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Skimo Co

Dynafit Ski Crampons


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If you've ever tried to skin up a steep, blank, icy face without ski crampons, you will immediately appreciate the value of the security they provide. By plunging into hard snow ice, the crampon teeth add grip when skins don't make full contact or you're slipping downhill. Whether you are chasing someone up a greasy skin track in the winter or trying to time the corn cycle in the spring, the Dynafit Ski Crampons will have you covered. Sold in pairs.

  • "Classic" Style: Traditional, slide-in-from-the-side crampons that will work with most bindings with "Dynafit-style" receptors.
  • "Quick In" Style: Same compatibility as the Classic Style with the ability to drop-in vertically on certain newer* Dynafit bindings for faster and easier attachment.
  • Machined with grooves that provide strength but keep the weight down (weights listed below).
  • Available in 80mm, 90mm, 100mm, 110mm, 120mm, and 130mm sizes to fit the width of your ski.

* Drop-in attachment works on the Dynafit DNA, Mezzalama, Ridge, Seven Summits, and future Dynafit bindings.

** Please note that ski crampons work best with low-heel riser settings. Since your boot is what drives the teeth into the snow, very high riser positions will result in a shallow purchase for the teeth. This can also be remedied by adding spacers on top of the crampons, which has the obvious drawback of adding weight.

Size Weight Measured Width
80mm 89g 81mm
90mm 91g 91mm
100mm 100g 100mm
110mm 105g 111mm
120mm 110g 120mm
130mm 117g 130mm

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Questions & Reviews

biggb (used product regularly)
As a ski tourist living in Southern Idaho I would NEVER leave my ski crampons at home.

Have plenty of time left my pals in the dust cursing when the skin track gets icy or conditions less than perfect. Heck, go to the Tetons and some of those tracks are so packed and steep it's like blue ice (I jest).

I don't hesitate to bust these out and forget about all the back sliding.

Fit great, connect easily ... simple.
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Question from Steven Campbell
I have a G3 Tonics with a 100mm waist. Would 120mm dynafit crampons be too big?
Answer from jbo
Hi Steven, 120mm is not ideal for those since there would be some overhang. The 100s should fit snugly as they are built with a couple extra mm to account for the sidecut change between the waist and the crampon area, which varies depending on you boot size. 110 would be an in-between fit.
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Christopher W (used product a few times)
I have the 90mm crampons, and you should be aware before you buy/use that your toepieces must be perfectly centered to avoid damaging the sidewall of the ski. A very slight misalignment of your bindings is enough to cause interference, and it's not safe to assume that a well-respected shop has done this to the precision required; mine weren't.

As for the parts itself and their function in the couple times I've used them - no complaints!
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Question from Daniel (hasn't used product)

I have the Cho Oyu 174s. I measured the ski exactly where the crampon will fit. it ranges from 88 to 90 mm in that area.

Do you think i can still use the 90 mm, or need to go for the 100s?
Answer from jbo
Hi Daniel, the crampons are a couple mm wider than the specified number, so go with the 90s.
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Question from andrew
Can anyone verify if a 100mm ski crampon will work for the 184cm dynafit denali ski at 99mm underfoot? (I could obviously size-up to 110mm but would prefer 100 if they will fit). Thanks!
Answer from jbo
Hi Andrew, even though I knew the answer I went and tried it anyway. Works perfectly...though the black ones look cooler.
Answer from Andrew
cool, thanks! with a red speed superlite binding, i think colors are going to clash regardless
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Jonathan S (downright abused product)
Overall: Five Stars for a very nicely designed ski crampon, with reinforcement ribs, a smooth retainer bar, holes nicely positioned for adding spacers, and an expanded variety of width options. Just be careful on the sizing, which can be somewhat confusing.

Background on product familiarity: Starting in the 2004-05 season, I’ve used a wide variety of Dynafit crampon widths, with a wide variety of ski binding crampon attachments, in a wide variety of conditions and terrain.

First, the first impressions out of the box: Do I really need ski crampons? Yes, you do! If the skinning might be steep and/or firm, and if you have room to set your own skintrack angle (as opposed to a below-treeline hiking trail for the ascent), then ski crampons (combined with good skinning technique) can allow you to leave the boot crampons at home for many tours, and also eliminate booting transitions. I also consider ski crampons to be mandatory for any glacier travel where your skintrack might be dictated by open crevasses or sagging snowbridges, leading to tricky maneuvers.

The Dynafit crampons are very nicely designed, with reinforcement ribs and a smooth retainer bar. Sizing though can be confusing, since sometimes Dynafit’s designed width has overstated the interior dimensions, yet ski waist widths for specific lengths can often deviate from the publicized spec that is based on a particular length.

Some more general thoughts on all of the above are at my old review here … although for specific sizing questions, best to just ask Skimo Co!

Second impressions, in use: I’ve found that I prefer a little more crampon teeth penetration, even when used on a typical middle heel elevator or a race-style “half-step” position. Fortunately the Dynafit crampons already come with holes that are perfect for installing spacers, and the TLT Speed Nubbin is the perfect spacer, secured with hardware store fasteners (e.g., T-Nut with Brad hole 6-32 x 1 ¼ plus corresponding machine screws).

Third impressions, for long-term durability: I had previously thought that these were indestructible, and that size didn’t matter (as long as they were of course wide enough), based mainly on previously using what were probably “80” crampons on a 67mm rando race ski. Unfortunately, I then proved myself wrong, with a perfect(ly bad) combination of a 110 crampon on a 90mm ski (which I realized only afterwards actually did just barely take my 90 crampons), for skinning up a short icy slope that created lots of torque on the crampon and its binding interface. With the proverbial irresistible force up against the immovable objects of the Dynafit Vertical ST baseplate’s reinforced crampon slot and the Dynafit crampons’ reinforcement ribs, the retainer bar yielded way. Unfortunately this can’t be welded because of aluminum <> steel interface. But just keep the crampon differential well under my mistaken 20mm and you should be fine.
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Question from Jeff Damp
If I order a PAIR of Dynafit ski crampons (100 mm) for $74.95, do I get a pair, or just a single crampon?
Answer from jbo
Sorry for any confusion Jeff. These are priced and packaged in pairs so both your feet will be happy crampers.
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Question from jpk
Can you tell me which size is best for my Dynafit Manaslu 187s?
Answer from jbo
Hi jpk, the 100mm orange crampons would fit your 95mm wide Manaslus perfectly.
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dub_xion (used product a few times)
So glad I got these! This is the first pair of ski crampons I've purchased and so glad I just went ahead and bought them. Used them this past weekend off of Snoqualmie Pass on a steep climb after a frozen rain event earlier in the week. My other partners also had them, so it was good to be able to achieve the same angle of attack. Easy to put on/take off, nice hinge action, light. The only limitation is that they aren't as effective in the highest heel riser position (using Speed Radicals).
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T Beck (used product a few times)
I have several ski crampons and have to agree that these are a must have in the shoulder seasons, ski mountaineering and specific days in the heart of winter. They provide so much confidence when needed and allow you to get crap done in efficient manner when the snow is less than ideal.

The Dynafits have treated me well so far but the design does seem a bit thin in one of the main failure points...hopefully they will continue to perform as expected. i have used my others from B&D much more heavily.
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John B (used product regularly)
An indispensable backcountry ski item. Like other reviewers I bring these any time I think that I could be dealing with slippery skinning conditions. They do get the most usage in spring time on Pacific NW volcanoes. The best time I've ever had using these was on a slippery mid winter crust that others were using boot crampons because of their skins slipping. With these I was able to stay on top of the crust while the booters were breaking through the crust. The holes allow you to rig up a riser so that the crampon maintains it's effectiveness when going up steep slopes. I've used the nubbins from the old Comfort bindings or a firm piece of blue closed cell foam and some zip ties.
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Benski (used product a few times)
I have the 110 on some fatter skis. Solid, simple attachment is much better than the G3 onyx system. I was afraid the small partially see through bag they came in would be punctured by the crampons, but hasn't happened so far so the crampons still go on most outings where powder isn't as fresh. Make sure you size right; the 110s look a bit too wide on a 78mm waist, especially when side hilling.
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Nate (downright abused product)
I have had the 100mm width for 15 years now, and just purchased the 90mm for a new set of skis. What can you say about an indispensable piece of equipment that should be in every ski mountaineers pack. Anytime I think there will be an icy skin track I take these along for worry-free skinning. I can't speak to how they compare to other manufactures because they things never break or fail and I've never had to look elsewhere. I've used them without risers just fine as long as you're not up on the highest level they purchase. Just realize that they are not for every firm snow condition. If you can do without them you'll most likely move faster and easier without them but when conditions call for them they are as crucial as boot crampons. Do yourself a favor and pick up a pair, you'll never look back (or slide back) again.
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Stano at SkinTrack (used product regularly)
I have used these crampons for about 20 days now, with Broad Peak skis and Speed Radical bindings. No problems whatsoever. They were superb for high-alti peaks.

I believe now that any ski mountaineer should bring ski crampons with them for spring skiing, however, there was time I didn't believe so :)
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Question from Aaron
Are these compatible with Plum Race 165 bindings? If not, can anyone point me to a binding that is?
Answer from Aaron S
Oops, I meant "point me to a crampon that is" compatible...
Answer from jbo
Hi Aaron. They should be with the crampon kit add-on. I will verify this when we get the Plums in stock, which hopefully isn't too far from now.
Answer from Jonathan S
My Dynafit crampons have worked just fine with my Plum race bindings, whose attachment seems to me to be exactly identical to that on the Dynafit Low Tech Race binding (except that the crampon attachment is included at no extra cost with the Dynafit bindings, but is a separate purchase with Plum).
In general, such a small metal clasp has more flexibility for adapting to small differences in the metal bar among different crampon brands.
The downside is that it is probably not quite as strong, although I haven't had any problems, and worst-case scenario, probably better to have that small replaceable part break than the crampon or binding frame.
Answer from jbo
Just following up. Indeed, as Jonathan stated, these work just fine with the Plum crampon kit.
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