Colltex Race Skins Per CM
The most affordable way to get your purple on. Buy the PDG skins by the centimeter to avoid waste. Select your width and type in the number of centimeters you desire in the quantity field. We will cut a length off the roll and send it your way. You can fashion a tip out of bottle caps or affix the Colltex, Pomoca, or La Sportiva tips.
- Swiss 100% mohair skin with Edge+ technology designed to prevent fraying.
- Special fiber selection that makes the PDG climb and glide like a champ.
- Waterproof membrane keeps moisture from infecting your glue.
- Purple.
- 60mm is now called Crystal Glide and is yellow. Same great skin.
ORDERING NOTE: These skins are sold by the centimeter (cm), meaning you should type in the Qty field the length (in cm) of skin you want for one ski “times two” for a PAIR. Unless you are making a backup skin, then just times it by one.
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$134.95 From $129.95
Questions & Reviews
After a few years of heavy use in Alaska for backcountry traverses and long days, Colltex has definitely emerged as my favorite 'race plush' for both race skis (65 underfoot) and 76 underfoot. While durability cannot be expected on very firm icy/transformed crust snow (and I use slightly more durable skins when those conditions exist), the glue in particular is so great on these in cold cold temperatures. I have huge issues with Pomoca glue in cold temps, and these stay on most every day despite many, many transitions in rolling terrain. Even when the edges lose some hair and are white, they still have quite a bit of life left, it's not necessarily time to retire them yet. I have 4 pairs with race style tip fixes.
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Do you have skins that will work with stock classic xc skis? If so what should I order?
Hey Scott, thanks for reaching out! While XC gear is not our specialty, this skin may be an option for you!
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My wife is going on a hut trip using her Atomic arc skis but needs skins. The width of the kick area is 50mm. What do you suggest?
Hey Tom,
Thanks for the question! Send us an email to and we'll help you piece together a skin that'll work for that ski.
Thanks for the question! Send us an email to and we'll help you piece together a skin that'll work for that ski.
Hi Tom, the closest match is the Contour Guide skins in the 50mm width.
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Do you sell any sort of skin material without any glue at all? I need this for some experiments.
Kevin, sorry, I have never seen the plush without glue. Everything is purchased complete, though you could remove the glue with a hot scraper if you were sufficiently motivated.
Thanks Jeff. Any leads on an electrically heated scraper?
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Hi, two questions for you:
1. will you be getting 80mm width back in stock anytime soon?
2. I'll be placing an order for 3 pairs of skins (838cm worth), will that come in one large roll or will it have to be cut in multiple rolls? I'm worried that, if in multiple rolls, the measurements would be off.
1. will you be getting 80mm width back in stock anytime soon?
2. I'll be placing an order for 3 pairs of skins (838cm worth), will that come in one large roll or will it have to be cut in multiple rolls? I'm worried that, if in multiple rolls, the measurements would be off.
Hi Lindsey, I don't see any more 80mm on the way, but you can check out the 85mm Trab skin which is essentially the same, albeit 5mm wider obviously. We can generally handle the cuts as you'd like them, but expect one long length if you don't specify!
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Hey! For the BD Helio 76, would you recommend the 70 or 80 mm roll? Not looking for perfect edge to edge the whole length, but don't want to go too skinny...
Hi Becca, the 70s will be pretty slippery. That would be fast for racing, but I'd say 80 minimum for most other usage. The 85s would get you up anything.
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I read a review that mentioned about Colltex skins not being to be stowed glue side to glue side. Is that bogus? Also, is there much difference between Colltex and Pomoca mohair skins regarding glide or usability in spring conditions (I know nylon is usually better in wet snow).
Hi Richard, there is one specialty formula of Colltex adhesive (known as CT40) that has a contraindication regarding glue-to-glue storage. For most of their skins, including this race roll, it is no problem. A recent study showed a slight glide advantage for Pomoca Race 2.0 formula vs the PDG in warmer temps, which was reversed in colder temps.
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I have made a number of skins this season with the Colltex PDG Race material and have been very impressed with their glide and grip. I have used them a lot in PNW this season and find they have better glide than the same width PoMoCa race skin material in the higher humidity snow. Using in the Sun Valley area in December and January I found the glide a bitter better on the PoMoCa material in temps below 20F. I would highly recommend these skins to anyone looking for a great race skin.
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how can I order 340 cm of coltex pdg race roll. Shopping cart only indicates 1cm.
Hi Mike, just put 340 in the quantity field.
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Bought these in 80mm and ripped them down to 40mm. They now work as a wonderful and affordable kicker skin for the flat approaches. Plenty of kick for anything up to 15-20 degrees and enough glide to enjoy it. Would suggest everybody make a pair of small skins for this purpose. I've only tried them a few times so I can't comment on reliability. However they seem to stick well. Arrived very quickly from Skimo. It was fun to make my own pair. I'm now making a pair for my wife as well.
Great idea! What width are your skis? What tip kit works well for this?
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$0.32 is the 60mm price per cm?
Hi Tom, yep, you nailed it.
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Do these already come with glue on them or do I need to apply?
Hi Chris, they are glued up and shipped with a backing material to keep it clean. Peel and go. Well, you might want to affix some tips first. And round off the tails. Then go.
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