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SCARPA Buckles and Straps

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F1 Fast Buckle Velcro Strap x1 - The Velcro buckle/strap on the Scarpa F1 boots. These are sized in ranges and a bit different for left versus right.

F1 Power Strap x1 - The removable Velcro power strap (without a buckle) for the Scarpa F1. Be sure to order the correct size and left vs right.

F1 LT Fast Buckle Velcro Strap x1 - The Velcro buckle/strap on F1 LT boots. Please note the size and side you need. Women's straps come in blue while unisex straps are the stock orange color.

F1 LT Power Strap x1 - The removable Velcro power strap (without a buckle) for the Scarpa F1 LT. Be sure to order the correct size and left vs right.

Gea RS 2.0 Cuff Buckle - The upper cuff buckle for the Gea RS 2.0.

Gea RS 2.0 Instep Buckle - The middle buckle for the instep strap on the Gea RS 2.0.

Gea RS 2.0 Shell Buckle - The lowest buckle for the Gea RS 2.0 that sits on the tongue of the boot.

Maestrale 1.0 Instep Strap - The plastic strap across the instep of the first generation Maestrale. Be sure to order the correct size and left vs right.

Maestrale RS 2.0 Cuff Catch - Buckle catch for the topmost buckle on the Maestrale/Gea RS 2.0.

Maestrale RS 2.0 Cuff Buckle - The upper cuff buckle for the Maestrale or Gea RS 2.0.

Maestrale RS 2.0 Instep Buckle - The middle buckle for the instep strap on the RS 2.0 boots.

Maestrale RS 3.0 Instep Strap x1 - The plastic instep strap with a ladder-style set of teeth for the Maestrale/Gea RS 2.0 and 3.0. Be sure to order the correct size and left vs right.

Maestrale RS 2.0 Power Strap x1 - The velcro power strap for the Maestrale/Gea RS 2.0. Be sure to order the correct size and left vs right.

Maestrale RS 2.0 Wave Cable x1 - The cable that runs along the lower shell of the boot and is tightened by the Shell Buckle. Be sure to order the correct size.

Maestrale RS 2.0 Wave Cable Upper End Screw - The screw that secures the Wave Cable to the boot just below the Instep Buckle.

Maestrale RS 2.0 Wave Cable Upper Holder - The black plastic bit between the Wave Cable and the Upper End Screw.

Maestrale RS 2.0 Shell Buckle - The lowest buckle for the Maestrale RS 2.0 that sits on the tongue of the boot.

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Questions & Reviews

Question from Matthew Daly
Hi, I need a new cuff buckle. I think my boots are RS 3.0 but I only see the 2.0 listed. Are they interchangeable? Thanks! Matt
Answer from Jeff
Matthew, Same buckle, different color.
Answer from matthew d
Thank you! Any tips on replacing the buckle? Most components seem to be bolted on but this piece is riveted I believe
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Question from Pete Rotheroe
The instep (strap) buckle has broken on my Maestrale 2.0, in the same area as Alex posted on 5/20/2024. You answered then that the Maestrale instep buckle could be replaced with the (different color) Geo 2.0.
I see that unfortunately neither is available in the pull-down menu.
Do you expect to have either of these instep buckles available again?
Answer from Emmett I
Hi Pete, we aren't likely to get more of either in stock this season.
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Question from Ben C
I have a size 28.5 F1. I guess I have skinny calves because the straps are too long. Can I use the 21.5-25 straps on my 28.5 boots?
Answer from eric
Ben- Yes you could swap the strap for a shorter one. One thing to look at will be the overlapping pieces of the boot and make sure there is room to tighten more before the flaps bottom out. Or the liner does on the 2 sides. If thats the case adding some foam to the front of the tongue would be a better solution.
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Question from Dennis C
I posted yesterday, but I misspoke. I need a cuff buckle CATCH for a Maestrale RS 3.0, not a cuff buckle as I originally posted. The cuff buckle catch for the 2.0 looks different than the one for the 3.0, and I don't see the 3.0 as an option in your list of parts. Will the 2.0 cuff buckle catch work for the 3.0? Cheers!
Answer from Emmett I
Hi Dennis,

The catch for the 2.0 is different from the 3.0 as you mentioned, but it will work on the 3.0. You'll need the "Maestrale / Gea Wave Cable Tongue Nut" and the "Maestrale/Gea Shell Cable Screw" from the SCARPA Hardware page.

We will continue to stock parts for current boots as they become available!
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Question from Dennis C
Just lost this upper cuff buckle on my left Maestrale RS 3.0. Do you have it in stock? Thanks.
Answer from Emmett I
Hi Dennis,

The "Maestrale RS 2.0 Cuff Buckle" will work, same buckle just different color.

To attach it, you need the "F1/F1 LT Buckle Rivet" and the "Rivet Holder" on the SCARPA Hardware listing. The rivet holder is out of stock at the moment - shoot us an email at and I can add you to a notification list, or you could see if your local hardware store has anything.
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Question from Zachary Miller
Do you folks have the F1 XT cuff buckle/ladder in stock? My F1 LT velcro main strap is failing and I'd love to switch it out for a buckle system...
Answer from Emmett I
Hi Zachary,

We don't have them in stock but might be able to special order them. If that's of interest, shoot us an email at
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Question from Tony
do you have the F1 GT/XT lower z-cable?
Answer from Jeff
Tony, Sorry, that's a part we haven't yet stocked.
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Question from Nathan Hardcastle
Hi guys,
I need a replacement powerstrap for the Scarpa Maestrale RS (2.0 I think) but when I select this the photo doesn't quite match what my strap looks like. What I have looks more like the photo from the F1 GT to me. Can ya'll take a look and let me know which to order?
Answer from Carlos M
Hi Nathan,

You have a Maestrale RS 3.0, which does use the same basic powerstrap as the 2.0 version of the boot. The two powerstraps are aesthetically different, but they are interchangeable, so you can order a 2.0 powerstrap as a replacement. Unfortunately we do not carry the 3.0 versions, but the 2.0s are adequate substitutes (it's just going to look different).
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Question from Tomas C

I lost the right removable strap with the backward hook strap-holder of the F1 boots. Do you have the exact replacement for these? They are size 9 US
Answer from Carlos M
Hi Tomas,

If you are referring to the smaller, upper power strap, we do sell replacements. However, you said your boots are size 9, which according to Scarpa's size chart, would be a mondo size 27 - if this is the case, we do not have that size of power strap in stock currently. Double check what mondo size you have! If you do have a 27, we are anticipating getting more later in the season. The item you are looking for is the "F1 Power Strap", in the dropdown menu on this page.
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Question from Brian Hutchings
Will the Maestrale RS 2.0 power strap also work on the 3.0 version? Is there anything else you would recommend to replace a broken strap on the 3.0?
Answer from Emmett I
Hi Brian, the 2.0 strap is the same that is on the Maestrale 3.0
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Question from Brian
When buying a replacement Maestrale RS 2.0 Power Strap, how should I measure the size? Is it simply the total length of the strap? And are the sizes in inches or cm?
Answer from Gabriel I
Hi Brian, the size listed on the Maestrale RS 2.0 Power Straps is the boot mondo size range that the strap is made for. You should get the strap with the size range that includes your boot size.
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Question from Alex Calderwood
Hi I believe I need the Maestrale RS 2.0 Instep Buckle for my Maestrales. It is listed in your parts list but not on the drop down when I go to add it to my cart, is it out of stock? The Gea RS 2.0 instep buckle looks very similar, do you know if that would work as a replacement?
Answer from Gabriel I
Hi Alex, the Gea RS 2.0 buckle is the same, just a different color -- it'll work!
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Question from Alicia
Hello! Can you please advice on which parts I’ll need to replace the bottom buckle on my Scarpa Gea boots?
Answer from Jeff
Alicia, You need the Gea RS 2.0 Shell Buckle x1
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Question from Carly
My plastic instep strap has broken on my Scarpa Gea RS 2017 left boot. Do you carry the replacement part for this?
Answer from Gabriel I
Hi Carly, we might, depending on the boot size and specific model. Can you reply with a photo of your boot?
Answer from Carly V
Thankyou. The boot is size 24.5
Answer from Carly V
Hi, do you have an update for me with the requested information.
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Question from Janicke
I've lost this upper cuff catch part on my Scarpa Gea Rs.
I still have the wave cable tongue nut, but need the screw (Maestrale Rs 2.0 wave cable upper end screw?) and the cuff catch.
Do you have this?
Thanks in advance!
Answer from Gabriel I
Hi Janicke, we are out of cuff catches for the season, we expect to have more next Fall. The screw is the "Maestrale/Gea Shell Cable Screw" on the Scarpa Hardware page.
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Question from Mette
Lost this buckle part for my Scarpa Gea. Could you please advise on what spare part to buy? Thanks!
Answer from Gabriel I
Hi Mette, that's the "Maestrale RS 2.0 Cuff Catch" - we are out of that part at the moment. We'd expect to see more of them in the Fall. The Atomic Backland Cuff Buckle Catch might be made to work, but it's not going to be a perfect fit. Or, a local shop might have some parts laying around.
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Question from ted
Scarpa hurricaine boot issue
size 30,0

the bolt holding on my buckle strap fell off and I lost the strap, see pic
strap is 10 cm long
Answer from Niko M
Hi Ted! Sorry for the boot struggles. We do not have any stock parts for your boot. It is likely that a buckle designed for a different boot would work, however, we do not have your boot in store to test. Send us an email at and we can discuss it further. Thanks!
Answer from Paul F
Did you ever find a solution? I have broken the same strap on my Hurricane boot.
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Question from Endre

I am looking for new power straps for my older gen Scarpa F1, see photo. Do you have these and if so which ones do I order?

Thanks, Endre
Answer from Emmett I

The new F1 power straps above will work.
Answer from Matthew T
I'm looking to replace all the straps on the same gen of F1's - do the "F1 GT Power Straps" work for this model F1?
Answer from Emmett I
Hi Matthew, they might work but I would lean towards the standard F1 power strap. The GT strap is taller, it might interfere with the other buckle on the F1.
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Question from Patrick Hughes
Looking for replacement buckle for a t2 tele boot. Fairly sure same as Marsteller instep ratchet style buckle. Any guidance which part would work?
Answer from Niko M
Hi Patrick! Unfortunately it is tough to say with confidence without having the T2 boot here instore to test it out. It is likely that the Maestrale instep buckle would work, but I cannot say for certain. Send us an email at if you'd like to discuss it further. Thanks!
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Question from Kathryn Lehman
could you give exact lengths of the wave closure cables? i'd like my boots to fasten tighter across the foot so want to make sure a replacement will be a bit shorter
Answer from Gabriel I
Hi Kathryn, I measured the various wave closure cables from end to end (including the attachment points). Lengths are as follows:

22.5-23: 21.5cm
23.5-24: 22cm
24.5-26: 22.5cm
26.5-28: 23.5cm
28.5-30: 25cm
30.5-31: 27cm
Answer from Kathryn E L
Thanks for the info about cable lengths. Do you think that a half centimeter of difference (I have Gea's in size 24 and the smallest cable is only one cm shorter) would be enough to tighten up fit? Or alternatively would it be an option to punch a hole on the buckle side and move buckle hardwear over a bit? thank you!
Answer from Gabriel I
Hi Kathryn, unfortunately we don't have any good data on this specific modification. A half centimeter is the difference between the smallest 3 size ranges, so it sounds like it would probably make a difference in tightness. You might also consider adding boot shims under your footbeds / insoles to take up some volume as well, since it sounds like your boots may just have some extra space in them. Please feel free to reach out to if you'd like to talk further about boot fit details!
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