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Skimo Co

Dynafit Liners

$179.95 From $139.95

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If Febreeze is no longer a match for your liners, it may be time for a replacement. It’s also time if you’ve ripped out the tongue, completely worn them through at the rivets, or packed them out beyond recognition. Look for replacement Dynafit liners here, all of which are thermo-moldable (TF) so may even fit other boots.

DNA Bikini - No, not that type of bikini. This is the replacement liner for the DNA boot.

Dy.N.A. EVO - Race liners are thin and some of the first to wear out. The EVO liners fit in the PDG and DyNA boots and feature very flexible ankles. Some folks have even put them in TLTs in order to fit in smaller (and lighter) shells.

Dynafitter 10 - Replacement liner for the Radical Pro.

PDG - Slightly thicker race liners found in the Dynafit PDG boots.

Speedfit Pro Custom Ready Liner - Stock replacement liner found in the Speedfit Pro boot. 100% thermomoldable.

TLT6 CR Performance - Stock replacement liner found in green TLT6 boots. 100% thermomoldable.

TLT6 Custom Ready - Stock replacement liner found in pink TLT6 boots. 100% thermomoldable.

TLT7 Custom Light - The lighter liners found in the TLT7 Performance and Carbonio boots. 100% thermomoldable.

TLT7 Custon Ready - Stock liner found in TLT7 Expedition boots. 100% thermomoldable.

TLT8 Custom Ready - Stock liner found in TLT8 Expeditionboots. 100% thermomoldable.

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Questions & Reviews

Question from Jared M
I currently have a pair of TLT 6 Mountains (green color). The liners are getting pretty bad and causing a hotspot on the inside of my foot. The original liners were a decent fit, albeit a bit snug in the toes (I have a wider foot in the toe box). I was looking to replace them, the originals would likely work but cant find them in 29.5. I was curious which replacement liner you would suggest? I use the boots for a mix between race and long touring, I feel like slightly more room would be nice in the toes, but don't wanna go too far in that direction and have a loose fit. Any help would be great. Thanks.
Answer from Niko M
Hi Jared!
To free up some room, the  Palau Tour Lite Evo LV Liners would be a suitable choice. Being thinner than the stock liner, you would find more volume throughout the boot. You could also consider the  Palau Tour Lite Evo MV Liners for a closer stock fit. You could likely address the toes with a liner mold, achieving your goal without sacrificing other areas of fit. Thanks!
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Question from Justin
I have 2017/2018 dynafit radical boots in 29.5. The shells won’t quit but the liners have degraded and need to take a leave of absence. Can you recommend a replacement liner? Would dynafitter in 29 do it? Thanks!
Answer from Jeff
Justin, The Dynafitter 10 liner should do well. It is for the current Radical Pro boot, not the same as your Radical boot, but will fit fine.
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Question from Luke P
Hi! I am wondering if Skimo Co would be able to sell me a pair of Race400 liners? I am a size 280 and am having a difficult time ordering them from the France, Pierre Gignoux website. Thank you!
Answer from Niko M
Hi Luke!
Unfortunately, the Race400 liners are a difficult source at the moment. We are currently exploring suitable alternatives. Email us at, and we can keep you in the loop. Thanks!
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Question from Bryan
Would the DNA Bikini liners work in the Scarpa Alien 1.0/1.1 a replacement for the Intuition Crossfit BT liners?
Answer from Jeff
Bryan, They can be used in there.
As you can see in the picture, the tongue is not as thick or padded as the Intuition liner in the Alien. I have these in the DNA boot, and had to add padding to it to get a good fit.
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Question from Jordan Gregory
Will you carry a dynafitter 5 liner any time soon? Also - any suggestions for other replacements for the dynafitter 5 (for a blacklight boot). Thanks!
Answer from Gabriel I
Hi Jordan, we can probably special order one from Dynafit, but we don't carry them in stock. Palau's Tour Lite Evo LV or Tour Lite Pro would be appropriate replacements and more readily available.
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Question from Aspen
Yo! My Dynafit Beast are in desperate need for new liners. Shells are still crushing but liner have taken a beating! Hoping for a snug fit so my heel doesn’t move around, which has been an issue in the past few seasons as the OG liners have gotten super worn down. What should I get as replacement liners for my touring boots for stability and comfort?
Answer from Carlos M
Hi Aspen,

I would look at  Intuition Tour Tongue liners for a custom fit (after a heat mold, of course). The 12mm Tour Tongue will take up significantly more space than stock, but you can push it out pretty effectively in a heat mold in the areas that need more room. It will fill up more space in the cuff as well. The 9mm would be closer to the thickness of the stock liner.
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Question from Alex
Hi! I have Dynafit Khion boots. Do Dynafitter 10 liners work for these boots?
What are recommend temperature an time of molding for them?
Answer from Emmett I
Hi Alex,

The Dynafitter 10 is a good bit thicker than the stock Khion liner. Might work if the stock liners felt a bit thin. The Palau Power LT will be closer to the stock liner.
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Question from Nick L
Wondering if you all think that the bikini liner would work in a pair of Backland Ultimates (orange/white)? Like many, I struggled with the orange sock liner that came stock. Love the boot, but looking for a new liner. Thanks!
Answer from Jeff
Nick, It will work in there. It is less liner then the stock Ultimate liner, if that is what you are looking for. Without knowing what your issue is with the stock liner, this may be an option too. Ultralight race liners. The 7mm would be the one. They have very light foam, so not much support, but as light as air.
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Question from Yoshi
I am using TLT SPEED FIT 26cm (287mm). Can Liner TLT8 CR or TLT8 CL be used as a replacement liner? Also, should I purchase a 26cm replacement liner?
Answer from Gabriel I
Hi Yoshi, go for a TLT6 liner, that's the same shell as a Speedfit. If you have a size 26 boot, yes get the size 26 liner.
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Question from Stian
Hey, I have a pair of Dynafit Hoji Pro 26,5. Will a Dynafitter 10 work in these boots? With the size of the Liner of 26,5, can I expect the same feeling of tightness and stiffness as the current Hoji pro liners?
Answer from eric
Stian, The Dynafitter 10 is a 10mm thick liner made out of ultralon foam. It's probably not as thick as the original Hoji Pro at the ball of the foot and toes. With that said the rest of the liner should be very similar. So it might depend on how the boot fit originally. An Intuition liner might be a better match throughout the whole foot if you need a snugger fit.
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Question from Alphe
Can I put a hoji px liner in tlt8 carbonio?
What would be the result?
The liner in the carbonio is way too thin, while my worn out tlt6 liner creates a great fitting boot.
Answer from Jeff
Alphe, We don't have a Hoji liner for sale. They will be thicker and stiffer then the Stock or TLT6 liners you used. So a tighter fit and will restrict the range of motion some.
We have both the TLT6 and TLT8 CR liners here, which you know to work. Your Carbonio's have the Performance liner, the CR liner is the thicker one.
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Question from Liz
I need to replace my TLT7 liners in a 24; looks like the only liners you have in a 24 are the two TLT6 versions. Will those work? Thanks!
Answer from Jeff
Liz, So many questions for you.
Do you have the Performance or Mountain (CR liner) model?
The TLT 7 is a wide last, the TLT 6 is narrow, so there will be that difference. The TLT 6 liner appears to have a less open toe area, so may be too tight for you. Unless you have too much width in your boot.
We normally have suggested this liner - Palau.
Answer from Elizabeth S
I'm just now circling back to this a year later after being laid up with injuries all last year -- I can finally ski again and still need liners, ha! I have the Expedition CR model. I love the width of the TLT7, it's the only Dynafit boot that's ever been wide enough for me. So I probably shouldn't get any liner that's compatible with a TLT6.

Thoughts? Thanks!
Answer from Jeff
Liz, glad to hear you are getting back on skis.
Now we are out of any size 24 liner here.
You should check out the Palau liner I suggested above. And get the liner molded, that should stretch it out to fit your foot.
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Question from Kate P
Which liner is the thickest / most comfort-based? I have a women's Hoji PX in a 25.5, can't remember which liner but is super light, but want something with more volume.
Answer from Emmett I

Fill out a boot fitter so we have a bit more information, one of our boot fitters will get back to you!
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Question from Mike D
Hello, I purchased a Radical pro in a 28.5 size....the liner size is labeled "28" Can there be that much difference in size?? I can understand if it were opposite and too big, but I'm wondering if heated, will it still mold to my larger foot size? TY mije
Answer from Jeff
Mike, The liner in a size 28 and 28.5 are the same. Same as the shell. They include different thickness foot beds for that difference. The final fit is all in the liner mold.
We also recommend some aftermarket footbed for a better fit and performance.
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Question from David Lane Walton
I have dynafit mercury 29.5 boots. As best I can tell dynafit universal liner is no longer available. What would be the best option for a new li ner for these boots.
Answer from Niko M
Hi David,
The best replacement liner for your boot would be the  Palau Power LT Liners

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Question from Jill Veber
I have the Dynafit Expedition TLT 7 boot shell size 25.5. I want to replace the liner. Is the best match/fit to my original shell, the TLT 7 CL or is it the TLT 7 CR. My liner size is 25. I do need the lighweight liner for replacement. What is your return policy should I order the incorrect liner/size.
Answer from Emmett I

The TLT7 Custom Light should work great!

Our return policy is here. Basically, unused within 30 days and we'll refund your order. 30-365 days, we'll offer store credit.
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Question from Seth
@Brett/SkiMo: I have the 21/22 Radical Pro and want to do an at-home remold (I just bought them, skied em a couple times, had them heat molded in the shop but want to re-do it with toe caps for a little extra toe-length room). Any reason to not bake them in the home oven at 230 deg F? Do you/Dynafit have any specific guidance to follow for at-home molding (oven temp, time in oven, any other do's/don'ts?). Thanks!
Answer from Brett S
Thanks for reaching out, Seth. While I would encourage having a reputable shop mold the liner, many "do it yourselfers" will mold them at home. If you decide to mold them yourself, this step by step guide from intuition is a great resource (the Radical Pro liner is very similar to that of an intuition). Please let us know if you have any other questions!
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Question from Jesse
What is Dynafit's recommended method/temp for molding these liners? I've searched every where and can't find an answer to this.
Answer from Brett S
Thanks for reaching out, Jesse. Different liners will require different bake times/methods. Generally, for their thinner liners, Dynafit recommends using "stacks" that warm up to 110 degrees between 5-7 minutes, depending on the size of liner. Please let us know if you have any other questions!
Answer from dang3rtown
What are “stacks”? And I assume you mean Celsius or is this Fahrenheit?
Answer from Brett S
"Stacks" are made by many different folks (scarpa, dynafit, etc...), and refers to a tool that evenly blows hot air into the entirety of the ski boot with the liner remaining in the ski boot. The air temperature is about 110 degree Celsius or 230 degrees Fahrenheit. You can also use a convection oven, heated to about the same temperature to mold liners as well (just be careful not to overheat them!). Please let us know if you have any other questions!
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Question from Christian
Hi, currently have some 27.5 TLT6's with Pro Tour Medium thickness liners, and am considering the CL liners in order to shave some weight for long days and citizen skimo races. The fit is good (touring fit, not performance fit) with the Med thickness Pro Tour liners, would you anticipate a significant increase in volume with the CL liners? What's the weight for the CL liners? Are you getting more in this fall? Thanks!
Answer from Julieana
Hi Christian, the CL liners would be lower in volume than the Pro Tour Medium as they are a thinner liner. We don't have any in stock so unfortunately we can't give you the exact weight of them. Also we have not ordered any more for this season. However, if you'd like to email us at we can put in a special order for you!
Answer from Christian S
Thanks for the reply, Julieana! Maybe the 7mm Palau Ultralight Race liners, then? What's the weight on those? Any other recommendations?
Answer from Julieana
Sure thing! The 7mm Palau Ultralight Race liners weight 182 grams in a 27.5. They're going to have significantly less volume than the Pro Tour Medium. I suggest you look at the Palau Tour Lite Pro Liners, those will compare very closely to the CL liners.
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Question from Shanna
Hello, I have the TLT5 Mountain in side 23.5. I got the toe box punched out to make more room but the liners are still too short for my feet. Can you recommend a replacement liner that will fit the boot with a 0.5” longer toe?

PS the warmer the better!
Answer from Teddy Young
Hey Shanna, have these liners been heat molded already? If not, that may offer enough of a change! If they have been molded already, then getting just the liner’s toebox spot heated with a heatgun and then molded could be a good next step.
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