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Dynafit Boot Inserts

From $24.95

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Dynafit invented tech fittings which revolutionized ski touring. Get your replacement fittings here. Well, the heel fittings since generally the toe fittings are not replaceable as they are molded into the boots.

Boot Heel Inserts x2 - AKA Heel Tech Inserts, these are the bits of metal that allow alpine touring ski boots to click into Dynafit and other pintech heels. Fits older style Dynafit boots with one-screw installation.

Power / Beast Heel Inserts x2 - No longer available.

TLT 7 Heel Inserts x2 - Lightweight "Master Fit" inserts for TLT7, TLT 8 & PDG2.

Hoji Heel Inserts x2 - Replacement inserts for Hoji , Radical Pro and Tigard boots.

Khion Heel Inserts x2 - Repleacement heel inserts for Khion and Beast boots only.

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Questions & Reviews

Question from Micah Bray
I noticed that only the Master Heel Inserts are in stock, but I have a Dalbello Lupo AX so this wouldn't work out. I lost one of the Heel Inserts messing around in the garage and can't seem to find it. I was wondering if you were going to get the regular Heel Inserts in stock again, or if you had a suggestion as to where to get a pair?
Answer from jbo
Hi Micah, we have a few rear tech fittings available from SCARPA. They are the same, made by Dynafit.
Answer from Micah B
Thanks, JBO. Had a feeling they were all the same. I'll go ahead and snag those.
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Question from Travis
Do you have any heel inserts for the white and green Mercury boots?
Answer from Jeff
Travis, looks like we are temporarily out of stock on those. Good news is Dynafit inserts are sold by a few companies who use their fittings. When we are out of stock, go to SCARPA Hardware page and order Rear Tech fitting and Tech heel hole screw (if you also need the screw). It is individual, so order 2 if you need both.
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Question from LRussell
Are these items the "horseshoe" plate that attaches to the boot's heel for the Beast Binding? Your pulldown menu says, "Beast Boot Heel Insert" and your webpage description says, "Beast Heel Inserts - AKA Power Inserts, the kit to retrofit a boot for use with the Dynafit Beast bindings. Includes metal bands and screws." Are these the same on your site?

Answer from Teddy Young
Thanks for reaching out, you've got it! Beast Boot Heel Insert, Beast Heel Insert, and Power Insert, are all the same!
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Question from Eric
Hi I have a pair of Scarpa TX Pros. (the older orange and black model). they are missing the heel insert (tech insert) metal piece. I think the dynafit insert will fit, but not sure what to order on your site. Can you help me out?
Answer from Trace Leches
Hey Eric! You are correct, the Dynafit heel insert will work just fine! The Beast heel insert and Master-Step insert, however, will not as they attach a little bit differently.
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Question from Pete
I have a dynafit ZZero boot that's 3-5 yrs old. One of the rear metal heal inserts for the binding fell off and I need a replacement. Do you have a part that will work?
Answer from Trace Leches
Hey Pete! Unfortunately I don't have any at the moment and as of now availability for the rest of the season is looking pretty grim.
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Question from Miguel
Hi there,
I have losen one of the heel tech fitting of my Scarpa Laser. Which fitting model will suit best???
Thanks in advance
Answer from Rebekah S
Hi Miguel,

We currently have some Scarpa heel inserts on order that will work for your boot. Keep an eye out on our Scarpa Boot Parts listing. They should be here within a week.
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Question from mw2nw
Hey Guys, will you be getting in any more of the metal heel insert that screws into the back of TLT6 boots? Thanks! mv
Answer from eric
hey Matthew, Just found one and put it in to inventory. look in the drop down menu above.
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Question from Clark
I have a pair of Scarpa Freedom Sl's that I lost the heel fittings for, will these dynafit heel fittings work?

Answer from jbo
Hi Clark, yes they are the same fittings.
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Question from Thomas
You have the regular (non-beast) dynafit heel fitting listed in the description, but it does not appear in the dropdown. Is it available?
Answer from jbo
Hi Thomas, unfortunately we (and Dynafit) are out of those for the season.
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Question from Shawn
I am looking for 2 heel inserts that lock the boot to the dynafit binding. What are they called and how much would they be? Thanks
Answer from jbo
Hi Shawn, thanks for reaching out. Those are just called heel inserts or tech inserts. Looks like they are $15/pair.
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