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Dynafit Toe Pieces

From $79.95

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Need a replacement tech toe? Want a backup for a critical mission? Just need toes for a splitboard? Have only one leg? Whatever the reason, you can't go wrong with Dynafit binding toe pieces. Select from the optionally-auto-locking Low Tech Race; race weight but non-auto-locking Superlite; or the sturdy Radical toes with Power Towers, amongst others. Here are the details:

Weight (g) Weight (oz) WHAT'S INCLUDED?
Low Tech Race 2.0 / PDG 80 2.8 NO crampon clip or screws
Low Tech Race 105 67 2.4 4 screws, no crampon clip
Low Tech Race 115 80 2.8 4 screws, no crampon clip
Superlite 150 71 2.5 Leash attachment, NO crampon clip or screws
Superlite 2.0 / 175 80 2.8 NO crampon clip or screws
Blacklight 94 3.3 4 screws, crampon receptor, leash attachment
SpeedFit 126 4.4 Shim, crampon clip + 4 screws
Speed 10 / 12 104 3.7 Baseplate + 4 screws
Speed Turn 1.0 157 5.5 Integrated base plate + 5 screws
Speed Turn 2.0 139 4.9 Crampon clip + 4 screws
Speed Radical - Steel 145 5.1 Crampon clip + 4 screws
Speed Radical - Alu 114 4.0 NO crampon clip or screws
Speed Radical - Silver 110 3.9 Leash attachment but NO crampon clip or screws
Radical ST 154 5.4 Crampon clip, 4 screws, + toe shim
Radical ST - Aluminum 166 5.8 Crampon clip, 4 screws, + toe shim
Radical ST / FT - Steel 143 5.0 NO baseplate, crampon clip, or screws
Radical ST 2.0 223 7.9 Baseplate w/ crampon clip + 4 screws
ST Rotation 198 7.0 Baseplate + 4 screws
ST Rotation 7 218 7.7 NO crampon clip or screws
Vertical ST 200 7.1 Baseplate w/ crampon clip + 5 screws
Vertical FT 205 7.2 Baseplate w/ crampon clip + 5 screws
RC1** 37 1.3 Rotating unit + 4 screws

> Please note these toes are SOLD INDIVIDUALLY so consider buying two if you have a pair of skis that need fixin'. Also note that often Dynafit does not include removable crampon receptors or screws with replacement toe pieces as shown above. The same goes for Radical ST / FT base plates. All of those goodies can be found in our listing for parts. Also, see our listing for heels.

Low Tech Race toes are available in auto-locking and manual versions. Auto-locking means the toe tends towards walk mode when stepping in, whereas manual means you must pull the toe lever up to lock it.

** Please specify RIGHT or LEFT RC1 toe in the order comments and we'll see what we can do.

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Questions & Reviews

Question from Samuel Cooper
I have an old pair of tri-steps (haha), that I want to replace the toe pieces of. The rear towers are still in good shape, but the toes are causing me problems. Do you have any models that I can buy or scraps lying around with the same 5 bolt pattern and height offset? I've heard that the comfort (and maybe classic) models work as a direct switch, but I'm really not sure myself. Any advice would be helpful too! Thanks!
Answer from Jeff
Samuel, we actually have a set of used toes that have the same hole pattern and pin height- Used.
Or you can go new. The new Dynafit pattern you can use two holes and just drill two more. We have plenty to choose from Dynafit Toes.
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Question from Pete A
I picked up some speed turn 2.0's last year, and while I haven't had too many problems with pre-release, I have had enough where I'm scared to ski them on anything with sliding fall potential. The toes seem to release on jump turn type moves. Do you think an ST radical toepiece with the wings would have more beef for rotational turns on the steeps?
Answer from eric
Pete- Pre-release is due to the smaller amount of elasticity in tech bindings. I would first try turning your lateral release on your heel (the big flat head screw) up one notch and see if that helps your issues. To answer your question though the radical st toe is not any beefier. The wings are to assist with step in. There are toes from other brands that offer more retention.
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Question from Jeff
I have a set of the original hoji beast 16s with toe pieces that seem on the verge of failure, the beast 14 toe piece is the same as the radical 2.0 ST/FT which is in turn almost the same as the rotation 10/12, would the ST rotation toepiece be a viable match with my beast 16 heels, which are basically identical to the beast 14?
Answer from Jeff
Jeff, All your deductions are correct about the toe pieces. Whether or not the release values will align to spec, I cannot /would not say.
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Question from John
I have a set of dynafit tlt speedfit toe pieces that are causing me trouble. One prereleases unexpectedly and the other has the little plastic bit that keeps the toe locked in tour mode sheared off.

Do you have a better alternative that would fit the same whole pattern?

Answer from jbo
Hi John, all of the Radical, Turn, LTR, and PDG bindings use the same toe hole pattern as the Speed. The Radical are the most popular.
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Question from Mark
I have brand new Scarpa F1 boots with brand new Speed Turn 2.0 bindings. The toes are very hard to release (impossible at times) when the heel is locked (ski mode), and moderately hard to release with the heel in tour. These problems do not exist with the new boot in old bindings, or old boots in the new bindings. I have never experienced this in 12+ years of tech setups. Have you run into this issue, or perhaps have any sage advice?
Answer from Trace Leches
Hey Mark! We have run into issues like this before a few times. Because there is no standardization as far as wing clearance, boot sole rocker, boot lug height, etc, there are a lot of variables at play. If you pop the boot into the binding and try to open the toe piece (while not wearing the boot), see if the rubber is hitting the toe wings at all. If it is, grinding the rubber down might mitigate some of these issues and gain more clearance for the binding to open.
Answer from Mark H
After some shaving and cutting on the boot sole, the problem is possibly a little better, but still exists. The boot is still stuck in the toe piece when depressing the toe lever to release the toe pins. It is worst when the heel is locked; when the heel is free you can rotate to a sweet spot where the toe pins let go. The new F1 boot works fine with an old TLT Speed toe (the 5-hole one). So, I measured the pin spread when the binder is open and the old Speed toes open to ~69 mm where the new ones open to ~66 mm. I think the narower gap is part of the issue. Not sure where to go, but afraid to keep grinding away the boot....
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Question from mbillie1
What (if any) Dynafit toes share the hole pattern of the Speed Radical? I have some SR toes I wouldn't mind eventually swapping for something lighter and red if possible lol. PDG toes match? Superlites?
Answer from jbo
Hi mbillie1, lots of the toes use the Radical pattern, including the Superlites, LTR/PDGs, and Speed Turn 2.0s. We nerded out with the calipers and documented all the mounting patterns here.
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Question from Eric
Are any of these the 12 din rotational toe?
Answer from Trace Leches
Hey Eric! Yeah, the Radical 2.0 toe is the same one on the Radical 2.0 ST and FT. We don't have the new ST Rotation 10 or 12 toe though if that's what you're going for. Should see those soon I believe?
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Question from toddball
Are the toes the same for the black and white versions of the Superlite 2.0?
Answer from Trace Leches
Structurally, yes. Aesthetically, no. Just a lever difference, everything else is the same though.
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bobbytooslow (downright abused product)
The Radical ST/FT toe pretty much is (or at least should be) the standard for low tech toe pieces. It's only 63g heavier than the Superlite, but it clicks in more crisply, and feels stiffer when making turns. These strike the right balance of weight/durability/performance.
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Question from Pietr
Hi, can we use any of the Dynafit Toe pieces with the Speed Radical heel pieces? Which Toe piece is the strongest? Thanks
Answer from jbo
Hi Pietr, I would say there are some exceptions, like the RC1 and Low Tech Race. Many seem to work, though you probably want to check your release values. The Speed Radical / Radical ST toes are the burliest.
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Question from Peter
I have a radical 2.0 with the rotating toe piece. I try to carry a spare toe piece to get home or on remote trips in case the unthinkable happens. Are any of the lighter/less pricey toe pieces compatible with the hole pattern for the 2.0?
Answer from jbo
Hi Peter, unfortunately not, sorry!
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Question from Roland
Hi, I have dynafit baltoro skis and I need a front binding, would you have it?
Answer from Trace Leches
Hey Roland! Dynafit had a few skis with pre-drilled inserts in the past, but I didn't think the Baltoro had those inserts. Could you send a picture of the ski with a binding and the ski that's missing a binding and maybe we can clear this up? I'd rather not assume something and possibly get you the wrong toe piece.
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Question from Dan
I just bought a pair of the Speed Turn 2.0 toes to use for a TTS setup. They didn't come with any sort of baseplate. Are they meant to be mounted directly to the ski? When the pins are in the closed position, the lever that extends under them protrudes slightly below the base of the binding, so it doesn't sit flat.
Answer from Trace Leches
Hey Dan! Speed Turn 2.0 toes should come about as bare bones as it gets, just the toe piece, 4 screws, and a crampon clip. They're designed to be mounted directly to the ski (unless the TTS system you're using requires a baseplate, then it'll mount to that as long as the hole pattern is correct). The lever will protrude below the baseplate when there's no boot in it, but once you pop a boot in there it'll widen the pins up and prevent it from bottoming out like that.
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Question from Mike Lammert
Does the speed radical X1 toe piece have same mounting pattern as TLTs from '07? (grey volcano, just before vertical came out)
Answer from Rebekah S
Hi Mike,

That's a negative on the hole patterns, they are not compatible. However, any of the Plum toe pieces will work withe the exception of the Plum Yak. You can find our chart of hole patterns here.
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Question from chris

I was wondering if this toe piece can be adapted to slip onto a regular demo-adjustable base plate so that I can switch it out for the regular downhill toe binding. I'm looking to keep the cost down for alpine touring gear for my 10 year old son and this appears to be the solution.

Check out 5:40 on this you tube clip.


Answer from Trace Leches
Hey Chris. Dang! That's a slick setup! Yes, the toe piece will absolutely work, but I think the bigger issue will be finding the rental plate in that video. Even once you find it and get it mounted you'd still have to make sure he's in a boot that fits both an alpine binding (potentially even a kids alpine binding if that's what he's in) and also a tech binding. If you do find such a boot to meet all of those requirements then in my mind it makes more sense (financially, operationally, mentally for you and him) to just stick with a full blown tech binding.

It's a bummer there isn't more junior touring gear, but I've got a few ideas:
Hagan's Z02 Junior Binding will work if he's in a junior boot.
Contour's Kids Touring Adapter is a solid option, especially for the cost. We're expecting more of those in the coming weeks.

Otherwise if he has a tech boot that already fits him then a full blown tech binding is likely the best option.
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Question from Phil
There isn't an option to buy Speed Turn 2.0 Toes but it looks like they are displayed in one of the photos. Will they be available later? The Speed Radical toe is a slightly heavier option I guess...
Answer from Trace Leches
Hey Phil, thanks for reaching out. Yup, we sold out of our first run of those pretty quickly and don't have a ton of plans to buy more (though that will likely change, but I can't promise anything). The Speed Radical toe piece is slightly heavier, but that comes in the form of the Power Towers and a slightly different crampon receptor.
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Question from Bobby
I have the Radical 1.0. Do the Speed Turn 2.0 toes use the same mounting pattern? Are the pins essentially in the same place? Does the Low Tech Race / Superlite use this pattern as well?
Answer from jbo
Hi Bobby, yes the Speed Turn 2.0s have the same mounting pattern as the Radical 1.0s. Pins are in the same place fore/aft, but would be lower since the Speed Turn doesn't have a baseplate. Same toe pattern for LTR & Superlite but different heels obviously.
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Question from matt
are these sold as a pair or just a single toe piece?
Answer from jbo
Hi Matt, all of these are sold individually.
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Question from Dan
I read through the questions and got close but not quite the answer I'm looking for. I'm looking at the Radical ST/FT for a TTS setup. I'm confused about the base plate setup, whether I would need it and if it's included. Looks like screws aren't included - I'm guessing you sell them separately. Thanks!
Answer from jbo
Correct Dan, the baseplates (not necessary for TTS afaik), crampon receptor, and screws are separate and listed here.
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Question from Troy
Have some dynafit tlt vertical 12 and need to replace the toes. Please advise regarding compatability with other dynafit toe pieces. I know not all the drill patterns are the same but these would be going on a different ski. Are heel and toe heights compatible among models? Hope my question is clear. Thanks for your time
Answer from jbo
Hi Troy, you can mix and match to some degree, but there are exceptions and variances in pin heights. Send us an e-mail to verify your plans.
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