Left Instep Buckle x1 - An instep buckle for your left Dynafit TLT Speedfit.

TLT Speedfit Right Instep Buckle x1 - An instep buckle for your right Dynafit TLT Speedfit.

TLT Speedfit Left Cuff Buckle x1 - The cuff buckle for your left Dynafit TLT Speedfit.

TLT Speedfit Right Cuff Buckle x1 - The cuff buckle for your right Dynafit TLT Speedfit.

TLT Speedfit Instep Catch x2 - The instep ladder catch for the lower buckle for all TLT Speedfit models.

TLT8 Right Cuff Buckle - The cuff buckle for your right TLT8 - will work with ALL TLT8 models despite color.

TLT8 Left Cuff Buckle - The cuff buckle for your left TLT8 - will work with ALL TLT8 models despite color.

TLT8 Cuff Catch - The cuff catch for the ladder buckle for all TLT8 models.

TLT8 Instep Strap and Rachet - The ladder, "V" shaped cord and rivets for all TLT8 models.

TLT8 Carbonio Instep Buckle - The buckle that tightens the ladder across the instep including rivets. Will work with all TLT8 models, but color is specific to the TLT8 Carbonio.

Vulcan Instep Straps - Comes as a set of the left and right strap

Youngstar Left Instep Buckle - Buckle for the left lower of the Youngstar boot.

Youngstar Right Instep Buckle - Buckle for the right lower of the Youngstar boot.

Youngstar Left Cuff Buckle - Cuff buckle for the left Youngstar boot.

Youngstar Right Cuff Buckle - Cuff buckle for the right Youngstar boot.

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Questions & Reviews

Question from Gail Jensen
I was backcounty skiing in the Tetons yesturday and my instep buckle bale broke. Ladies Dynafit TLT5 Mountain. I used a strap but it did little to secure my foot in a functional skiing position. Are you aware of anywhere I can get replacement bales, any third party bales? The length I need is 5.25 to 5.5 inches long? I would appreciate your help. In the meantime I am going to search out old part boxes at our local ski shops and second hand stores.

Answer from Trace Leches
Hey Gale! Dang, sorry about the boot! There's a chance there are a few parts from different boots that will work, but it'd definitely be helpful if you sent in a picture of your other boot so we can for sure eliminate any confusion! At any rate, I definitely support searching through the old part boxes as we've all been there and have all had some form of luck come from those boxes!
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Question from Anamarija
Hello, I have a question regarding PDG Instep Buckle Cord, if I cannot click on it, does that mean you just temporarily don't have it? I lost only the chord while skiing and I cannot find it anywhere. I hope you will be able to help me.
Thank you, best regards!

Answer from Trace Leches
Hey Anamarija, thanks for reaching out! Yup, if it's not in the dropdown menu then it's temporarily out of stock, however we will be getting some in within the coming months. When we break buckles, we generally use Skimo Ski Straps in place of a buckle until it gets replaced! Invaluable on a hut trip or while waiting for the new buckle to show up! I have also seen people make their own buckle cords out of accessory cord.
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Question from Michael
I need to replace the left cuff buckle on my TLT6 Performance (neon green/yellow). I got a Vulcan right cuff buckle from you previously that worked with some filing. I don't see it on the list anymore but I do see the TLT6 left cuff buckle and catch option. I assume that's it. Just looking for confirmation. Thanks, Michael
Answer from Trace Leches
Hey Michael. Glad to hear the Vulcan buckle is working out! Yup, you got it! The TLT6 Left Cuff Buckle and Catch is the lever, the attached cable, and the adjustment catch that bolts onto the front of the cuff.
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Question from Logan
Hi, I have the black DyNA Evo boots and the kevlar cord on the instep buckle recently broke. Will you be getting this piece back in stock next season? If not, would the PDG instep buckle strap work?

Thanks for your help!
Answer from jbo
Hi Logan, we are trying to get it for next season, but don't have high hopes unfortunately. You could probably get a PDG strap on their, or you can look into sewing some new cord on your current one.
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Question from Wayne phillips
Broke the cable on my tlt7 performance on 3rd use. How should i get it fixed?
Answer from jbo
Hi Wayne, that's not awesome! Those need to be sent in to Dynafit warranty for repair.
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Question from Scott
The ski mode tab on the buckles of my PDGs is very worn out, leaving a couple millimeters of slop as I lean fore and aft. Are you going to get these buckles in stock any time soon?
Answer from jbo
Hi Scott, we are sold out for the season, sorry.
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Question from Alexey
Hello! Can you help me? Do Dynafit's NEO PX power buckle and cord are the same like Vulcan's? Do you have right or left?
Answer from jbo
Hi Alexey, not sure what you mean by power buckle, but yes the Vulcan uses most of the same parts, albeit with a different color scheme.
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Question from Adam
I looking for the right TLT6 Cuff buckle, the drop menu doesn't have one listed. Does this mean you are out of stock on this part?

Thanks Adam
Answer from jbo
Hi Adam, yes unfortunately that is what that means.
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Question from Corey C
I recently bought a PDG Instep Buckle. I wanted to try something like a rivet to attach this to my boot but the pop rivets you can buy at home depot didn't really work. They don't leave a flat surface so it would dig into your foot. Do you have any recommendations for how to attach this on the cheap? Links please if you have them.
Answer from Trace Leches
Hey Corey, did you come in and get this handled? If not, a T-Nut will be your best friend.
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Question from Karl
I have some One Px boots, size 28.5, will the cuff buckle for the Vulcan work as a replacement for this boot?
Answer from Trace Leches
Hey Karl, we haven't ever stocked the One so I'm not entirely positive it is the same buckle but I'd say that considering how often we have made cross-over buckles work it's totally possible that it will work!
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Question from Schmidtlet
Hi, I lost a instep cord on my TLT 5. Do you have a product in stock that would work as a replacement? Thank you.
Answer from Trace Leches
Hey Schmidtlet, we are sold out at the moment, unfortunately. I don't have a good estimate as to when we will get more in, but if you absolutely need it to ski, I have seen people use accessory cord in a pinch!
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Question from Fritz
Hi there. The cables on the two lower buckles of my left Dynafit Mercury have broken. Can you tell me what parts will work for this? Can I just get the replacement cables or do I need new buckles, and if so do any of the buckles you carry work with the Mercury?

Answer from jbo
Hi Fritz, you need to replace the whole buckle. Unfortunately we don't have availability on those.
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Question from Jon

I have a broken buckle on my tlt6cr boot. It's the part that clamps around the back of my boot and locks the boot from flexing forward - I've attached a picture as I don't know the proper buckle terminology and want to ensure I get the right part. Do you carry this?Are the rivets to attach it separate?

Thank you!
Answer from jbo
Hi Jon, you'll need a TLT6 Right buckle & catch. It comes with rivets.
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Question from Brad Taylor
I have a pair of 2008 DynaFit Zeus Boots. The top buckle extender has broken making it difficult if not impossible to buckle the boot in back country conditions. I have included a photo of the part I need. Please advise when convenient.
FYI - I need the silver buckle extender shown in the photo. It attaches to the buckle system via allen screw
Answer from jbo
Hi Brad, unfortunately we can't get parts for the Zeus boot, it has been out of production too long.
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Question from Tomislav
I broke catche on my Dynafit ONe PX. Can I order spare parts from another model (TLT6 or another)?
Answer from jbo
Hi Tomislav, the Vulcan buckles are the same as the ONE, you can use those.
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Question from will
I broke off the upper buckle on my TLT 5 (the part that locks the boot into ski mode, and I saw above that the TLT 6 parts would work but you are out of stock for those. Would the PDG or the Vulcan cuff buckles work for my TLT 5 boot?
Answer from jbo
Hi Will, the PDG buckles are the same and would be ideal, but you could probably get the Vulcans to work as well.
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Question from Patrick
Have you any experience with putting a PDG instep buckle onto a boot with a more rigid instep, like a TLT5P?
Answer from jbo
Hi Patrick, yes those buckles work fine on that boot.
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Question from Justin
Kinda the same question as Jamie above re: Vulcan Rt Cuff Buckle. When your trying to replace the buckle - how do you actually get the allen wrench screw out of the rivet?

Also wanted to confirm that a TLT buckle could be used in place of the Vulcan buckle if a fix needs to be made right away.

Answer from jbo
Hi Justin, the rivets need to be drilled out. A TLT buckle should work, but might require some new holes depending on size.
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Question from Joel (downright abused product)
I broke the upper buckle on my right tlt5 performance. Which buckle replacement will work?
I was thinking/hoping
(2) TLT6 Mtn Cuff Buckle Set - Buckles, catches & cords for the TLT6 cuffs.
(2) TLT6 Cuff Buckle & Catch - Cuff buckles for the TLT6. Includes cord & catches. Choose left or right boots.
Answer from jbo
Hi Joel, you could get either to work.
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Question from Peter
So, I'm sick of having my instep buckles pop open/off in my TLT5s when hiking. Would it be feasible to replace them with the TLT6 instep buckle/catch assembly? If so, just to confirm, does one set from the drop down menu provide the buckles/catches for (2) boots?
Answer from jbo
Hi Peter, with enough time and patience, you can put about any buckle on any boot. Those sets do include everything for left and right boots, yes.
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