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Skimo Co

Atomic Backland 95 Ski

$749.95 From $649.95

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Delivering a damp, powerful, and stable ride, the old Backland 95 was a fan favorite for many years. Wanting to build upon this proven platform, Atomic went to work and changed the rocker profile and raw material sourcing for this latest iteration. Keeping the same turn radius but increasing the rocker to 30% (compared to 15% in years past), the Backland 95 has gained flotation in powder and maneuverability in tight spaces without too much compromise on stability. The HRZN 3D tip is purposefully broad, helping the tip float to the top in deep snow while the thin, perforated structure reduces swing weight, making the Backland 95 easier to flick around when needed. The Dura Cap sidewall provides enhanced durability as well as creates exceptional power transfer to the edge of the ski, helping with edge grip in steep and icy places. Conscious of the planet, Atomic has created the Backland 95 with a lower-impact design, cutting carbon emissions up to 30% for a single ski. For a versatile hard charging quiver of one, or as part of a quiver, the Backland 95 is ready for it all.

  • Carbon backbone gives the ski a solid flex without adding unnecessary weight.
  • Ultra Light Woodcore is light and durable.
  • Lower-impact design utilizes less impactful materials.
  • Dura Cap sidewall provides excellent power transfer to the edges of the ski.
  • HRZN 3D tip is redesigned to provide better flotation and maneuverability.
  • All Terrain profile provides versatility for a broad array of conditions.
Lengths (cm) 161,169, 177, 185
convert to ounces
1325g [169]
1375g [177]
1455g [185]
Weight (pair) 2650g [169]
2750g [177]
2910g [185]
Sidecut   123-93-110.5 [161]
125-94-113 [169]
128-95-116 [177]
131-96-118.5 [185]
Turn Radius   16m [161]
17m [169]
18m [177]
19m [185]
Skin Fix   Traditional tip, flat tail
Specs Verified Yes
Profile   Tip rocker, camber underfoot, slight tail rocker
Shape   Wide beveled tip, medium radius, slightly rockered tail
Construction   Dura Cap sidewall
Core   Ultra Light Woodcore
Skimo Co Says
Usage All day, every day
Notes All-Terrain Profile is suitable for all conditions
Bottom Line A true workhorse
Compare to other High-fat Skis

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Questions & Reviews

Question from Bas
Hi, how do these compare to Salomon M96?

I am 6"6 and 220lbs. Do you think either is appropriate or can you recommend other models in the 90 to 100mm range
Answer from Carlos M
Hi Bas,

Compared to the Salomon MTN 96 Carbon, the Backlands are noticably stiffer, which I think would be appropriate for your weight and size! The Backland 95 is a great ski in this category - quite light for the performance it offers, and a stiff and stable ski while still remaining easy to turn thanks to the rocker profile. I would look at the  Dynafit Ridge 95 for another great all-arounder of a similar width!
Answer from bastien p
Thanks Carlos

Which one of these would be the easier ski for everyday use in all kind of conditions?

I have an intermediate level ( go anywhere but not great technique)

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Question from Chris
How do these do in the firm steeps?
Answer from Carlos M
Hi Chris,

I think this is a great ski for firmer, steeper terrain! Some might want a bit straighter sidecut for very steep skiing, but having skied these skis in chalky conditions on some fairly steep terrain, I thought they did very well. The rocker makes them easy to slide and prevents them from hooking in jump turns, but they still have good edge engagement and plenty of stiffness to feel secure. The benefit of the Backland shape is that while it performs well in firm conditions, it will also be fun and energetic in soft snow.
Answer from Chris R
Thanks for the quick response. Currently loving my new Backland 109 FRs. Is there any mountaineering skis that are good in firm steeps and have a progressive mount point. I've heard great things about the 102s but I also hear they struggle in alpine variable which is the most common snow type for that skiing. Thanks!
Answer from Carlos M
Hi Chris,

As far as mountaineering skis as we would normally define them (lightweight, less than 95mm or so underfoot, and oriented towards steep terrain), there aren't many! Generally, lightweight skis tend to adopt a more traditional shaping, and many people appreciate a flat tail and traditional camber for steep skiing, for better edge hold and ease of stabbing the tails into the snow. With that said, I think the  Faction La Machine Mini and Micro would be great options for steeper terrain if you wanted something with rocker and a more progressive mount point. They pivot easily due to the rocker profile, and while they are relatively traditional when mounted at "Progressive", if you mounted them at "New-School", they would be a more progressively-mounted touring ski.

For what it's worth, I also think the Atomic 102s would perform decently well in steep terrain! They have plenty of camber and are stiff skis, so they should get the job done.
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Question from Mark Ray
Guys: I have a pair of Backland 107s in 182. I use them in the Teton backcountry and hike to terrain around JHMR. I love them. I'm toying with a more a narrow (lighter) ski for firmer conditions - like a Backland 100 or 95. Of course, Jackson is soft snow centric and the 107s cover a lot of conditions (IMO). My objectives are limited and I don't think the reduced weight would be worth it without additional benefit. So, maybe I should just live with a quiver of one for this purpose? BTW, I realize that your answer may be against your interest in selling more skis...

Thanks, Mark
Answer from Jeff
Mark, As you write, your Backland 107 cover you in everything through the winter. In the spring, things are different. You say your objectives are limited, but if you are talking late spring or later, on firm snow, there are significant advantages.
Read our Spring skiing article - Spring Quiver
For spring corn and on the early AM starts where the snow is icy frozen, skis even narrower , 78-85mm, will be significantly better. Of course they will easily edge better then a 107mm ski. All skis used to be narrow and ski racers still ski on skinny skis. The edge is under your boot, instead of way out, giving you better edge control. But also better on the way Up for the same reason. Much easier on the knees and hips.
You may find yourself enjoying spring skiing more and go longer, on a narrower ski. Less weight is just icing on the cake. Pair with a race binding for max reduction.
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Question from Majo

is ATK RAIDER 12 good choice as binding for these skis? What size should I buy - 97mm or 102mm?

Answer from jbo
Hi Majo, the 97mm brakes are sufficiently wide. We prefer to match the binding to the skier. You can visit our binding finder.
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Question from Henrik
Hi, have someone tried to use the Dynafit Speedskin Radical/Free in 177cm on theese skis? Thinking about the fit lengthwise...
Answer from Carlos M
Hi Henrik,

It doesn't quite fit, I just tried it. The skin is slightly too short, can't quite get the tip on. In general, we don't recommend non-adjustable precut skins for skis other than they were intended for, for this reason - there's almost always variability in size, and it needs to be just right with a fixed length skin.
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Question from jakub
Hello, I've just bought those skis and I've put them on the scale and a I was surprised by difference in weight between skis, it's more than 100g. Is that normal or should I ask for another skis ?
Answer from Carlos M
Hi Jakub,

It is normal for skis to vary in weight - it would actually be quite surprising if they were identical! We have recorded variations between skis in excess of 100 grams before, although it is usually much less. Wood is a natural material and so it does vary in its density, making the core a bit heavier or lighter in individual skis. That's why the weights that we post on our website are averages of main skis, not the weight of a single pair.

Depending on where you purchased the skis, the return policy may not cover natural variations in weight, but you could certainly try to return them if the weight difference bothers you!
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Question from jakub
what is the main difference between this model and last year model (22/23). Thanks.
Answer from Niko M
Hi Jakub! The primary difference is that Atomic updated the shape, focusing on the rocker profile. Specifically, they increased the rocker from 15% to 30% in order to improve soft snow performance and floatation and increase the overall maneuverability of the ski. Thanks!
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Question from Barton
How does this ski compare to the 2023-2024 K2 Wayback 98?
Answer from Emmett I

Shoot us an email at and we can go into more detail!

In general, the Backland 95 is much more damp and forgiving than the Wayback 98. The Wayback is more powerful and energetic.
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Question from carl
Besides being a touch heavier, how does this new version compare to the zero g 95? Can it keep up in terms of edge hold?
Answer from eric
Carl-The new Backland 95 like the Zero g 95 will do better in soft snow but the Zero g still keeps slightly better edge between the two. The Atomic still is a more forgiving ski though.
Answer from Sebastian R
Weight of my new Backland 95 185 cm is 1620/1660 g.
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Model: Atomic Backland 95 Ski

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