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ATK Adjustment Plates

From $54.95

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R01 - 30mm Heel - Heel adjustment plate with "30mm" of adjustment range. Compatible with all ATK race heels, noting the range is more like 25mm for these. Also compatible with Ski Trab Gara Titan, La Sportiva RSR, and other Hagan/BD race heels. With bolts it weighs just 36g (1.3oz). Adds 5.5mm of heel stack. Stock Note: If these are out, the Trab Race plates also work.

R04 - Rental Adjustment - Long 60mm plate with a quick-adjust bolt positioning mechanism and some elastic travel. Fits ATK race heels. Weighs 85g (3oz) and raises your heels by 9.5mm

R06 - Ski Saver for Speed Radical Heels - Heel adjustment plate with 25mm of range. Compatible with all ATK race heels. The plate's mounting pattern is the Dynafit Speed Radical/Radical 1.0 heel pattern (32/36mm wide x 52.5mm long). Perfect for if you want to save weight from a Dynafit Speed Radical pattern binding to a race-style binding but don't want to drill any new holes in your skis. Comes in at just 40g (1.4oz). Adds 7.6mm of heel stack.

R07 - Ski Savers for TLT Speed Heels - Heel adjustment plate with 15mm of range. Compatible with all ATK race heels. The plate's mounting pattern is that of the Dynafit TLT Speed or TLT Speedfit binding (28mm wide x 38.5mm long). The ideal way to switch from a Dynafit TLT Speed-style heel to a lighter ATK race heel without redrilling your skis. Weighs just 40g (1.4oz). Adds 7.75mm of heel stack.

R08A - XXL Toe Adjustment Plate - Wider version of the R13 adjustment plate offering better torsional stability due to the larger contact area. Fits the standard ATK toe pattern (30mm wide x 27mm long). Offers three mounting positions: +13.5mm, 0mm, and -13.5mm. Could be useful when remounting skis over existing holes due to the wider mounting pattern of the plate. With screws it weighs 52g or 1.8oz. Raises your toes by 5.5mm.

R13 - Standard Toe Adjustment Plate - Adjustable toe plate for standard ATK toes (30mm wide x 27mm long). Offers three mounting positions: +13.5mm, 0mm, and -13.5mm. Nice if you either want to experiment with mounting locations or need to dodge holes due to a remount. With screws it comes in at 38g (1.3oz). Raises your toes by 6.45mm.

R16A - Free Touring Toe Plate - Adjustable toe plate for any ATK freeride toe (Hagan Core, ATK Raider 12, etc...) Three options: +13.5mm, 0mm, and -13.5mm. A good option if you don't know where you want to be mounted, need to dodge some toe holes, or have a large range of boot sizes to accommodate. With screws it weighs 58g or 2oz. Adds 5mm under your toes.

R17 - 30mm Heel - A wider adjustment plate purposefully designed for ATK's braked race bindings. Weighs 45g with screws.

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Questions & Reviews

Question from Jakub
Hi Team,
Do you know if R01 plate works with Ski Trab Gara brake? I've been using my regular Titan Gara binding without a brake and R01 plate installed but now I need to comply with ISMF regulations and I wanted to install the brake but I don't know if it's gonna work or I need to purchase a new plate and drill my skis another time ☹️
Answer from Jeff
Jakub, For the Gara brake to work properly, you need the Race Heel Wide.
Same mounting pattern as the Trab plate, not the same as the R01.
Answer from Jakub Ł
Hello Jeff. Thanks for the response. Would a R17 plate be an alternative? I already have 2 different hole patterns drilled in my skis and I really don't want to to drill another 2 or 4 holes. I know that R17 has the same pattern as R01 and that it works with ATK bindings with a brake but for me it's not an option. Thanks!
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Tjaard B (used product regularly)
The R16a “Free touring” toe plate also fits “standard/old” ATK toes with the 30x27mm pattern, like the old Crest or Haute Route (plus).

You can see the narrower holes in the picture.
Note that its mounting holes are very wide. I had a ski were they fell outside the metal insert, even though it wasn’t a very skinny ski.
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Jay H (used product regularly)
Picked up some BD Helio 200 bindings and wanted to have some adjustability for the heel piece so paired them with the ATK R01 30mm heel plate. Easy to pair and offers tons of range for different BSL's. Stoked!
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Question from Toto
What is the width of the drilling holes to fix the plate in the skis. Is it also 30mm wide. Not quite sure looking at the picture.
Answer from Carlos M
Hi Toto,

Which particular plate are you referring to?
Answer from Christophe C
Hi, sorry did not mention the plate. ==> R13. Best Toto
Answer from Carlos M
It's 25mm wide, not 30mm - kind of interesting, it's not the same width as the threaded holes.
Answer from Christophe C
Thank you very much for the info!
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Question from Quintus Z
Would you recommend the r13 or r08a for black diamond helio carbon 104
Answer from Gabriel I
Hi Quintus, the regular R13 plate should be fine for that ski, it's not yet particularly wide at 104mm.
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Question from Quintus Z
are all the toe plates the same thickness @6.45mm?
Answer from Gabriel I
Hi Quintus, no they all vary. I've updated the descriptions with the measurements.
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Question from Barrett K
Would the ATK R08A or R13 plates work with Ski Trab Titan toes? Looks like the same screw patterns. Thanks!
Answer from Carlos M
Hi Barrett,

They are the same pattern, 30x27, so they should work!
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Question from Jesper Karlsson
When mounting a ATK Radical 10 bindings with the Freeride Spacer, can I then still make use of the ATK Adjustment plate?
Answer from Carlos M
Hi Jesper,

Do you mean Raider 10? If so, you will not be able to use a heel adjustment plate - the Raider bindings (and all of ATK's full featured bindings) already have BSL adjustment built into the heel, so it would be somewhat unnecessary, and the mounting pattern is not compatible with the race heel plates.

If you were referring to a toe adjustment plate, the R16A plate is an option to move the toe around on the Raider bindings.
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Question from Alex
Howdy - I’m mounting a trofeo heelpiece to a R01 plate (already on the ski) to replace a busted BD Helio 180 with stripped bolts. What size bolts do I need? Do you have them?
Answer from Jeff
Alex, You can find the screws and nuts here -
Plum parts
You need the Race Adjustment screws and Adjustment plate nuts.
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Question from Jon
What's the r08a mounting pattern? Would be convenient if it was the raider toe pattern.
Answer from Gabriel I
Hi Jon, it's 60mm x 60mm, not the same as a Raider. The other large R16A plate for the Raider also has the mount pattern, though.
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Question from Alastair Brunton
How much does the R13 Adjustment plate add to the height of the toe piece?

I'm saving some tired ski trabs with existing holes and want to check my final pin delta.

Answer from Carlos M
Hi Alastair,

Good for you, keep those skis going!

The R13 plate is 6.45mm thick according to our calipers.
Answer from Quintus Z
are the other two adjustment plates the same thickness?
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Question from Karl
Hi Team!

I have 2 quick questios:
1) Regarding an ATK Kuluar binding that I am using. I bought a heel plate to be able to change the binding back and forth between 2 of my boots but I'm wondering whether I would need a toe plate to even out the height added by the heel plate?

Same goes for my Pierra Menta skis. I have a pair of Dynastar PM skis with the old ATK SL WC binding without brakes and need to change to the new ATK SL WC with the brake but would like to add a plate so that I can switch between multiple boots. Would I need a toe plate for this as well as a heel plate?

I have 2 sets of the R01 plates, will they work for both setups?

Thank you for your help!
Answer from Carlos M
Hi Karl,

The R01 plate is not compatible with the ATK Kuluar binding, it is designed for race pattern heels. The Kuluar has its own adjustability built in, it does not need a heel adjustment plate.

The ATK SL WC will work with an R01 plate, the brake doesn't interfere. So that setup is fine. You do not need to add a toe shim. The delta will not change by that much, with an R01 plate.

If you need to return the R01 plate you bought for the Kuluar, or have other questions, email us at!
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Question from Barney H
Which plates should I get for ATK Raider 11 Evo Binding?
Answer from Carlos M
Hi Barney,

If you want to be able to move the toe forward and back on your ATK Raider 11 Evo, you would want the R16A - Free Touring Toe. That would be the only plate on this listing that fits the Raider hole pattern.
Answer from Barney H
Thanks so much for the quick reply. Would I need to also add heel plates to add height to the heel to make them even? It doesn't look like there is a heel plate that fits the ATK Raider 11 Eco. Probably because the binding already has an adjustable heel.
Answer from Barney H
Alternatively, if I used a shim for the heel plate, what thickness shim would match R16A?
Answer from Carlos M
Hi Barney,

You are correct, there is no heel plate for this binding because the heel is already adjustable. And most people would not want to raise the heel on a binding that already has a positive delta of +11mm. Personally, I wouldn't do anything to the heel. Since the binding has some decent ramp angle to begin with, this plate will raise the toe much like a toe shim would, which will make the binding flatter. For most people, this is a good thing, unless you prefer a higher ramp angle. It will still be a positive delta even with the toe plate.
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Question from George S
Are there torque specs for the T20 screws on these? Also, it seems like a dab of blue thread locker would be a good idea, any recommendations from ATK? The geeky ex-bike mechanic in me wants to know :)
Answer from Jeff
Hi George, Unlike the Bike world, pretty much no torque specs here.
So just "tight" . And a dab of Blue Loctite is a good idea, they can work loose.
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Question from Miroslav Beres
Zdravim , ktoru dosku potrebujem na ATK fr 16 , špička aj päta ,lyže 4 frnt Raven 104 mm, montažne diery v lyži po viazani Salomon Backlund , ďakujem
Answer from Niko M
Ahoj Miroslav! Na opätovnú montáž možno nebudete potrebovať nastavovacie dosky. Pätky majú zabudovanú úpravu bsl, ktorá vám umožní vyhnúť sa dieram a zároveň nájsť dobrý stredový upevňovací bod topánky. Ak by ste chceli pridať nastavovaciu platňu pod prsty, R16A, Free Touring Toe Plate by bola tá pravá pre vás, pretože umožňujú umiestnenie +13,5 mm, 0 mm a -13,5 mm. Vďaka!
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Question from Matt S
Is my understanding correct that the R01 heel plate will work with Black Diamond Helio 200LT bindings? Pretty sure it's the BD version of the Haute Route binding. Also, all of the necessary screws come with the plate?
Answer from jbo
Hi Matt, that is correct all around, the R01 kit is all you need.
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Question from WCJ
May have missed this but is this priced per plate or per pair?
Answer from jbo
Hi WCJ, these are priced in pairs. We attempted to denote that with the "x2" in the option list.
Answer from WCJ
Thanks, my bad. I see it now in the drop down :)
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Question from Eric S
Can you please state what the mounting patterns is for the R16A. I mean the pattern for mounting to the skis. Trying to figure out whether these will safely mount to my Ripstick 104 Tours (advice on that would be welcome too!).

Answer from Emmett I

The mount pattern is 60x60mm. You should have no issue mounting them on Ripstick 104 Tours!
Answer from Eric S
So... how are these R16A adjustment plate actually supposed to work? The adjustment range is 27 mm, but the adjustment range on the ATK Evo binding and equivalents is 25 mm. Are you supposed to squeeze an extra mm out of the heel-piece adjustment? Even if that's ok, the tolerances for the mounting distance between heel and toe are very low. What am I missing here?
Answer from jbo
Hi Eric, the plate is a multi-use design, not specifically a mount-shift plate. It allows quite a range of boot sizes while also letting you change toe-mount location to some degree.
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Question from Tjaard B
Which plate do you recommend for my Backland 100’s? (Thanks for the good advice and great skis, btw!).
XXL or Standard toe plate? Skis just have holes from mounting the Crest bindings.
Answer from Jeff
Tjaard , The Standard would be fine. The Backland 100 is not quite a XXL wide ski.
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Question from Fedor F
I wander what is mounting pattern of the R16A - Free Touring Toe Plate?

Answer from Gabriel I
Hi Fedor, it's 60mm x 60mm.
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