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Dynafit Pole Parts

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It sucks to buy a new pole just because a part was knocked off by a passing tree. See below for some pole parts available from Dynafit.

Butterfly 2.0 Basket Set - Complete set of replacement tips for the Dynafit Speed poles, including the hard-to-remove ferrules with a small integrated basket and angled carbide tip. Includes two tips and two basket extenders.

Powder Basket x1 - Powder baskets for Dynafit Vario poles.

Ultralight Pole Straps - A pair of the Ultralight Pole straps found on Dynafit Carbonio poles. Please note these are sold with black webbing rather than the green webbing shown in the picture.

Vario 2 Lower x1 - Replacement lower shafts to fit Vario and Carbonio poles made in 2019 or later. These are circular shafts with a 14mm outer diameter and will not work with previous designs that had a flat side or notches. Available in aluminum or carbon which are interchangeable.

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Questions & Reviews

Question from Nick
Double checking that this will work as a replacement basket for the Mezzalama pole. Doing Grand Traverse and need a replacement for that pole in the kit, partner and I both use them.
Answer from Carlos M
Hi Nick,

The Butterfly 2.0 basket set is the replacement for the Mezzalama pole. It comes with the ferrule, which I should note would be extremely difficult to replace in the field - but it is the correct one.
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Question from Tim
Will the Dynafit butterfly 2.0 baskets work on a Vario pole? Trying to keep the Vario pole but swap the powder baskets for something more uphill focused.
Answer from Carlos M
Hi Tim,

They will not - the lower shaft diameters are different, and the Butterfly baskets are integrated into their unique ferrule, so they will not thread on to a Vario pole. Mixing and matching pole parts is tough. The Kohla Aero baskets might be an option, but the threading is different than on the Dynafits, so you might have to force it in such a way that you wouldn't necessarily get it perfect, or be able to get them off again without destroying them.
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Question from Shaun S
How do I get Dynafit Vario replacement baskets to stay on? Glue?
Answer from Emmett I
Hi Shaun,

Hot glue works well. Plus it's easy to remove with heat. Anything flexible will do the trick, so no 5-min epoxy.
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Question from Stephen Mabry
Hello, I have the carbon Dynafit broad peak poles and lost the basket & metal end piece this morning skinning up our resort. Can I buy that replacement part?
Answer from Emmett I

We don't have any exact replacements, but if you want to measure the end of the pole I can see if we have any parts that will work.
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Question from Jackson L
Are the butterfly baskets compatible with other non-Dynafit pole shafts? IE a nordic pole?
Answer from Brett S
Hey Jackson, due to manufacturer differences in the taper and diameter of the pole near the ferrule, this would most likely not work with your pole.
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Question from Nick H
Could you provide the outer dimensions of the Vario 2 Carbon lower section?

I'm looking for a replacement for a snapped Broad Peak pole lower section and wondering if they'll be compatible. Looks like the Carbinio's use the same locking mechanism.
Answer from Ian C
Hi Nick, I measured the diameter of the Vario 2 lower at 14mm!
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Question from Leif Edblad
The strap on my Dynafit Carbon pole has come loose. How do I get it back in place?
See image as reference.
Answer from Jeremy L
Hi Leif. If you're able to pound the pin out of the head of the pole, it will be pretty straightforward to feed back through. If you need further assistance please reach out to us at and we'd be happy to help.
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Benski (used product regularly)
This is a great offering from— especially for the pesky Speed basket extenders that tend to fall off on especially epic missions. Highly recommend a single for your expedition spares kit if you enjoy this lightweight pole.

Having parts like this readily available with fast shipping options makes it easy to not keep a whole spare quiver.
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Question from Andy
Will either of the various carbon lowers fit the Dynafit 7-Summits pole (model with a white/silver upper with grip extension)?
Answer from eric
Andy-The vario lower shafts have the same indents for adjustment as the seven summits. Not 100% sure on whether the diameter is the same. Dynafit does not seem to have changed diameter to much over the years.
Answer from Andy
The lower fit my 2014 7-Summit pole just fine :-)
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Question from jeff
the vario lower pole section photo has a basket

it comes with a basket - right?
Answer from Zak M
Hey Jeff, the Vario lower sections do come with baskets yes.
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Question from Tom
Hi, thanks for sending me a replacement carbon lower fro some Vario poles. I have been unable however to remove the tip/basket from the broken shaft. I have used all the tools and tricks that have worked for me over the past 30 years to no avail( vise grip, hairdryer, etc). Any tips?
Answer from Cole P
Hey Tom, we would love to help you out. It would best if you email us at, that way we will be able to communicate and hopefully get your problem taken care of.
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Question from Alexander Rose-Innes
Hey guys, how do you remove straps from Dynafit poles? Have searched to the end if the internet and can’t find out how. The pin doesn’t budge.
Answer from Teddy Young
Hey Alexander, just because things can change between different models and years, could you send me a quick photo at ( I’ll be able to give some better info that way.
Also, are you trying to replace a damaged strap or just remove the strap completely?
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Question from Melanie Finnipot
I really dislike the current Black Diamond straps. Yours look much less "overbuilt".
Will your straps work as a replacement on Black Diamond trekking poles?

Thank you
Answer from Jeff
Melanie, The connection of the straps are different on each pole and many are not removable. I looked at and have Black Diamond and it is not likely that this will work. But you are welcome to email a picture to me at and we can see.
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Question from Glenn Larew
what size ski pole does the dynafit ultralight pole strap handle fit
Answer from Jeff
Glenn, the replacement straps are standard, will work with any length pole that has a removable strap.
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Question from Glenn Larew
what size pole do these fit
Answer from Jeff
Butterfly basket Extender is not a replacement basket. It snaps on to the butterfly basket on the DNA and Speed Poles.
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Question from thoma h
I know you don't sell these specific poles hoping, wishing, you sell the baskets.
Answer from jbo
Hi Thomas, we do carry the Carbonio pole, but unfortunately have not been able to get replacement baskets.
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Question from TZed
Curious as well if you will be getting the butterfly basket this season
Answer from I-M
Tzed, sorry no butterfly baskets this season.
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Question from Alison
Do you know if these baskets fit on BD poles?
Answer from Trace Leches
Hey Alison! That's a negative, though we do have some Black Diamond Baskets that may work!
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Question from Mark E
Do you know if you'll be receiving additional butterfly baskets for the 17-18 season?
Answer from jbo
Hi Mark, we should be getting then Butterfly 2.0 baskets in the near future. The "powder portion" is removable.
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