Tecnica Boot Parts
Uh oh. If you've navigated to this page, you are likely searching for a replacement part for your broken Tecnica boot. We here at Skimo Co. wish to extend our deepest condolences to you and your boots. It's never fun to break a boot, especially before their time is up. Hope is not lost, however. Below is a list of replacement parts, for your Tecnica boots, that will allow your joyful union to continue. All parts are sold individually unless otherwise noted.
Zero G Cuff Buckle - These are side specific and will work in either position on the cuff. Compatible with Tour Scout, Tour Scout Women, and Tour Pro.
Zero G Instep Buckle - These are side specific and are meant to go over the instep (the lower buckle closest to the cuff). Compatible with Tour Scout, Tour Scout Women, and Tour Pro.
Zero G Toe Buckle - These are side specific and are meant to go over the toe (the lower buckle furthest from the cuff). Compatible with Tour Scout, Tour Scout Women, and Tour Pro.
Zero G Peak Upper Buckle - These are side and size specific. These are the buckles that fit on the cuff and will work with all Zero G Peak series of boots.
Zero G Peak Lower Buckle - These are side and size specific. These are the lower cable and buckle.
Zero G Peak Buckle Catch - The upper catch has six teeth and is for the cuff while the lower catch has four teeth and is for the lower.
Zero G Ski / Hike Cuff Mechanism - The portion of the ski walk mechanism that attaches to the cuff of the boot.
Zero G Ski / Hike Shell Mechanism - The portion of the ski walk mechanism that attaches to the lower shell of the boot.
Zero G Peak Walk Mechanism - Walk mechanism compatible with all Zero G Peak models.
Zero G Peak Hinge Rivets - These attach the lower shell to the cuff. Compatible with all Zero G peak models and are sold as a pair.
Zero G Peak Rear Spoiler - The spoilers that come with all Zero G Peak models. These are sold as a pair.
Zero G Peak Light Touring Power Straps - The power straps that come with Zero G Peak series of boots. These are sold as a pair and are size specific.
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Questions & Reviews
The catch is screwed into place, you can move it with a Torx-20.
We don't currently sell the replacement screws for either ski/walk mechanism. To ensure we are on the same page, send us an email at help@skimo.co with your specific boot, and there we can dive into the screw measurements. Thanks!
I've got a pair of Lange XT3 Tour Pro 2.0 and I want to swap the stock velcro power strap to the cammed one from Zero G Peak. Cuff circumference (with Intuition liner swap) is about 41.5cm - which size Zero G Peak power strap would fit that?
The 27.0-28.5 strap should work well based on that measurement.
You need a full-scale rivet press, which we have here at Skimo, and some other shops may have as well. We do not have a screw-in replacement for this boot, unfortunately.
If not, is there another brand’s power strap that I could replace mine with for similar effect? Thanks!
I snapped a buckle as my teeny-weeny ankles/calves take the maximum crank on the lower calf buckle. The boots are only a few months old but I think the fatiugue of getting cranked down got to them..
I was wondering if maybe a smaller buckle might mean that it dosent have to reach all the way around the boot to the furthest latch and might actualy fit my tiny heel area better.
(Long term I think I need a thicker liner. But that might be a next season thing.)
Yeah, sounds like a new liner. Or this may help a bit.
Patriot sleeves
We only sell parts for Tecnicas Zero G touring boots.
I don't have a way to weight the Tour Pro power straps, but they are essentially the same as the Peak straps. Just attached with two grommets instead of one. The 27.0-28.5 weighs 42g per individual strap, including mounting hardware.
You'll need a rivet press, the head diameter is 10mm. You could use Chicago rivets if you don't have access to a press.
We do not have parts for that boot, unfortunately! We specialize in alpine touring gear. Sorry about that!
A big one.
I suspect you could find a way to make them work, but I don't have a Dalbello Boss on hand to check compatibility. You might need to drill an extra hole in the shell to get the strap centered.
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