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Skimo Co

ATK Trofeo Binding


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Historically, race binding selection was based on an individual's needed release value and not much else. So even though the metallic hue of that one binding was calling your name, too bad! At least until now, that is. With the Trofeo, ATK has made the same great, race binding but with the option to choose between release values of 4,6,8, and 10. Now, everyone can enjoy the smooth, reliable action definitive of an ATK toepiece. For all but the biggest racers that need very high release values, the Trofeo has your back (feet?) in the quest for podium glory.

  • Made of Alu 7075, Stainless Steel, and POM for a quality, durable build.
  • Release value options of 4, 6, 8, or 10 for your retaining pleasure.
  • Easy Entry System makes entry into the toe piece a breeze.
  • Simple heel flap covers the pins to fly uphill.
  • Solid steel heel pins will last you a long time.
  • Optional adjustment plates for use with multiple boots.
  • Optional crampon receptor will help you climb ice.
  • Can accommodate an optional ski race brake.
convert to ounces
151g [10]
Weight (pair) 302g [10]
Boot Compatibility   Tech
Brakes (mm)   None
BSL Adjustment   Accessory plates
Riser Heights   2 + flat
Vertical Release   Fixed
Lateral Release   Fixed
Crampon Ready   Removable accessory
Specs Verified Yes
Materials   7075 aluminum, stainless steel
Skimo Co Says
Usage Speed touring, racing
Notes Choose your release race binding
Bottom Line ATK goodness with options
Compare to other Race Bindings

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Questions & Reviews

Question from Annwen Gammon
I bought the trofeo bindings and the toe piece when first bought was a bit stiff but loosened up over time. However, recently one of them has begun to become very stiff and hard to go from walk mode to boot off. Any suggestions as to why this could be?
Answer from Niko M
Hi Annwen!
Interesting! There could be a few things going on. Do you ski in walk mode? That can cause the "crocodile" (the black portion linking the lever to the wings) to bend. In any case, lubricating the moving parts would likely assist with any friction-related issues. Email us at, and we can dive into the details. Thanks!
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Question from Cullen
Can the ATK rolling-in u springs be used on the trofeo bindings?
Answer from Carlos M
Hi Cullen,

They cannot - the rolling-in U-Springs are shorter than the standard Trofeo U-Spring and will only work on the bindings that were designed for them, like the Revolution and Trofeo Brake.
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Question from Taylor
Is there any difference between these and the Helio 145s? Will they mount up with the same pattern heel and toe?
Answer from Niko M
Hi Taylor! They are the same binding, with the Helio 145 being a rebrand. The heel has undergone slight modifications throughout the years but has functionally remained the same. With that, they share the same mounting pattern as well. Thanks!
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Question from John P
for mounting trofeos with the R01 30mm heel plate can I use the Haute Route template?
Answer from Carlos M
Hi John,

You should be able to! The Haute Route uses an R01 plate, and the hole pattern for the toe pieces is the same between the two. So the hole patterns will be correct.
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Question from Ben
Would you say that the R10 Trofeo has the most retention of any current race binding? If not, then what else? Dynafit Expedition notwithstanding.
Answer from Niko M
Hey Ben! The Trofeo R10s are among the highest along with the Gara Titan 5.0 (~12), the Dynafit Mezzalama (10) , and both of Grizzly's race offerings (10).
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Question from Andy O
I’m looking to pair these bindings with a 171 Balck Diamond Cirque 84. This setup would be used primarily for ski mountaineering in the spring. My recommended DIN setting is right in the middle of the 8 and 10 option. Any thoughts on what I should go with? I’m 5’ 10”, 185lbs, and a moldy aggressive skier. All my other tech bindings are typically set at a 9.
Answer from Emmett I

You could go either way. Personally, I'd err lower because you can always lock your toes if you're in a no-fall zone, but it really is entirely personal preference.
Answer from Andrew O
I know the entire heel piece on these is rated as 8 or 10. What would be the effect of putting a 10 U-spring on an 8 rated heel piece? Would that essentially give me something in the middle? Just wondering what my next options would be if I were getting some prereleases with the 8 and wanted to bump up the release.

Answer from jbo
Hi Andrew, changing the U-spring would change the vertical release to approximately the indicated value of the new spring. It would have almost no affect on the lateral release. In the unlikely event that the set value did not work for you, it might be better to get new heels. We do offer trade-ins for this purpose.
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Comment from Brian h
Anyone interested in a long format impression on the Trofeo toe can read here.
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Question from Jackson
If I have these mounted for a boot w/ BSL of 293mm (Dynafit PDG2) would I need to remount if switching to a pair of size 43 Alien 3.0’s (BSL 292)?
Answer from Gabriel I
Hi Jackson, hard to say without both boots in hand. While the BSL is similar, it is really the length between the toe and heel pins that you're interested in, and this can vary between boot models that have the same BSL.

As an option ensure a fit, you can mount the R01 adjustment plate under the heel from ATK or similar compatible plates from Ski Trab, Hagan, or Kreuzspitze.
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Erik Henry (downright abused product)
The riser hight is too low for the Technica Zero G ROM on steeper skin tracks, or vis- versa if you are on the other team. (My boot has the “death rattle” on steeper tracks)

The heel flap has a curved under belly profile that makes it difficult/slippery to flip up with a pole. I am considering filing it, it would be the cherry on top if it came squared off.

Overall this is a great binding, I have fully chattered on icy groomers at full speed and not pre-released. Zero G pro 28.5, Scott Superguide Freetour 185/105 and Trofeos w/adjustment plate.
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Jeremy L (used product regularly)
Simple, lightweight binding. You can turn the binding 180 deg and get a slightly higher heel rise, but I find it's not even worth the hassle. Keep it simple and one-directional, these are fantastic bindings for touring and I absolutely enjoy them
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Cyw (used product regularly)
Sometimes I get annoyed when I'm out on one of my setups with heavier bindings and find myself thinking "why do I need these when I could just be on Trofeos?"

No, they are not the sexiest, shiniest thing on the market, but they're affordable, durable, light, and they just plain work. Without the heel adjust plate, they're one of the flatest options around. I didn't think I was particularly sensitive to ramp angle, but after spending a bunch of time on Trofeos, my Trab Titans feel too steep. I really like the flat, low feeling of Trofeos in comparison.

If you're using heavier boots, without a great ROM, the heel riser might feel too low. That's kinda how it goes at this weight range though. I do really appreciate the flat mode for approaches.

On the down, I have definitely been using these bindings outside their recommended objectives, so take this with a grain of salt, as anecdotal internet evidence. But I'm a fairly big dude (6'1", 200lbs) and no one has ever accused me of being graceful. I've been skiing the Trofeo on a 184 cm, 112 underfoot ski, in fun terrain with plenty of small cliffs and pillows, and haven't had any issues with pre-release, even while spinning the occasional 360.

They're simple, they're light, and they feel nice, what more could you ask for? (A higher high riser, that's what I'd ask for!)
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Question from eric b
Do you stock any replacement U-springs for the Trofeo series?

My understanding is the rolling pin U-springs will not work with the Trofeo — one needs the specific springs rated 4, 6, 8 or 10.

Thank you!
Answer from jbo
Hi Eric, in theory we do, but haven't yet been delivered any. Please note changing those spring will not change the internal (lateral) tension.
Answer from eric b
Thank you! I have a few pairs of Trofeo 10s and would like to carry a set of spare U-springs in case they fail in the field.

If there is a way to get on a waiting list (ideally notified when in stock), I would love it.

Thanks! Your shop is literally THE BEST!
Answer from Vlad P
Hi jbo, quick followup on your response here.
Is the internal (lateral) tension the same in all heels? Or does it change depending on the din version you buy? Is the difference just the U spring tension, hence vertical release?

Answer from jbo
Hi Vlad, both the lateral and vertical release values vary per model.
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Question from Mauri
Does the Trofeo use the same mounting pattern as the Haute Route (without adjustment plate)?
Answer from Will McD
Hi Mauri, the Trofeo uses the same hole pattern as the Haute Route sans-plate, however, it is possible that the heel gap may not be the same if you drop it into the existing holes
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David S (used product regularly)
Best compromise for a lightweight and functional touring binding I could find for the price. I like the fact the delta between the pins is zero, you get a flat mode plus two riser heights and all at a reasonable price. I also like the fact that the toe engagement is solid and I don't need to worry about pre releasing in uphill mode even with the tow unlocked. Only downside is the release is non adjustable but I found this to be a non issue.
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Question from Dennis K
Do y'all sell the aforementioned "Optional crampon receptor"? Or if not, do you know where I might be able to find the part? And does it need to be mounted with the bindings, or can it be added on after the fact?
Answer from Ian C
Hey Dennis, we do sell those, under "crampon slots." You can just slide them on, no need to re-mount!
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Question from Pozitivvibration
Hey, I have a question, which version of the Trofeo with how many DINs is better to choose in my case? I am 6.2 tall and 194 lbs in weight. I will use the Hagan Ultra 65 ski and the Scarpa Alien / Dynafit Mezzalama 29 boot for racing and speed training. I am amateur, not professional skimo athlete. In the DIN calculator I calculated the value of 8 but I am thinking about 10 version due to my quite high weight for racing, what do you think?
Answer from Zak M
Hey Pozitivvibration, thanks for the inquiry! So far from our testing we have found the ATK Trofeo binding to be testing fairly accurately, but quite typically with a higher BSL the release value would be charting out just a bit lower. So if you were just gonna be using the binding for a race setup you could sway either way but sticking with the allotted release value is preferred. Overall that would definitely be a personal choice to move to the higher U spring especially knowing the potential downsides. Feel free to reach out to if you have any other binding questions!
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Zach W (downright abused product)
These things are so bomber. I've never had a problem with these bindings, ever. Very elegant binding.

I think in the reviews of the BD-branded version of these bindings that people have noted the heel turret is hard to turn. Very true. To give you some perspective: It's painful to turn these bindings without a thick glove on.

Another minor complaint might be that it's impossible to open the toe with a pole tip. Not the most important thing, but it'd be nice.

But overall: bomber.
Reply from Jim
I use the other end of the pole, the handle, to open the binding. I don't want to scratch the pretty anodized finish.
Reply from Barry B
I think you'll find that any race type binding feels about the same hardness to turn, it's mostly a function of binding heel size.

The torque needed to spin the heel is what gives you resistance to lateral release; different bindings with the same lateral release setting will take roughly the same torque to spin. Since the boot pins are usually about the same distance from the heel pivot point, different bindings with the same lateral release setting should take roughly the same amount of linear force to the pins to spin the heel. The difference with heavier non race binding heels is that they usually have a large structure rear of the pivot that you use as a handle to spin them. With those bindings, you apply force at a point much further from the pivot point, so a much smaller force results in the same torque at the pivot point and it feels easier to spin.
Reply from Zach W
Thanks, Barry. No, the previous-gen Trofeo were much harder to turn than other race bindings. Actually, one thing to add to my review is that the current gen Trofeo are easier to turn, and in line with other race bindings.

Good point on the torque; that could be it. But I suspect that if you go into the shop and turn a bunch of race heels, often shaped very similarly, you'll find significant differences in how hard it is to turn the heel, even if they're "rated" the same for lateral release. You can even turn bindings applying even torque (by adjusting where your hand is) and they will be different.
Reply from jbo
Great discussion! A longer lever arm definitely helps to turn some heels (one model in particular is almost impossible to turn by hand as there is no leverage). The internals of the binding do matter as well, and things can manifest over time. Some heels break-in with frequent rotation and their lateral retention slowly decreases. Others may see some corrosion that makes them stiffer over time, even to the point of seizing up completely (requiring penetrating lube). Always good to check 'em, even if it's just the ol' hand test.
Reply from Zach W
Come on, jbo, let's keep this binding review page PG-13 please!
Reply from jbo
Sorry, I am passionate about race bindings.
Reply from Jim
I can hardly wait to get into my bindings! What pleasure!
Reply from Brian h
Any day I can use a penetrating lube is a good day, indeed!
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Jonathan S (used product regularly)
I’ve had a pair of these under BD rebranding for two seasons now on an 87mm ski w/ Alien 3.0 boots. All my other setups have Dynafit and Plum race bindings, but ATK is now my new favorite, as everything is just so basic yet nicely refined: toe lever operates smoothly, ski crampon slot is easy to attach and has just the right tolerances for crampons, additional riser height is clever and effective (albeit not much higher), and the steel pins avoid wear yet have only a trivial weight penalty compared to the very lightest race models.
Reply from Jim
Agree. I use the Trofeos for touring only. The Trofeos are the easiest tech bindings to enter I've used.

Risers are so archaic! Who needs them? With the range of motion of modern AT boots, risers are pointless. Do you wear high heels when hiking uphill on steep trails? Should you? No. That's why you have ankle joints.
Reply from Jonathan S
I was so reluctant at first to switch over to race bindings for regular touring -- how would I cope without a far higher riser position?
Answer is, ehh, no big deal.
But every now & then a little bit extra can help, so the Trofeo 180-degree is a nice plus for those rare occasions, yet with zero weight penalty or other complications.
Otherwise, definitely amusing to pass tourers on regular gear who are constantly switching back & forth between various too-high riser positions...
Reply from Sebastian R
I am very pleased with my binding. I am not sure about the stated 3 heights of possible walk modus ɓAs i see ther are 4 possible walk heights
We have:
1: flat
2: the pins in front Position with flap
3: the Pins in the back with a lower Position without the flap
4. Higher Position with flap in front
Is this correct?
Reply from Jonathan S
Position #3 is physically possible. But the binding might not be designed to have the boot heel repeatedly coming down on this part of the binding. And heel elevator height from that position is barely any different from #2.
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Model: Trofeo

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