Racing and touring is hard on liners. Sweat builds up; articulation causes chafing. Replace your SCARPA boot liners with a fresh pair, listed below by model.
4-Pro Flex XT - The Intuition liner for the 4 Quattro XT and 4 Quattro XT Women's boots.
Alien - Updated Intuition liner that comes with the newer Alien boots (since 2019/20). Also known as the Cross Fit Tour Lite liner.
Alien 1.1 - Intuition Crossfit BT Liner for the 2nd version of the Alien 1.0 that we all refer to as the "1.1" edition here at Skimo Co. Big tongue but nothing in the back.
Pro Flex Evo - Replacement liner for your F1 boots. Also a great liner for other boots if you want a thinner Intuition liner (as compared to the Pro Tour). Women's version also available for your F1 women's boot!
Pro Flex TK - Replacement liners for TX Pro boots. Allows for the articulation needed in telemark boots.
Race 4.0 SL - Replacement liners for Alien 4.0 and related boots.
Tour LT - And also Tour LT Women. These are the liners found in the SCARPA F1 LT and F1 LT Women's boots. Typical Intuition foam that also works great in other boots.
Tour LT2 - Replacement liner for the F1 XT, but also very compatible with F1 LT and F1 GT boots.
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Questions & Reviews
We don't have the same Scarpa liner in stock, but an Intuition Tour Tongue liner would work well! The 12mm will be a bit thicker than the stock liner, appropriate if you would like to fill up a little space in the boot. The 9mm is closer to the stock thickness but is slightly thinner.
Yes, that would be the closest thing you can find!
Thank you!
The 9mm or 12mm Intuition Tour Tongue would be good options - 9 if you want to take up less space, 12 if you want to take up more space.
Thank you
After checking in with our in-house Tele expert, I would recommend an Intuition Tour Tongue in either the 9mm or 12mm thickness, depending on your fit in the shell. If you need to take up more room in the shell to prevent slop, and have more of a comfort fit, go with the 12mm. If you have a tight fit in the shell and don't want to add too much material, go 9mm.
For long tours, I could benefit from a liner with flex zones in the tongue for better uphill performance.
Q: how does the Intuition Pro Flex Performance compare to the Tour Tongue? Thickness, tongue flex zones?
I would say the Pro Flex Performance won't necessarily walk much better than the 12mm Tour Tongue. Similar thickness as well. If you're looking to improve range of motion, you'd need either a thinner liner or a lighter, better walking boot.
We do! I would recommend an Intuition Tour Tongue liner, most likely the 12mm thickness if you would like the liner to take up some space in the shell. If you have a very tight fit in the shell, then go with the 9mm. I would recommend verifying your boot size before you order - you should be able to find the boot sole length stamped one one side of the heel of the shell. With this number and some internet sleuthing, you can determine the size of the boot!
I found the F1, or Pro Flex Evo 24.5 liner, works the best. The 24.5 and 25 shell and liners are the same.
Since you are trying to change just the heel pocket, I would suggest trying this instead - liner sleeve
We have been working on it. Hopefully this Fall we will have.
I used to have a pair of those, so I'm familiar with the stock liner. I'd go with an Intuition Tour Tongue or Pro Tour in the 12mm (medium) thickness. It'll be a little bit thicker in the body of the liner than the stock, but not too much, and it's the same excellent, moldable Intuition foam.
The Scarpa 27.5 and 28 liners are all the same. There is no more volume in a 28, and they actually only sell the full size liners. A thicker liner will also change the fit, obviously. Having a tighter fitting boot can restrict circulation, making for cold feet.
Many people will get a boot a size bigger, then add a thicker Intuition liner.
Scarpa boots break on the half size, so the 27.5 and 28 shells are exactly the same. We only stock whole sizes in the Scarpa-specific F1 liner. For additional warmth, we often recommend Intuition liners due to their warmer foam. Scarpa liners are of course made by Intuition, so the next step would be a thicker one (assuming you have room in the shell to accommodate it).
The Intuition Tour Tongue in the 9mm volume will be slightly thicker in places than the stock F1 liner, and will work well with the normal fit of the boot. If your shell is a bit bigger on you, and you have extra room, you may be able to get a 12mm Tour Tongue in there, which would provide more insulation. However, if it's too tight a fit, it will squeeze your foot too much and ultimately be colder.
I would size either Tour Tongue thickness at a 28, which should give you slightly more liner compared to a standard Scarpa 28. You will want to heat mold these for room around the toes, especially in a colder climate.
My liner size currently is 255, original liners are Intuition FR Speed (see photo). Ideally the liners are replaced with a similair pair, as they fit my feet very well. Do you have any advice on which liner to choose?
Pro Tour
The Tour Tongues will be the most comparable aftermarket Intuition liners. The Tour Tongue is only available in dual density. They also have Downhill Tongue liners available in different density options, but we don't stock those. The 12mm Tour Tongue will be a little bit thicker than the stock Gea liners, which is often what folks are looking for in an aftermarket liner - it fills space a little better and will mold nicely. The 9mm is a great option if you were happy with the fit of the stock liner and aren't really looking to take up any more space/if you had a tighter fit.
I'm looking for a replacement liner for the stock liner that came with my size 26.5 Scarpa Maestrales from 2019-20. How do you recommend I deal with the 1/2 size? A local shop suggested getting the 27 and going a bit thicker than I otherwise would. Any recommendations in terms of model and size. Just looking to replace what I have.
Thank you.
I would go with a 27 over a 26 if you have a 26.5. I wouldn't recommend going thicker necessarily. We don't have any of the stock replacement liners left aside from a 31, but a medium volume Intuition Tour Tongue would be a good option.
Which liners would work best for my Maestrale XT’s?
Since we do not have the Maestrale RS liner in stock at the moment, I would look at the Intuition Tour Tongue liners. The 12mm thickness (medium) is likely the best, unless you have either a very tight or very loose fit in your shells.
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