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Salomon Shift Ski Crampons


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You don’t need ‘em until you do! You know that snow type. Too steep and firm to skin. Too punchy to boot. Ski crampons are the only fix. These shiny widgets from Salomon and Atomic work with the Shift binding. Slide the crampons in from the side and step on ‘em to engage the firm snow. Hopefully this stops you from sliding to the bottom of the mountain. Say no to snow-rash with the Salomon Shift Ski Crampons.

Size Weight Inner Width*
100mm 108g 105mm
120mm 112g 125mm

*Your skis cannot be wider than this at the position of your ski crampons (just behind the toe piece).

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Questions & Reviews

Question from Jun
Will 100mm still fit blizzard zero g 105? Thank you
Answer from Jeff
It depends. If you have the 164 or 172cm length, No problem.
If you have the 180 or 188cm , it will be very close, possibly rubbing.
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Question from Aaron
Hi, I have a mismatched pair of Shift bindings and one side is missing the little metal clip to hold the crampons. Do you have this part available? (It is a little curved up metal part in front of the anti-friction plate.) Thanks.
Answer from Emmett I
Hi Aaron, unfortunately, we don't have that part.
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Question from Jessica Wurzbacher
Hi, I think these look like they would work on my Armada Shift MNC10 Bindings. Is that correct?
Answer from Carlos M
Hi Jessica,

Yes, the Salomon/Armada/Atomic versions of the Shift are identical and the Shift ski crampon is the only one that will work for them.
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Question from Laura
Hi I have faction agent 2.0 with salamon shift bindings. Will these 100mm be compatible?
Answer from Carlos M
Hi Laura,

I looked up the Agent 2.0 and found that it has a waist width of 96mm, so yes, the 100mm crampons will work!
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Question from Ksenia Carenou
My skis are 106 width, do I need to take the 120? Will it still work?

Thank you :)
Answer from Emmett I

You will need to go up to the 120mm. Not ideal particularly for sidehilling, but they'll work fine.
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Question from Roland
I have a pair of Atomic Bent 100 with an Atomic Shift 10. Would the Shift 100 crampons fit?
Best, Roland
Answer from jbo
Hi Roland, yes they will fit great since they measure 105mm internally.
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Question from Dylan
Would the 100mm work on a pair of 104 Nordic enforcers 172length. I measured and it's very close, but just barely under 105mm behind the toe piece. Thanks in advance!
Answer from jbo
Hi Dylan, sounds like it might just barely fit! Maybe a little rubbing on occasion, but should work.
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Question from Marilyn Lee
Hi I am skiing a Armada 104 locator ski with the Armada tracer touring bindings would these crampons work? and what size would i need?
Answer from Carlos M
Hi Marilyn,

No, this one will not work - this crampon is only compatible with the Salomon/Atomic Shift binding. The Tracer looks to be a re-branded Salomon MTN/Atomic Backland binding, so you would want an Atomic Backland ski crampon. You will need the 110mm size.
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Terry G (used product a few times)
Wow these crampons get the job done. Install within seconds same with removing them, crunchy/icy snow was no issue for me on the mountain. Others were kick turning and sliding while I was zipping right past them.

I do have to step out of the bindings to put them on but I’m not really very flexible. Anticipating an icy spot ahead I installed them on a relatively easier flat spot. Just something you may want to consider.
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Question from Rob
I have the Atomic Backland 100 172 (2022) will the 100mm fit or do I need to go up to the 120mm?

Many thanks,
Answer from Niko M
Hi Rob! The 100mm crampon should work just fine. They measure 105mm internally. Thanks!
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Question from Lena
Hey, I have the lab shift mnc 10 bindings and searching for crampons. But I think the 100mm crampons are too big for a 86mm ski, or not?
Answer from jbo
Hi Lena, 100 is the skinniest version made. There will be some overhang on that ski, but it will still perform OK.
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Question from seamus
I have Shaggy Ahmeek 105 skis and wondering if the 100 crampons will fit or will I need the 120s?
Answer from Niko M
Hi Seamus,
I would suggest measuring the width of the ski specifically were the crampon will rest within the receptor. If that measurement is less than 105mm you are good to go with the 105mm width. Anything wider will require the 120mm crampon. Thanks!
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Question from Alina
Hello! I have the Elan Ripstick 94W with the salomon shifts MNC bindings and want to confirm which size before purchasing. Thank you!
Answer from Gabriel I
Hi Alina, the 100mm width will fit well.
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Question from Eva
Hi, I'm buying these for a pair of icelantic nomad 105s. Do you know if the 100mm will fit, or should I go for the next size up instead?
Answer from Jeff
Eva, I looked at some reviews of that ski (we do not have it here). They say the Nomad 105 measures 111mm at the waist. At least in the longer sizes. So the 100mm will Not fit.
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Question from vivi
Hi. I have Atris Birdie 2021/22 model. Is 100mm enough or do I need to go up to 120?
Answer from Brett S
Hey Vivi, the older ski has a waist width of 108mm so you'll need to go with the 120mm!
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Question from Taku
I have 105 waist skis. Will 120mm work or is that going to be too big?
Answer from Emmett I

The 120 should work! It's a bit big, but the 105mm would be cutting it very close. Unlike brakes, it's unadvised/impossible to bend ski crampons to fit.
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Question from Sacha
Hi, I use the Atomic Bent Chetler 120 (192 cm) as a touring ski with the shift bindings. Will the 120mm crampons work ?
Answer from jbo
Hi Sacha, yes there is enough extra inner width in the 120s for that to work just fine.
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Question from Sam WG
Hi there - I have Salomon Shift 110 stopper bindings. They are mounted on to Black Crow Navis ski's which have a 102mm waist. What is the compatible crampon, and best size for this set up? Would a 100mm wide crampon fit? or does it have to be 120mm wide? Really appreciate any help. Thanks! Sam
Answer from Zak M
Hey Sam, the 100mm Shift ski crampons should work just fine with your Black Crows. Thanks
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Question from Kelly
Wondering which size shift crampon you recommend for a set of Fischer Ranger 108 TI (2020). I haven't got any further measurements at present sorry.
Thanks for your help! :)
Answer from Brett S
Hey Kelly, it sounds like the 120mm option will be best. The 100mm will work with skis that measure 105mm and narrower just behind the toe piece,
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Question from Andy
Icelantic natural 101 with shift bindings which crampon 100 or 120?
Answer from Zak M
Hey Andy, the 100mm crampon should work out well for those skis. Thanks
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