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Skimo Co

Pomoca S-Glide Tipon Skins

No Longer Carry

The S-Glide skins have very little room to improve. Pomoca is trying to one-up themselves anyway. The Tipon formula has a thinner backing material and an innovative “non-glue” adhesive. The result is a skin that is lighter, much more packable, and easy to manage on/off your skis. The adhesive won’t ball up and is easy to wash with soap and water if it gets dirty. Pomoca Tipon skins will peel from a ski base without effort, making it the ideal skin material for powder boards with large surface areas to cover with glue. The Tipon backing material is nearly 10% lighter per meter than the comparably sized skin, but packs a significant 40% smaller. The S-Glide nap is arguably the best in terms of grip-and-glide balance; thanks to Tipon, now it’s even faster and easier to use.

  • Ever Dry treatment is Pomoca’s premier anti-glopping treatment that is built into the skin for lasting performance.
  • Tipon is almost 10% lighter than the traditional backing, packs much smaller, and is 100% waterproof.
  • Glide treatment is built into the material which reduces friction while you're striding.
  • ClickLock system allows easy tip bracket swaps, to ensure a proper fit on your skis.
  • Comes with a fancy trimmer that makes trimming skins a breeze.
  • Included storage bag for travel and long-term storage.
Weight per skin (with backing) 334g [120mm x 165-180]

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$229.95 From $209.95

Questions & Reviews

Question from Peter J
I have two pair of Tipons for different skis and like them a lot. However, I cannot find directions for how to wash them. What temperature water should I use? Hot, medium. or cold? What type of soap should I use? Laundry soap, dish washer soap, dish wash soap, hand soap?

Answer from Cole P
Peter, warm water and dish wash soap will work just fine.
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Question from Will
Hey there,
I have a pair of BD Helio 95's in 173. What size would you recommend for these skins? Thanks and have a great day!
Answer from Cole P
Will, the 140mm x 165-180 will fit your skins fine. You will just have to cut more material off in its width. Usually, we have more size options that would be appropriate for a 95cm wide ski.
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Anthony O (used product regularly)
This skin is a liability. After 1 season of use and proper storage the adhesive began glopping off onto my bases and clumping together. And since they dont have a traditional backer, you cant just strip and reapply glue. Encountered several people who have had the same problem including one who had to make a long walk out due to entire failure of the glue. Love all my other pomoca skins, but this one was terrible.
Reply from Lillian L
I had the glopping problem too. So unfortunate, as they work beautifully otherwise. I just sent mine to Salewa and they are replacing them under warranty. I hope this pair holds up better!
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Question from Roy H
For Icelantic Nomads 181 length (140-105-130 widths) what size/width skins would you go with?
Answer from Patrick C

I would go with the 140mm, 175-190cm size. This will give you the option for wall to wall coverage for maximum grip.

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Question from Carol
I used these skins all last season and LOVED them, but... by end of season the adhesive was sticking to my skiis in little globs regularly. After one particular day I collected the globs and they amounted to a ball about 4 mm diameter. I returned them to the shop because I was concerned that these pricey skins would not last another season due to loss of the adhesive.
My question is... have other users had this problem, or did I just get a poor pair? I am now shopping for replacement skins.
Answer from Patrick C

I'm sorry to hear about your problem with your skins. We did hear about one other person who had a similar experience. Skins are a temperamental piece of equipment for sure. Feel free to email us at if you would like to explore your many options in the realm skins, we want you to have the best possible time out in the backcountry!

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Ryan K (downright abused product)
Excellent skins that require high vigilance in cold weather.

I have used these extensively on a pair of Volkl VTA 108s. Used primarily in Wyoming in the Tetons and Absarokas. They are the lightest, most compact set of skins I have ever used. They have great grip/glide characteristics as one would expect from Pomoca. Their downfall is in their adhesion to skis. They must be put on a perfectly dry base. They progressively frost up when doing multiple laps in very cold weather, even when specific care is given to drying the bases each time. Often times I have had to de-frost them using my ski edges, holding up my group. If one keeps the skins in their jacket for every run, it can be mostly but not entirely prevented. I would say their performance relative to their weight/bulk is ALMOST worth the hassle, but not quite. I think the pink race skins are probably a better compromise if you are skiing in cold weather. If you are planning to use primarily in warmer areas, or don't mind the fuss, then you will love these. If you want to have your cake and eat it too, these aren't quite there yet.
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Question from Michael C
Is this skin a pure mohair or a mix?
Answer from TSB
Hey Michael -- this is a mohair mix skin, about 65% mohair and 35% nylon. After break-in, we find these to be some of the faster MoMix skins on the market.
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Question from Ross
Excited about trying these on some hut-to-hut tours this year.
Would the 120mm x 165-180cm be the right size for my 172 cm Black Crows Orb Freebird Skis at 121/91/107
Answer from Jeff
Ross, that would be the size. Depending on what you have been using before, you will love the glide on these.
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Question from JMC
Will a small (155cm - 170cm) Pomoca skin work on a 154cm Voile?
Answer from Teddy Young
Which ski is it specifically? If we have the model, I'll grab it and see if they'll fit well.
Answer from Jeffrey C
Voile Women's Hyper Drifter 154cm
Answer from Jeff
Jeff, yes it will work with room on the strap to spare. We only have the 100mm skin here in small, but we do have the 120 or 140mm small in the regular Pro S Glide.
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Question from JMC
I'd like to get a pair of these for a 177cm ski. Is it better to go with the medium (165cm - 180cm) or the large (175cm - 190cm)?
Answer from Teddy Young
I would say to go with the medium 165cm - 180cm!
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Cal (downright abused product)
I just got a pair of these and put three rather abusive laps on them in Spring conditions - I'm impressed! I had no problem getting them to stay stuck to my skis, even removing and reapplying them several times on each lap. It took just as much force to rip them free as any other skins I have. I did wipe the ski bases clean and dry each time, and firmly pressed them on. This was also on quite wide powder boards (114mm under foot), so plenty of surface area. I didn't have any trouble with snow creeping under the ends or sides. Skinned over wet snow, ice, rocks, gravel, and vegetation, without issues or apparent damage. Easy to fold and pack, easy to separate from each other, glue doesn't ball up. I'm a Tipon convert! One other observation, the 180 length I ordered was actually just long enough for my 181 Volie V8's, but putting the tail clip on the very last groove.
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Question from Quentin
Hi, I'm interested in a pair of those and curious to try the Tipon experience.
However I have some Rossignol BC125 with Positrack (scales) at the middle of the sole. I wonder how much of an issue it may be for adherence and also what may happen once water does get in there, will that risk making them unstick?
Answer from Jeff
Quentin, Are the Positrack skis not giving you the traction you need? Would you be putting the Tipon skins multiple times? The Tipon skins don't always stick when applied repeatedly on a tour. Having skis with scales would only make it worse.
Answer from Quentin L
Thanks Jeff. The positrack is awesome, pretty much like cross country skis it provides very good glide and good grip up to 10-15% grade (perfect in ondulating terrain), beyond that and for all the proper climbs skins are required.
I'll resort to the S-Glide with conventional glue then.
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Question from Ryan Kempfer
Hello, thank you for being able to answer questions. I use a pair of tipon skins from pomoca, i truly like how they have beem performing so far, great glide, ease of ripping and great traction. what im concerned with is that they seem to really pull the wax out of the ski base. seems that after a thorough wax job and about 4 uses im getting dry bases? we use Purl wax and im wondering if anyone else is noticing this? Please respond if you can.
Answer from Trace Leches
Hey Ryan! Glad you're digging the new skins. Sorry about the trouble with the wax though. That's a first for me, I've never heard of them doing that. I'll keep this in mind and if I hear anything I'll follow up with you. My only thought would be the DPS Phantom treatment. Chemical bonds are a little bit harder to pull out of the base than wax. ;)
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Question from Margo
Are there two skins in the package?
Answer from Teddy Young
Hey Margo, yes there sure are!
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Average Joe (used product regularly)
My first day, out of the car, I clicked in and pushed forward and nearly fell flat on my face as they stuck to the snow like 50 grit sandpaper. Yes they have a break-in period. After a few days of use they broke-in nicely. They glide like a mofo and are grippy both on the ski and on a faceted ice cold uptrack. I prolly have 50 or so days on them. Best set of skins I've owned.
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Question from Maciej
Hi, could you please tell me what's the actual length of the skin (i.e. without loop at the tip and strap at the tail) for sizes M (165-180) and L (175-190)? I have salomon's mtn 95 in 177 length and I am debating between these two sizes.
Answer from Teddy Young
Hi Maciej, I have both skins and a pair of Salomon MTN Explore 95s in front of me here. Doing a test fit on the ski, I'd say that the 165-180 length skin will be a little closer to the middle of the range. If you wanted the 175-190 length, it would still fit with just a little less room to shorten and a longer tail on top of the ski. But maybe you like having a longer tail to grab when ripping skins! They both will work, your preference!

As for the length of just the plush, it's 155cm and 161cm.
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Javier Castellar (used product a few times)
My two prior skins (purchased elsewhere) G3 alpinist tip broke last year and the new G3 LT alpinist replacement glue failed after summer (although I got a warranty replacement) so I ended risking it and got the Tipons. I LOVE this skins and I am not going back to normal glue. Also the glide is excellent and the grip with the right technique is great even going steep. Only tried in Lake tahoe in a very deep fluffy day, on a wet day and on a normal day. Sure you have to pay attention to the application of the skins and push them in to avoid water but they are so easy to attach/detach and to shake out any water or snow that it is the first time I am rutinely pulling them out with the skis on. They are so plyable that they fit on small pockets and they dry really quick. No going back to g3 and now back to pomoca 30 years later! I have not tried all conditions or durability but it is such a delight not to deal with the glue and having forgiveness on applying reapplying on skis or on storage that I don’t care. Kudos to Skimo co - they have too self stuff and they always ship inmediatelly and have the best prices.
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Question from Eric
Hi there, I have a set of Black Crows Pellis Corvus skins which I think are absoloutley amazing. I have used them out here on the British Columbia South Coast with out fail. While touring yesterday in the Whistler BC a fellow tourer remarked that Black Crows skins are made by Pamoca. I recently bought a pair of skis to use 50/50 resort/slackcountry and am looking for a similar set of skins. My question is, are the Pamoca Climb Pro S Glide Tipon the same skin that Black Crow’s offers (the similarity is both claim the skins are washable). Would you have a large 140 mm Version in stock?

Answer from jbo
Hi Eric, I believe the BC Pellis skins are made by Contour. The Hybrid is the washable formula.
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Comment from Jeremy Allyn
I have about a dozen days on the Tipons so far. My home range is the Cascades, but I've skied them in the BC Interior and Selkirks during last month's cold snap as well. They took a few days to "break in" the glide and figure out how to "manage" them, but since then I have been increasingly psyched in all snow and weather conditions. They absolutely need to go on a dry ski (use the included chamois) and demand that you press the skin HARD to the base - these two things seem most key. On big trail breaking days with lots of tail stuffing on the skin track snow definitely creeps in the sides of the tails, but if you keep tabs on it, it's manageable and no worse than a skin with less than fresh glue...G3 skins are superior in this regard. But, O man, the grip and glide is amazing, the lightness on foot very noticeable, and the packability the best there is. Time will tell how long they'll last and I'm curious about how they'll do on long wet spring tours. Great job Pomoca!
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Question from Peter C
I have the same sizing and "to TIPON or not to TIPON" questions as Christof, but regarding a pair of 185 Helio 105's. A few friends have just bought the regular versions, but I haven't heard much at all about the TIPON experience.
Answer from Peter C
Pretty sure I'm answering my own question here: the tips are 134mm, so I believe I'd need the 140mm x 185-200cm, right? I'd still be interested in hearing about Tipon vs the Climb Pro S-Glides.
Answer from jbo
Hi Peter, I'd look at the slightly shorter length (175-190) so the tail clip isn't jammed up against the skin. The 140 is full coverage, but you could get away with 120mm wide and not hate life. The Tipon is an interesting new adhesive but takes a little patience to learn, as it is best applied to a dry base and you need to apply some pressure to the skin. Bit fussy there, but they are so light and compact it may be worth it for some.
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Model: Climb Pro S-Glide Tipon

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